Vito C

Liking coworkers a bad idea?

4 posts in this topic

Is it a bad idea to ask a girl out at work or tell her that I like her? We don’t really know each other because we are in different sections but I do see her in my line of sight everyday. 

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If there is any chance your work will affect hers or vice versa, and if there is any possibility of stepping over one another to get to higher positions in the work place it is very unwise. You can go for it if you want, but if the relationship goes sour or she is vengeful she could hurt your career. It also depends on the structure of the company you're working for whether the previous is applicable or not too. 

Edited by Leon_Mao

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Do you have any connection built up? My best advice would be don't do it because of the later issues it can cause. Try and get out a bit more and you'll find some more. If you must just be careful and make sure it's what you really want. 


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I'm married to my ex-coworker, it's been working out really well. It could be a bit complicated, but relationships are always a bit complicated. If it wasn't complicated there wouldn't be any stories for people to gossip about at the water cooler.

It seems like for every person you come into contact with in day to day life, there is some kind of rule about how you shouldn't date them. The only people that are ok to date are total strangers, and even that's not ok because ugh online dating, creeps, etc.

There are places for boundaries for sure, but don't get too caught up in the rules.

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