
Past Life and Awakening

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If a person awekens in this life . The self is realized ,ok. But the ego remains in some level.  


This ego will reincarnete  ? The Ego(identity) of the person ? 

If yes ....Ok

If no , why not?


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If you get into state of nonduality that doesn't mean you're free from cycles of life and death. To brake the cycle one must dissolve all the karma.

Have you been to vipassana? You'd understand what I mean because they are not trying to achieve any nondual state but to dissolve all karma, all cravings and avversions that forces this being to reincarnate.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I'm afraid you misconceive reincarnation. Research deeper.

The ego can't reincarnate, firstly because there's no such thing, secondly, because the memories that are ingrained will wither with the brain, what reincarnates is you, but not the false self- That said, you may say that your children are you reincarnated, and some deeply ingrained DNA memory will pass on.

Also, what separates you from any living creature that will ever be born, and has been born in the entire universe?

Reincarnation happens to you every time you conceive of yourself as existent, and you cease to reincarnate upon liberation.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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@Anton Rogachevski

Oh ,so reincarnation is when i see myself as existing ...ok

Is basically the illusion? When i'm just pure beeing is nothing to reincarnate . When i see myself as a person with a body and memories i start again to reincarnate?

I'm new in this . I will research more. 



I think i understand on some level. I need to do more research. THX you!


Edited by ActualizedDavid

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The following is an excerpt from Jan Esmann's book- Lovebliss.

The interviewer asks Jan some questions that someone new on this path is likely to have. Hope this helps:)

Q: Does the small self wander from life to life? I mean, we reincarnate, don’t we?

J: The tendencies of the small self perpetuate themselves from life to life, and they generate a new small self from life to life. The energy in the small self keeps on going, but the specific ego is generated in each life around a basic core that reincarnates. This means that the less you identify with the small self, the more you will have continuity between lives, and eventually you will be able to remember past lives. The more you are identified with the small self, the more you will actually lose. I told you, the small self is a fiction. Believing it to be you is a trap.


Q: Does the Self not reincarnate?

J: The Self cannot be said to be incarnated or non-incarnated. Remember, it simply IS and does not depend on anything, nor is it qualified by anything. It is the Pure Being that permeates all your lives, and it is your presence here and now. It has no history, since it does not grow or age, so therefore it cannot be said to reincarnate. But do remember, it is YOU. The Self is the detached witness of all your lives, and it is the deepest continuity throughout the changing existences.

Q: So what actually reincarnates if not the Self?

J: First and foremost, the identity structure built up around the identification mechanism. In other words, everything you believe you are will wander from life to life. The dynamics of the identification mechanism is anything that is self-referential and which generates identity structures in the psyche. These dynamics are any psychological workings that can be put in the formula “I … this/that/him”. For example, “I hate this”, “I desire that”, “I played with him”, etc. So all of the basic psycho-dynamics and emotions are the culprits. They include hate, desire, greed, lust; but also self-referential activities like cheating, hurting, deceiving, etc. that define you through a negative space. The negative space is either within you, as in “I need this”, or projected onto another, as in “she is wrong”, etc. Banal love is also a culprit since it is defined by a lack and a want which is self-referential. True love, however, is not self-referential and based on lack, but is based on abundance and is "other-centered". So is true kindness, true compassion and true devotion, and so forth. Today most acts of kindness, compassion and devotion are self-referential and spring from more or less unconscious calculations such as, “If I am kind to him, he will help me”. Such hypocrisy greatly enhances the identity structure.


Q: What happens to all this after Self-realization?

J: Its days are numbered. After Self-realization all this may still have energy in it, and will continue on for a while. If it has enough energy after death, it will generate another incarnation. Once you get Self-realized you will feel it falling away at an incredible rate. So your sādhana after Self-realization becomes twofold. First and foremost is to merge into Lovebliss. Secondly, be aware of the energy contained within the identity structures that are still hanging around whenever they become active. And when they become active, you simply observe them from the Self, with Lovebliss, and they will crush. Some energies have to manifest and so be it. You simply observe that also, and remember that it is only karma unfolding.


Q: Is all this, which you call unfolding energies, the same as karma?

J: Yes, it is the same. Remember that with Self-realization you step out of these energies, and this is the same as saying that you step out of karma. In the Bhagavad-Gītā it is called: “stepping out of the gunas”, and it is the same thing. Self-realization is freedom, it is liberation.

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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@legendary +1


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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 ok . I think understand now. 

Thx you Guys !


Edited by ActualizedDavid

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