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Mentalistic and mechanistic mind

1 post in this topic

What are your opinions regarding this picture?
I found it on 4chan year ago and saved it - I found the subject relevant to the forum.

I am guessing mentalistic mind is more right brain dominated - and when goes to the hyper domain psychosis or psychosis-like behaviors can occur.
Mechanistic minds are left brain dominated - and the hyper domain is at risk of developing asperger/autism-like behaviors. 
I put-like cause somehow the severe autism seems to me and feels to me like a different problem - more like hypomentalistic than hypermechanistic. I know there are researches which links between gut microbiome and autism etc. 
But i find this simple model and paradigm of human minds interesting. 

If mentalistic mind is more prevalent in women - I just can't see why I have a feeling almost all priests and monks are males?



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