
Teal Swan and Her Teaching?

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Hello guys for you who do not know Teal Swan is a spiritual teacher who has extra sensory perception. In my opinion her teachings are very good but still im not sure what stage of S.D. she is. I would assume that she is at least yellow. What do you guys think ?


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I'm not sure which stage she is at but I'm usually pretty impressed with her insight and ability to go deep on unconventional topics. 

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Two threads on Teal Swan’s teachings have been merged. Please discuss here ? 

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I'd say she's stage Orange. She's a con artist that uses her appearance to sell a product. Be it her $3000 weekend seminars. Or the mugs, shoes, hats, Yoga matts, tote bags, gift cards, and posters she sells on her website. She is in this for fame and money. She had said as much on video in interviews. She is solid orange (greed and concerned with image). Nowhere near Yellow. Yellow doesn't use knowledge to fleece people out of millions. 

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@Jed Vassallo Remember that business can be conducted at any stage of the Spiral. Yellow and above do not necessarily have to give everything away for free.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I've found Teal's perspectives on emotions to be fresh and thought-provoking.


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She is very powerful, hamonically speaking, and also a plus, she is a woman. It is easyer for her to an extent to heal with energy.


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Because of my struggle with loneliness, someone adviced me to read “The Anatomy of Loneliness” by the woman herself.

Leo put her in stage Turquoise (in the example topic) and so I expected much. Although her book was good and made me understand new things, in the end it all came to love. Something I just don’t understand. She gave a lot of practices and made many references to relationships, even though the book is about being lonely.

Her forum is rather confusing to me. I made an account there and posted one thing. The forum seems rather dead, no responses. 

She has a ‘special’ background story, but her teachings are alright. Still don’t know why she is obsessed with mentioning that people call her The Spiritual Catalyst or something. It is just a title.

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21 minutes ago, Ampresus said:

Leo put her in stage Turquoise (in the example topic) and so I expected much

he didn't do this, he actually was speculating she was a cult leader. leo said he doesnt know much about her 


i've found teal's stuff helpful though. but when she does stuff like this im like what? her body language in that video is the same language i would give to someone if i'm lying. 

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2 hours ago, d0ornokey said:

her body language in that video is the same language i would give to someone if i'm lying. 

she has that sort of mirroring affect on people :D 

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17 hours ago, Aldo said:

Hello guys for you who do not know Teal Swan is a spiritual teacher who has extra sensory perception. In my opinion her teachings are very good but still im not sure what stage of S.D. she is. I would assume that she is at least yellow. What do you guys think ?

A person is a mixture of elements along various lines of development. For example, a person can be a mixture of Orange and Yellow along the cognitive line, yet their Orange framework might be a weight on development and we might say they are “centered” in Orange. Along the emotional line of development, that same person may be a mixture of Orange and Green.

As well, the expression of a developmental level will not always look the same as it is expressed through a given personality. For example, someone might show aspects of Turqoise, yet it may appear to be “quirky”, while Turqoise appear mystical while expressed through another personality. One could say there are maturity levels within a SD developmental level. There are lots of videos that poke fun at immature expressions of Green spirituality.

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On 16.5.2019 at 5:49 PM, d0ornokey said:

he didn't do this, he actually was speculating she was a cult leader. leo said he doesnt know much about her

I find this funny, because from my perspective Leo's and Teal's content is quite similar. Except for the difference in gender perspective: Leo's stuff is masculine, while Teal's is feminine. :)

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Excellent video 2019 expo on shame with demonstrations and discussing spiritual escapism and disconnection 

Edited by DrewNows

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On 6/10/2019 at 2:03 PM, Pallero said:

I find this funny, because from my perspective Leo's and Teal's content is quite similar. Except for the difference in gender perspective: Leo's stuff is masculine, while Teal's is feminine. :)

The major difference between Leo and Teal is money. She changes $3000 per person per talk. Leo shares his knowledge for free. Teal sells mugs, shoes, hats, Yoga matts, tote bags, gift cards, and posters she sells on her website. Leo only sells a book list and a life purpose course. Both he spent a lifetime developing. Leo is in this to share knowledge. He only make enough to keep a roof over his head. Teal is in it for millions of dollars, as much as she can fleece from her followers. She is in it for fame and money. That there is a HUGE difference between these two. 

