
if all is awareness

111 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@cetus56 O.M.G to remain the same always, that's actually insane. no wonder why this takes years to get down completely. I was wondering why leo says he's not enlightened, i think i understand now. enlightened masters must be in some next domain of awareness. 

are you able to sustain it while your building at work? 

@Aakash It's always there somewhere. Sometimes in the background and sometimes in the foreground.



11 minutes ago, Jack River said:








What is this hieroglyphs?


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Just now, cetus56 said:

@Aakash It's always there somewhere. Sometimes in the background and sometimes in the foreground.



What is this hieroglyphs?



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28 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

If being awareness is just another activity then no you won't be able to do both. If awareness is all there is then you could be going down in a flaming plane crash and nothing would shake that.

@AakashIt was in reference to this post. 

We pursue awareness as if it is an object of experience in the background of experiencing. 

But awareness is in the foreground. It comes first. 

So to pursue “it” as an object makes for this needing to attain “it”

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The foundation of experience is flipped the opposite way then it actually is in direct experiencing. 

Edited by Jack River

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Awareness contains(stands under) mind/body/world(objects). 

As what I meant to communicate by the hieroglyphics. 



one totality. 

Edited by Jack River

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@cetus56 i see, thank you for answering my questions, it has been most helpful 

@Jack River ahmen to that brother, foreplay is what its all about hehehe 

speaking the truth, i totally see what you mean, 

also thank you to you aswell! 


yeah umm next time use more heiroglyphics! if your going to write a whole sentence xD

Edited by Aakash

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4 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@cetus56 i see, thank you for answering my questions, it has been most helpful 

@Jack River ahmen to that brother, foreplay is what its all about hehehe 

speaking the truth, i totally see what you mean, 

also thank you to you aswell! 


yeah umm next time use more heiroglyphics! if your going to write a whole sentence xD


for me I saw something along the lines of

E= mc 2

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@Jack River what has your experience been of keeping everything is awarness at the forefront, are you able to maintain it for a sufficient period of time?

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1 minute ago, Aakash said:

@Jack River what has your experience been of keeping everything is awarness at the forefront, are you able to maintain it for a sufficient period of time?

Fosho. I and others refer to it as headlessness. For me it is always there and has never not been there.

In the beginning we try and attain a sustained measure or period of time that we reside as awareness, but after a while it becomes evident that it’s the other way around.

States, form, thought etc arises as an interval of activity. 

So it use to be that there were small intervals of timelessness, but now it is flipped. There are small intervals of time, and the constant is timelessness. It is inherent for all, but we don’t see that. 

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8 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Jack River what has your experience been of keeping everything is awarness at the forefront, are you able to maintain it for a sufficient period of time?

You gotta trancend all that by letting it go. Your only practice is to step out of the way and let awareness do it's own thing.

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44 minutes ago, Aakash said:

O.M.G to remain the same always, that's actually insane.

The idea of sameness requires a timeline and separation. There is a separate thing that is now the same as it was earlier in the timeline. Nothing wrong with that. Yet, when the timeline is dropped, sameness dissolves. There is just now. There is no "before" to compare it to.

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And it’s not a life long type of deal. I was a lost little doggy 6 months ago. I started out understanding the depths of Subject/object activity/phenomenon. 

I didn’t practice personally, I just simply self reflected. Observation of self which reveals (SELF). 

Meditation now is the constant and “states/experiences” arise and fall, until they don’t. 

Edited by Jack River

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1 hour ago, cetus56 said:

@Aakash If being awareness is just another activity then no you won't be able to do both. If awareness is all there is then you could be going down in a flaming plane crash and nothing would shake that.

The issue with this kind of metaphors and views of non-dual they can unfortunately create unhealthy dis-attachment as well.....  because its not really about not responding to a plane crash or feeling for a loved as well.  I know that in my experience and hearing others it can make the mind/person will non-responsiveness.

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57 minutes ago, Jack River said:

It takes as long as we make it take. ?

This assumes 'enlightenment' is under ones control or willingness, there are many many many teacher who would disagree.  When the ego hears this sometimes, it thinks its not doing something to get "enlightenment".  But yet paradoxically there is willingness surrender it "seems".


But I agree with many of the other things you've shared, right on.

Edited by Mu_

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@Aakash You were asking before when I work do I remain aware that everything is awareness. No I don't. It's more like what is sometimes referred to as a "flow state" where things are happening but there is no sense of anyone doing anything. Even time is not there because for there to be the sense of time passing there would have to be a someone who is being aware of time. 

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2 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

The issue with this kind of metaphors and views of non-dual they can unfortunately create unhealthy dis-attachment as well.....  because its not really about not responding to a plane crash or feeling for a loved as well.  I know that in my experience and hearing others it can make the mind/person will non-responsiveness.

Indeed. Nonduality / awareness / presence IS, regardless of whether the mind-body is sitting in complete peace or freaking out as the plane crashes.

It seems a lot of beings are attracted to nonduality hoping to get relief from stress, depression, anxiety etc.

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3 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

Indeed. Nonduality / awareness / presence IS, regardless of whether the mind-body is sitting in complete peace or freaking out as the plane crashes.

It seems a lot of beings are attracted to nonduality hoping to get relief from stress, depression, anxiety etc.

I would go on a guess and say IT IS the main reason people are attracted to nonduality, I know I was and still have that in me.  Stress, depression, anxiety still part of my life.....hey thats not what I did 20 years of spiritual practice for man, not fair, but when I really really really let in suffering, suffering is "less" of an issue.

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1 minute ago, Mu_ said:

This assumes 'enlightenment' is under ones control or willingness, there are many many many teacher who would disagree.  When the ego hears this sometimes, it thinks its not doing something to get "enlightenment".  But yet paradoxically there is willingness surrender it "seems".

The ego moves in the field of effort/control yes. 

For me there was a great clarity in self observation. Not getting caught up in what teachers think has really made my exploration swell. ?


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@Mu_ @Serotoninluv but is this not because everything is awareness, regardless you will still be the duality being experiencing all the depression,anxiety and stress. 

its the fact that you know that it is not you, that is the healing property?


Edited by Aakash

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