
presentation about spirituality for a high school class

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@LoveandPurpose smile and talk to them  like they're a close friend who's interested in what you have to say. Obviously have some notes to keep you in track. Breathe. Smile. There are many ways to help anxiety over time, but since you only have 1 day, that's the best I can say. Run through your talk out loud several times. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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@Elisabeth Well on the one hand it went terrible :D The powerpoint presentation was broken and because of time issues I had to stop speaking after 5 minutes. And I noticed that most of the students weren't even listening/interested. (Maybe because the talk was in the afternoon)

BUT: My personal goal was to be completly authentic, something that I struggle with, and I achieved that :) Also, one person wrote me afterwards and now we're talking about it and sharing ideas. So despite everything, I'm happy :)

Yet I ask myself: Was I the the reason for them not being interested? I don't know. It was late in the afternoon so after a whole day they probably just wanted to go home. But maybe I designed the talk too complicated. Two people who read something about it already said that didn't think they would have understood what "observe your thoughts" meant if they didn't have the knowledge beforehand. But maybe that's because of the nature of the topic.

Thank you for asking :)

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@LoveandPurpose  Was it like they wanted you to talk about it, or have you sort of invited yourself? :) My friend called me a toxic narcissist after telling her just from my curiosity... xD Maybe not the best idea.

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@LoveandPurpose loool. Still respect for doing this even if it went bad :D

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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4 hours ago, LoveandPurpose said:

You got to choose the topic yourself :)

With this I didn't mean you and your friend, but myself choosing the topic for the talk :D If I'm right that you misunderstood me ;o

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@LoveandPurpose  I understand what you meant there... I don't think, that my friend is weird, she is kind of different, not interested in spirituality, but you can learn from literally anyone. By her saying this I discovered that maybe it's not ideal to try to spread the Truth and control other's lives and this understanding is deeper and deeper as time goes on. It's like serving meat to a teethless child. I want to say that maybe you were aiming too high or there was some other toxic motivation behind it... :) I think that talking about things like this with people who are genuinely interested is much more rewarding.

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@bejapuskas Yes strange wasn't the right word. Everyone is on their own journey. 

Maybe I aimed too high yeah. Worth a try.

What would be an example of a toxic motivation?

And what I asked myself: How can you rightly introduce spirituality to them? Or shouldn't you feed meat to a teethless child at all?

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@LoveandPurpose it's helpful to look at this situation this way.

Your buisness is just to spread the message of truth. How people gonna respond is not your buisness. You just shine truth as sun is shining, who benefits from it is up to them  :)

It's kind of like doing good things without expectating any results. Simply a series of good actions, without expectations :)

Idk if this is relevent here :D

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@LoveandPurpose  Do you actually feel like everyone is on their journey or are you just saying it? :) Investigate this, it is powerful. Sure, it definitely was worth a try :) Toxic motivation is a lack of presence, love, compassion, honesty and transparency, like pick up for example - manipulating girls just to have sex with them. I like looking at people who are in the 10th ox-herding picture, just being there for people. I think Shinzen Young shared a nice example in his mini series about these pictures :) Not trying to look cool by teaching these things, just listening and flowing.

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On 2/14/2019 at 7:36 AM, LoveandPurpose said:

@Elisabeth Well on the one hand it went terrible :D The powerpoint presentation was broken and because of time issues I had to stop speaking after 5 minutes. And I noticed that most of the students weren't even listening/interested. (Maybe because the talk was in the afternoon)

The one who hasn’t, still doesn’t know this yet - and might not know failure is progress. ?

BUT: My personal goal was to be completly authentic, something that I struggle with, and I achieved that :) Also, one person wrote me afterwards and now we're talking about it and sharing ideas. So despite everything, I'm happy :)


Yet I ask myself: Was I the the reason for them not being interested?

They have the relativity of their lives to undo. At best, in one 5 minute shot, you could maybe introduced spirituality....and you did. It might matter more down the road to any one of them then you could know now. They just might see you ‘doin the work’ feeling the results, addressing fear - and being happy, and maybe they’ll then think...hey, maybe I should look into that too. 

 ....And some will, some won’t, what! 

I don't know. It was late in the afternoon so after a whole day they probably just wanted to go home. But maybe I designed the talk too complicated. Two people who read something about it already said that didn't think they would have understood what "observe your thoughts" meant if they didn't have the knowledge beforehand. But maybe that's because of the nature of the topic.

First time I heard that, 25 years ago, I had no idea what the heck it meant too. But I remember exactly who said it. ♥️ A year later....I heard it.     And guess what?   That person has never known I heard them! 





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