Just the mage

Difficult Kundalini symptoms

50 posts in this topic

 Hey everyone, hi leo, love your videos! 

 Ok so where to start. I started looking for a forum lately to find anyone that can relate to what I'm going through. 

 This has been a 12 year and counting Kundalini trip full of elaborate symptoms that most doctors confuse for other diseases, though the proof of any one disease always eludes them cause doctors aren't trained in psycho-spiritual undertakings and the symptoms have such a wide range that Kundalini awakening can mimic the symptoms of many diseases and syndroms. 

 I spent these last few years going from doctor to doctor in frantic pursuit of a cure, treatment, or at least a peace of mind, grasping on to the hope that one of them would catch whatever the elusive disease was. Kundalini can very in intensity for anyone undergoing it, Ranging from spontaneous awakening with mostly psychological symptoms that only last a few months to just a few short years and others like me that go through years of soul and body crushing, bed ridding, debilitating illness, with symptoms even including not being able to hold yourself up to even shower, in-ability to take care of the least of life's basic needs like feeding and clothing yourself, ect. I'm not going to go through a whole list of symptoms cause that would make for an overly lengthy long boring post. The point is, I was hit with the latter, spent years thinking I was on the brink of death, contemplating all the diseases that doctors had likened it to like lime disease, or some sort of muscular degenerative disease and many others. 

 While this has been going on i have also had the sense that my life was being drawn into a heavily orchestrated spirituality. The feeling that something "special" was happening but it wasn't until I had been meditating for a few years that i realized what was happening to me. I still hadn't even figured it out until after I had started Kundalini meditations and all of the symptoms I had been trying to mask for years became more intense and after a came across I peticular story of someone else who had gone through the same intensity of what i had gone through and what i still am, it hit me like a tone of bricks. All of the energies: feeling like I was walking through life in a microwave, heat flashes, intense pressure in my spine and in the crown of my skull, vibrating sensations, feeling like I was being crushed by thousands of pounds, so intense type of pressure that I would lose control of my body as if I were expanding outside of my body, not to mention all of the psychological symptoms and some of the other mundane ones like electrical surges and shooting pains everywhere in my body, numbness, nueralgia ect. 

 The point in writing this is that I have not only spent years feeling like i was going through life alone for years, I have never had an outlet or guidelines for all of the symptoms and deterioration of ego that has abound, but even more importantly after I started Kundalini meditations and figured out how to move the energy up my spine, it has gotten to the point where it never turns off now, I have had minor tremors for years now, but I cannot even be in public around crowds most of the time without all of the energy around me making my body tremble, I have a hard time sleeping with energy running through my body, the pressure and buzzing in my head has become so intense at times that it gives me migraines, the burning skin,buzzing chakras, this is all rendering me useless. I know it all has a payoff in the end, but it's too intense, far more intense than any psychedelic I have ever taken and i want to know if there are any other individuals here that have or are going through the same situation. Is there any way to subside the energy that has worked for you? Any practise or style of eating or anything? I have tried laying down when it's too intense, I have tried grounding excorsizes, it never shuts off anymore and I feel as if I'm going to have a psychological break. Any help would be appreciated! 


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Im not sure if this is your case, but this is why i dont condone kriya practices/kundalini awakening for people who do not have a kundalini master as a guide, the energetic movements are too intense, and the process of chakric/limbic system cleansing is way faster/intense than when done sober, which is dangerous imo because youre more viable to psychological problems. i suggest finding a kundalini master to help stabilize your energy more. and good luck man, your situation sounds rough. 

Edited by corndjorn

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Look, the biggest thing is to surrender, learn to follow your intuition (the kundalini will guide you) and it will show you what you nee at the moment to ensure your highest spiritual development. IN MY OWN CASE, i was led to a fruitarian diet ((with herbs and fasting), hatha yoga and holistic therapies in general (especially the ones that work with the breath and the body to release emotions like amanae therapy), also affirmations and visualization. Look for Matt Kahn, read his books and follow the shit out of his teachings, DO REALLY APPLY WHAT HE TELLS YOU, especially the self-love (saying "i love you" to yourself and whatever arises ceaselessly).  This is fast-tracking the process like never before, BUT i gained enough faith, resilience and now self-love to trust that everything is fine, that shit is just changing, arising and disappearing constantly in my life but i remain strong in the path.

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@Just the mage As far as I understand, Kundalini symptoms do eventually subside. I can't say i've read about anyone who has had intense Kundalini symptoms for their whole life. Although I don't know for sure. 

I'm sure there are plenty of spiritual therapists in the US that you can contact and get help from. Any traditional doctor is not going to be able to help you. You could get in touch with/have a skype chat with Tara Springett. She lives in the UK but does Skype consultations, specialising in kundalini syndrome. http://www.taraspringett.com/

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@Recursoinominado the dude has been experiencing kundalini for 12 years, do you really think he doesnt know that youre supposed to surrender? some people cannot deal with the energy on their own, a proffessional kundalini master is needed as a guide for many people experiencing kundalini awakenings, ive known people wreck their lives because of not knowing how to stabilize the energy, having responsibility and caution is important and i dont advise anyone to do kundalini awakening by themselves, even if it turns out that they can handle it anyway, you want to be safe than sorry. some peoples energetic system are not fit for kundalini awakenings, kundalini is not for everyone. 

