
Life = Self delusion

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13 minutes ago, Jack River said:

I get a feeling @ajasatya is referring to totality. The seeing/understanding that consciousness modulates itself as what you refer to as SELFS DELUSION. Yet I think he is speaking of how that modulation is itself truth.

As in one indivisible whole. 

But I saw what you originally meant @Preetom

In the land of non-duality, any direction you take is the Truth. Where else could you go?

''Every belief is an image of Truth'' - Shakespeare(probably)

Thanks @Jack Riverand @ajasatya for your sincere insights ^_^

10 minutes ago, Aakash said:

i have a question 

if the mind is an illusion 

that creates illusion or self deceptions, the biggest being "i am" because i means there is a self that is experiencing or is. 

then how should i talk or refer to myself as consciousness or awareness 

should i say "we" "us" or awareness is experiencing the fruit going into its mouth (which is 3rd person) 

It is the mind that simultaneously projects, experiences duality and deludes itself into believing all of it as real.

That's why all self delusion, suffering and all ideas of salvation are for the mind, never for our real self Awareness aka pure I AM.

But the 'knowing' with which this finite mind knows all seeming objects; the 'non-dual knowing' that the mind fragments into the dualistic subject-object knowing to delude itself; that 'knowing' is infinite and doesn't belong to the mind.

In the Absolute level you are that pure Awareness. That is your real I. But to survive inside the self imposed delusion of unreal, relative reality you inevitably attach with an object(body-mind) to refer yourself as I. This is not something in your 'control'. The very seeing of relative reality means we are already in the realm of self delusion of arising as a distinct subject which is knowing other separate objects.

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@Preetom i feel is all one totality though. Not separate. What is aware and what arises in that awareness is one undivided totality. It’s all you/I. 

Edited by Jack River

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16 minutes ago, Preetom said:

pure I AM

Thanks this answered my question 

man even though this is said from my mind, i'm pretty sure i've become pure awareness, i have some mind doubts and self-delusions of it being wrong or that there's more to do to find it. 

^ but all of this is said with mind. when i meditate my mind only says one or two thing every 30 seconds or minute or so. so when i close my eyes i can't feel like i have recognised it but with my eyes open (as i've been doing most of it with my eyes open) when my mind shuts i do reside as awareness 

do you think i'm self deceiving myself 

mingyur said as soon as you meditate, that is awareness 

i just got it , but i think again i'm self-decieving with my mind 

Edited by Aakash

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16 minutes ago, Aakash said:

Thanks this answered my question 

man even though this is said from my mind, i'm pretty sure i've become pure awareness, i have some mind doubts and self-delusions of it being wrong or that there's more to do to find it. 

^ but all of this is said with mind. when i meditate my mind only says one or two thing every 30 seconds or minute or so. so when i close my eyes i can't feel like i have recognised it but with my eyes open (as i've been doing most of it with my eyes open) when my mind shuts i do reside as awareness 

do you think i'm self deceiving myself 

mingyur said as soon as you meditate, that is awareness 

i just got it , but i think again i'm self-decieving with my mind 


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin very very very relevant point, 

the thing doubting is the illusion, i want to kill this bastard 

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6 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Shin very very very relevant point, 

the thing doubting is the illusion, i want to kill this bastard 

Read again the last sentence, and sense the irony of it ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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26 minutes ago, Aakash said:

Thanks this answered my question 

man even though this is said from my mind, i'm pretty sure i've become pure awareness, i have some mind doubts and self-delusions of it being wrong or that there's more to do to find it. 

^ but all of this is said with mind. when i meditate my mind only says one or two thing every 30 seconds or minute or so. so when i close my eyes i can't feel like i have recognised it but with my eyes open (as i've been doing most of it with my eyes open) when my mind shuts i do reside as awareness 

do you think i'm self deceiving myself 

mingyur said as soon as you meditate, that is awareness 

i just got it , but i think again i'm self-decieving with my mind 

Akash this is something Sri Sadhu Om, one of the cleanest interpreters of Sri Ramana's teaching talked about.

You are at a very good place indeed. Looks like you can easily bypass all thoughts and doubts and 'feel' that non-objective experience of being aware aka just I AM.

