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Questions about distractions

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Hello everybody. Recently I listened to Leo's video called ''Distraction - The Ego's Favorite Defense Mechanism'' and by simply meditating about this I came to many conclusions. They are as followed:
1. This is all pointless
2. Why are you reading this? Don't you have better things to be? What is wrong with being? Are you that empty?
3. I need to kill all this bs off and become.
4. Every little thing that you do without consciousness is ultimately a waste of time and surpressing what is. We all have been conditioned to do stuff. The moment you don't have anything to do, people call you useless. When in reality, they are being useless. Why do stuff? The fuck is good about doing? Are you trying to slow down time? ''Oh maybe if I go out with my friends, I won't be alone at home doing nothing''. Keep telling yourself that fairytale. It is all nonsense dude!
5. Maybe I need to stop waisting my time.

Yes I know this looks like a rant against normal living, but these are the things I realized when looking both around and at myself. I always do stuff. What is wrong with sitting for hours doing nothing? Am I gonna die? No. Am I gonna get bored? No, I will get lost in thoughts. In fact, thinking about the consequence ''I will get bored'' is a thought itself! I am fooling myself! And so is everybody else haha!

I feel insane. What do you think about this post, the fact that you read all of this? What do you think about being able to point out to me ''yeah but aren't you waisting time typing this post?'' How do you feel when saying that?

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I think many get their knickers in a twist about wasting time and being distracted. Think less about thinking less about being and distraction and wasting time, it's a distraction and it wastes time.

Instead. Breathe.

There's no question about not being 'concious'. You are conscious 100%, every second of your existence; there is no 'off' button.

There is no better or worse, full stop. All comparisons are utterly ridiculous and futile. There is no insanity, because in the end that's just a comparison: which is utterly ridiculous and futile.

There is no free will. 'You' are not in control of your life, your thoughts or your experiences. Nothing is happening to you.

Just let you happen, the same way that everybody and everything else just happens. And pay attention to that.



57% paranoid

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How is your control of attention? Is it dispersed often where life is just encountered on 'autopilot'. Or is the attention drawn by things. Maybe even doom scenarios which to avoid. 

If one doesn't control their own attention, what does that say?

They are essentially a slave? Or a mechanical, stimulus response meat computer with emotions?

Being awakened means you direct your attention. You don't forget yourself. You never get bored. Nothing is wrong. Nobody is bad. The intuition is informed by pure feeling uncorrupted by self interest.

People are often on a pendulum of wake and waking/sleep throughout the day. Especially those newer to the work. This in itself creates existential angst and disparities which are resolved when an awakened state becomes more steady. 

Attention can be:

1 - Dispersed

2 - Drawn

3 - Directed

Others judgement of nondoing is drawn attention through identifications.

Reaching conclusions of others who are judging is judging and is attention being drawn through identification.

Freedom is being in possession of ones own attention which is inner freedom.

It has a lot to do with being deliberate.

Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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.@LastThursday If you're consciously aware, you do. If not, any distraction or identification does.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot what is the difference between being conciously aware and not conciously aware?

I mean I get it, you can compare yourself to another person and say, "gosh they're so unaware and distracted and they identify so much". But what do you do when it comes to yourself? You can't compare yourself to yourself. How would you know if you yourself are consiously aware? And what do you do if someone else tells you: "gosh you're so unaware and distracted and you identify too much"? Do you believe them? Would it suddenly make you conciously aware?

57% paranoid

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