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Foreward to the Garden of Eden : Climate Change : Animism

2 posts in this topic

There is a scattering of origins in divination, I generally use marbles not beans and I will explain why.

Africa is certainly a paradise with it's only systems of consciousness. Life appears out of the void, space, moment. So what?

Work? Slavery? Service? No, I am(Erica).

I first came across the term "animism" in a direct comparison thread between "Shintoism" and "African religions (sic)"

The apple certainly conveys pain.

The point, cars, computers, rocks, crystals, trees, clouds, Ra, are alive.

The example for those of a stupid inclination is that the Japanese believe this so much that they try to ensure their cars have happy faces.

I'll quote Lester Young "that's alright for him".

Or James Brown "I've got mine, don't worry about his".

Both these quotes are a gift to the insecure from a scattered origin.

There is a scattering of origins in divination, the theory of relative origins, trees to base what, see?

Yes, it is radical, technology is the devil's invention, but everything lives.

One world.

Get real America!

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