This self-awareness is becoming more and more available throughout the day.

But this is NOT the final realization. Many people think at this state that they have got it. But no. Please don't call off the search prematurely.

Your job now should be to become more and more vigilant to bring this self-awareness into everyday life, not just in meditation with eyes closed.

You will know when your DONE. Done means done. A point will come, when you will 'gain' a self-knowledge beyond all doubt. So much so that you might totally lose interest in knowing who are business because you've figured it out from inside out. 

That irreversible state is called Sahaja Samadhi where the ego will never arise again as a subject to know other objects. It is literally Manonasa or the destruction of mind.

Be thankful for the doubts. Keep up the inquiry. In your case, it's less about inquiry and more about self-abidance at this point. Keep going.

As daddy Mckenna would say further further further 9_9

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Thank you, i checked up a video on the word self- abidance, i understood what it was saying. 

Those doubts just lead you to the next phase it seems; but then again there are no phases, just remaining as. 

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1 hour ago, Preetom said:

and thus we create our own self imposed, manageable hell to nest in

no way. life feels GREAT xD

the word "delusion" means ignorance to me. and the word "ignorance", to me, means to suffer due to confusion or lack of knowledge. this is not nearly close to the way i experience Life.

unborn Truth

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17 minutes ago, Aakash said:

Thank you, i checked up a video on the word self- abidance, i understood what it was saying. 

Those doubts just lead you to the next phase it seems; but then again there are no phases, just remaining as. 

In order be totally done, you must have 100% absolutely clear self knowledge. There can't be even 0.0001% doubt in that knowledge.

You can doubt your own birth or your parents, but you can't doubt your self knowledge - that is the level of irreversible conviction we are talking about here.

Stay with the I AM and things will click in due time.

Edited by Preetom

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@Mikael89 I said the ideas

the ideas

 the ideas


9 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

It's all a huge pile of confusion.

you got this one. As long as there is the 'confused', there is always gonna be a huge pile of confusion.

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@Mikael89 nahh don't worry dude, he made sense. its just complex 

basically, enlightenment is non sense because everyone is enligthened 

but the trickery of the mind still exsist in the self-deluded sense

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I also think that we(doubter types) need a clear doubt free intellectual understanding first before a genuine and wholehearted search can begin for real.

So I would suggest you to spend time, use any way necessary to work through your doubts intellectually until you really get that there is no other way than to do this work. You probably wouldn't succeed anyway without that level of purity of intent.

Use this forum, or I can suggest you a few good books to serve that purpose~

Edited by Preetom

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@Preetom you know what fuck it i don't have any doubts, i always end up back at the same place and its crazy. 

the doubter is an illusion i created. happy enlightened days ahaha

(just kidding, like i said enlightenment isn't an event or anything or anything to expect like you said) 

it doesn't solve your problems, it only reveals the truth. 

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There is never really a ‘done’. It assumes cultivation through duality itself. 

To start nearer to home (subjec/object phenomenon) we can move further and further inward leading to the obviousness of I AM. 

You are your own book. The book of I?


Edited by Jack River

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@Aakash @Jack River

What I mean is there may not be a place called 'done', but the self-knowledge can't be so fickle that it comes and goes.

This stabilizing process is highly ignored in many spiritual circles and thus we get neo advatins and newer versions of new age fads every year.

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8 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

What are the books?

1) Happiness and art of being - Michael James (Available free from author's website as pdf)

2) Presence Vol 1 and 2, The Nature of Consciousness - Rupert Spira

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2 minutes ago, Preetom said:

What I mean is there may not be a place called 'done', but the self-knowledge can't be so fickle that it comes and goes.

Indeed :)

I know what you meant. Just wanted to point to the place that notion arises from. 

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3 minutes ago, Preetom said:

but the self-knowledge can't be so fickle that it comes and goes.

trust me this doesn't come and go loool! its crazy how simple it is. it is your very being that is awareness. 

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7 minutes ago, Aakash said:

trust me this doesn't come and go loool! its crazy how simple it is. it is your very being that is awareness. 


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