
Hey Leo, what are your thoughts on marijuana?

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In one of your videos in the Correcting the Stigma of Psychedelics mini series, you briefly touched on marijuana not being a psychedelic, and I got the impression you didn't regard the drug very highly.

In a later video (not part of the psychedelics mini series) you mentioned the drug again briefly but in a much more favourable light, and from memory you likened it to a psychedelic. 

Having done some experimentation myself, I've had some incredible and profound insights that have had a meaningful impact on my everyday life.

I personally really believe in it, but am curious to know what everyone else thinks.


(PS I'm referring only to its use for practical spiritual and personal development)

Edited by iamnotahumanbeing
Grammar OCD

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If it works for you, what does it matter what I think?

I mostly don't care for weed because I can access more powerful, more direct tools.

Why use a BB gun when you can use a rocket launcher? ;)

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I used marijuana for about 2 years (I don't anymore) and found some benefits. I used to do self-inquiry or contemplation with a pen and paper while high. It mellowed me and relaxed my knee jerk rationality. Elevated my open-mindedness. Opened my heart a little. Deepened my conceptual understanding of the topics Leo talks about. But all this is nothing compared to Mushrooms, LSD or DMT. So although it was good at the time. It ended up being more of a distraction than everything else. If you try marijuana, mushrooms, LSD and DMT and still find marijuana to be the most effective then go for it. But in my experience marijuana is very surface level and the other psychedelics are much more effective for enlightenment.

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@Leo Gura @iamnotahumanbeing I have experimented with weed as a tool for some time and maybe the fact that it isn't as direct as other psychedelics is its own advantage. With other stronger psychedelics everything is done for you and you just surrender to the experience. With weed you don't just get blasted away. Thanks to that you can experiment with meditation or self-inquiry and you can observe what works, what it does and how. The fact you have to actually do something before you see any results with it is super usefull because you can than use that knowledge for your everyday meditation.

 It is quite unique experience and it can get pretty deep too. Some states I had on weed combined with meditation were much stronger than some of my LSD trips. But it is true that I haven't tripped that much (three times) and I don't smoke weed anymore because the side effects were too noticeable and I am trying to finnish school without any hindrances.

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Thanks @Cameron. My experiences have been similar to yours , particularly being able to understand Leo's topics on deeper levels.

It's encouraging to hear you say it's pale in comparison to mushrooms, LSD and DMT - maybe one day I'll be able to ;)

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6 minutes ago, Setty said:

I am trying to finnish school without any hindrances.

@Setty , what were these hindrances?

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@iamnotahumanbeing With weed I had my first, what I would call, sober mystical experience. The rules of my reality radically changed. The boundaries between me and others started to melt and I couldn't  control it. There was no me and there was no other. Everything was moving in union. And I realized my life was a lie the whole time. Everything I strived for was a play with no substance and depth. 

But my identity was still there and I relized I could end everything right there, my whole life, the charade I have been playing on myself the whole time. Or atleast it felt like it. I don't think it is as simple as that to be honest. It felt like I have to go through hell and worse to get to the other side and I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't even planning for this experience it just happened. Then something started to drag me into it without my consent and that is the time I had a big ego backlash. I haven't done anything stupid but I got a lot fragmented afterwards.

The next day everything was devoid of meaning. Nothing was important to me. Now it was not important to finnish school, to be a good person, to strive. I was so confused and empty. I didn't know what to do so I just did my routine. I worked hard to get back on track and make sense of what happened to me. And it worked and now I feel better than ever.

I think this is the biggest problem with psychedelics. The fact that we are not equipped enough to handle such a strong experience. You get fragmented and you have to put yourself back together. Which can be really useful and beautiful if you can do it. 

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@iamnotahumanbeing @Setty  Also I should add that the disolution of boundaries happened a few times after that experience without the use of weed. Which was a big problem for me because I didn't know how far it can get and it generated a lot of anxiety within me. I was in fight or flight response those times. 

I think the biggest obstacle was my inability to handle strong emotional reactions to these kinds of experiences.

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@Setty , thanks for sharing. Do you think you could now be ‘better than ever’ without having had this weed experience?

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