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6 hours ago, Jed Vassallo said:

The major difference between Leo and Teal is money. She changes $3000 per person per talk. Leo shares his knowledge for free. Teal sells mugs, shoes, hats, Yoga matts, tote bags, gift cards, and posters she sells on her website. Leo only sells a book list and a life purpose course. Both he spent a lifetime developing. Leo is in this to share knowledge. He only make enough to keep a roof over his head. Teal is in it for millions of dollars, as much as she can fleece from her followers. She is in it for fame and money. That there is a HUGE difference between these two. 

Maybe this video will shed some light on Teal's relationship to money:

Leo himself has said many times that he has spent a lot of money on his spiritual growth, and he also encourages his followers to do the same. Do you think he would do that if he believed that charging money for spiritual services is wrong? I would be interested to hear @Leo Gura perspective on this issue. There's nothing unspiritual about money. Money is a tool that can be used for both good and bad. You can do a lot of good in the world with money. A person with money is powerful. A monk who lives in a cave somewhere probably won't influence many people through his teachings. If we want positive transformation in this world, wouldn't you agree that we need money to do that, and it would be preferable the money was in the hands of highly conscious people instead of low-consciousness greedy environment destroying people? Would you have given Mother Theresa or Gandhi money so that they could have influenced even more people than they did?

So many spiritually inclined people have this belief: "money is unspiritual", "money is bad", because we have seen so many bad things done with money. But it's not the truth of money. In reality, spirituality cannot and will not become mainstream (and consequently the world will not become a safe place) until spiritual people are willing to embrace money.

Yes, it might be true that Teal is interested in creating social global change, whereas Leo just wants to understand everything, but I predict from my crystal ball that in a few years' time Leo will also want to be an even bigger part of social change than he is now. Of course, he's contributing so much already, but he might want to do even more later. After all, wouldn't we all benefit from highly conscious influencers? And Leo is definitely in a position to be one if he wants to.

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On 01/04/2019 at 1:25 AM, Joseph Maynor said:

@DrewNows She comes off like a highly-intelligent, manipulative, cunning, soulless, ego-maniacal, compulsive liar.  That's the vibe I get.  Sorry if this is offensive to people.  She also laughs at inappropriate times too, which is kinda odd behavior.  She has a flat affect -- like there's no there there.  I feel like she exploits her beauty.  If she wasn't so pretty, she would sound much more like a nutcase.  

I wonder why she triggers you :) I found a lot of spiritual teachers have a weird laugh - still I continue to listen to what they say. I do not see evidence to support your character description of Teal.

To her beauty - I think it is more likely opposite, people (or men rather) judge her because she looks good and is not afraid to express it. It does not click well with a stereotype of a spiritual teacher and makes men feel threatened - does not mean that women should hide their femininity in my opinion.

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On 5/8/2019 at 10:10 PM, Swagala said:




I really liked this video, somehow when she is angry she is more natural.

In her other videos she seem a bit weird, but after knowing about her difficult past, I like her more.

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Do you guys think her frequency paintings work?

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On 5/16/2019 at 1:39 AM, Jed Vassallo said:

I'd say she's stage Orange. She's a con artist that uses her appearance to sell a product. Be it her $3000 weekend seminars. Or the mugs, shoes, hats, Yoga matts, tote bags, gift cards, and posters she sells on her website. She is in this for fame and money. She had said as much on video in interviews. She is solid orange (greed and concerned with image). Nowhere near Yellow. Yellow doesn't use knowledge to fleece people out of millions. 

You seem to be really hung up on this monetization thing. 

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