
90 Min Of Monkey Mind

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I meditate each night for 90 min i do the strong determination sitting combined with the do nothing technique , i have started using the technique for about 6 mounths . The problem is that all what i experience i monkey mind all the 90 min and it is very rare when i can taste hits of pure aweareness . Should i increase the length ? Or can i be falling in the trap of the day dreaming ?

Edited by oussama

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15 hours ago, oussama said:

 Should i increase the length ? Or can i be falling in the trap of the day dreaming ?

Monkey mind isn't bad to have, could just be that you purge a lot of shit out of your system. I wouldn't recommend to increase your time yet. I'd say 90 minutes is pretty ambitious for 6 months. If you are completely cool with that and think you can do that for the rest of your life, stay with it. Else, go down to 60 minutes and hammer that time span away.

If you can stay with strong determination sits, it's probably the most powerful technique out there, but you maybe want to combine it with a few others to see which technique really does the job for you.

I did strong determination sits I'd say 8 months with "Do Nothing" and it worked like a charm. Before that I did it with self-inquiry. In between I experimented with a few mindful meditations but I'm not the guy for that. Labeling and that stuff drives me nuts in like 5 minutes in. Then I found out about Zazen and this is what I do right now with strong determination sits. You basically count your out-breaths from one to ten all the time and sit very erect and still.

So yeah, try a few techniques and you'll see very soon which one does the trick for you. And remember, even if you have 90 minutes monkey mind. It is the best you can do in that moment and from that point of view a perfect meditation.

Cheers, :P

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@oussama You use techniques, how can you expect not to have monkey mind? monkey see others using techniques, monkey do techniques, monkey has monkey mind. Monkey uses technique to catch ants with stick.

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 I think all you experience is monkey mind because you get trapped in the thoughts. I also do the "do nothing" meditation , but to be honest whenever i do absolutely nothing i have the same experience too , pure monkey mind , and this doesn't feel good neither when i'm doing it or after it's over.

 Try the same thing you did so far , sit without moving or doing anything , but this time accept everything you feel. Don't tell yourself that you accept , feel it , enter a state where you accept everything that happens around you and inside your body, without focusing on certain things.

I do this myself lately , and i find it very relaxing.

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What i can say is that i should stop labeling monkey mind as bad ,and what makes me experience monkey chatter all the time  shows that i have too much shit in my system and i need to give it time .

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If you are doing SDS and/or Do Nothing, having the monkey mind is what makes the technique usefeul. Sit through all experiences - loud mind, quiet mind, all kind of feelings, thoughts, intentions, pains, pleasures.

Literally yesterday, I have suddenly discovered some new attitude to my own thoughts and emotions. I have discovered that now I can consciously let the mind to it's own thing. I can let the mind be in any mood it wants, think any thoughts it wants, experience any emotions it wants. And I am cool with any activity of mind. I just let this body and mind live as they live.

Instead, earlier I used to make a lot of effort to keep being concentrated and mindful during the day. And before that, before I have learnt about self actualization, I, like all the other normal people, used to struggle with thoughts and try to intellectually solve them. 

Now it feels like that: Struggling with thoughts is level 1; Making effort to be mindul is level 2; Letting the mind and body do it's thing is level 3;

And I believe that this opportunity to consciously let the mind do it's own thing and be cool with it, is the result of SDS and Do Nothing technique.

The wider the variety of emotions, states and thoughts you experience during SDS and Do Nothing, the better is the result. With these techiques you kind of learn to be cool with any activity of mind and circumstances of life, and not take it all too seriously (which is very liberating by itself and gives you room for the true search of Self).

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39 minutes ago, Naviy said:


Now it feels like that: Struggling with thoughts is level 1; Making effort to be mindul is level 2; Letting the mind and body do it's thing is level 3;

100% agree . It is about letting go of the need to control thoughts.

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On 17.04.2016 at 1:36 PM, Naviy said:

If you are doing SDS and/or Do Nothing, having the monkey mind is what makes the technique usefeul. Sit through all experiences - loud mind, quiet mind, all kind of feelings, thoughts, intentions, pains, pleasures.

Literally yesterday, I have suddenly discovered some new attitude to my own thoughts and emotions. I have discovered that now I can consciously let the mind to it's own thing. I can let the mind be in any mood it wants, think any thoughts it wants, experience any emotions it wants. And I am cool with any activity of mind. I just let this body and mind live as they live.

Instead, earlier I used to make a lot of effort to keep being concentrated and mindful during the day. And before that, before I have learnt about self actualization, I, like all the other normal people, used to struggle with thoughts and try to intellectually solve them. 

Now it feels like that: Struggling with thoughts is level 1; Making effort to be mindul is level 2; Letting the mind and body do it's thing is level 3;

And I believe that this opportunity to consciously let the mind do it's own thing and be cool with it, is the result of SDS and Do Nothing technique.

The wider the variety of emotions, states and thoughts you experience during SDS and Do Nothing, the better is the result. With these techiques you kind of learn to be cool with any activity of mind and circumstances of life, and not take it all too seriously (which is very liberating by itself and gives you room for the true search of Self).

Just saw an interesting 5 minute video of Rupert Spira:


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