Edited by corndjorn

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Craig Holliday had a very intense and long kundalini awakening. I recommend talking to him.

look him up.

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1 hour ago, corndjorn said:

@Recursoinominado the dude has been experiencing kundalini for 12 years, do you really think he doesnt know that youre supposed to surrender? some people cannot deal with the energy on their own, a proffessional kundalini master is needed as a guide for many people experiencing kundalini awakenings, ive known people wreck their lives because of not knowing how to stabilize the energy, having responsibility and caution is important and i dont advise anyone to do kundalini awakening by themselves, even if it turns out that they can handle it anyway, you want to be safe than sorry. some peoples energetic system are not fit for kundalini awakenings, kundalini is not for everyone. 

You would be surprised about how many people overlook the basics ;) Surrender isn't a matter of simply relaxing and breathing, i am talking about a higher surrender to God, to his higher self which communicates through feelings, intuition, synchronicities etc. 

Kundalini will guide itself if he let it, it will literally tell you what you need and what your next move should be, even if it is to seek help as i did recently looking for yoga teachers and holistic therapists.

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@Recursoinominado tell a person with borderline personality disorder to surrender, not gonna happen so easily my friend, not everyone is on the same level playing field concerning their energetic contractions. sorry but seems like you havent had much experience with other peoples kundalini experiences, i had people get fucked over messing around with kundalini energy when they werent ready for it or just plain out not their right path. energetic manipulation is no funny bussiness, it can seriously wreck some peoples lives. should be taken with caution. alot of peoples energetic system cannot deal with this type of energy, you speak from your reference point alot but deny the fact that many people dont "surrender" as easily as you think. Ive been stable in nonduality for many years so i dont have to awaken my kundalini, and hate to burst your bubble but any emotional/mental formations within consciousness is considered ultimately delusional, including your communication with your "higher self" or your conception of god, and synchronisties, it is just another attachment to be dropped.

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13 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Recursoinominado tell a person with borderline personality disorder to surrender, not gonna happen so easily my friend, not everyone is on the same level playing field concerning their energetic contractions. sorry but seems like you havent had much experience with other peoples kundalini experiences, i had people get fucked over messing around with kundalini energy when they werent ready for it or just plain out not their right path. energetic manipulation is no funny bussiness, it can seriously wreck some peoples lives. should be taken with caution. alot of peoples energetic system cannot deal with this type of energy, you speak from your reference point alot but deny the fact that many people dont "surrender" as easily as you think. Ive been stable in nonduality for many years so i dont have to awaken my kundalini, and hate to burst your bubble but any emotional/mental formations within consciousness is considered ultimately delusional, including your communication with your "higher self" or your conception of god, and synchronisties, it is just another attachment to be dropped.

Yeah yeah, it's all an illusion, we all know that, but still unhelpful as fuck if you put yourself in his place. Fuck self-development, right? What is the point if it is all an illusion? 

I didn't say it is easy to surrender, it sure wasn't for me and i still am learning on a day to day basis but it is the best way because it will make clear the best course of action for each one. 

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@Just the mage 

3 hours ago, corndjorn said:

 i dont condone kriya practices/kundalini awakening for people who do not have a kundalini master as a guide. i suggest finding a kundalini master to help stabilize your energy more. and good luck man, your situation sounds rough. 

Do this.

Or go learn proper Hatha Yoga from Sadhguru because you need balance and stability on all levels now. It would do wonders to you.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Recursoinominado my whole point was to put yourself in his place. a person experiencing 12 years of extreme kundalini side effects takes much more than just surrender, the kundalini master has to assist him, with people not everything works the same as it works for you. even gurus agree that some people need much more than nondual pointers or concepts of surrender or speaking to a higher self, alot of shadow integration is needed but also energetic assistance from the kundalini master aswell. its not that your surrender advice is wrong its actually good but imo its not the thing thats most relevant to him for the time being, energetic assistance is needed from a professional kundalini master, 12 years of intense kundalini syndrome is not normal. 
sorry if i came a bit abrasive btw, its just that my friends had problems with this that couldve been dealt much more earlier.

Edited by corndjorn

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12 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Recursoinominado my whole point was to put yourself in his place. a person experiencing 12 years of extreme kundalini side effects takes much more than just surrender, the kundalini master has to assist him, with people not everything works the same as it works for you. even gurus agree that some people need much more than nondual pointers or concepts of surrender or speaking to a higher self, alot of shadow integration is needed but also energetic assistance from the kundalini master aswell. its not that your surrender advice is wrong its actually good but imo its not the thing thats most relevant to him for the time being, energetic assistance is needed from a professional kundalini master, 12 years of intense kundalini syndrome is not normal. 
sorry if i came a bit abrasive btw, its just that my friends had problems with this that couldve been dealt much more earlier.

Well, that was kind of my point, that he should look for help if he feels the need to and by his post, looks like he really need some professional help (like a kundalini master or whatever it means lol). I actually know that some people get really fucked up with kundalini awakening, i follow a few support groups and there are LOTS of sad cases in there. No sweat man, we are both trying to help him, i am sure he will take the best course of action that he feels is needed.

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@Recursoinominado you are right, didnt notice some of the stuff you wrote earlier, glad we are on the same page.

Edited by corndjorn

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My advice to you is listen "om mani padme hum" to neutralize the energy , it work very well on me.

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@Just the mage I’m honestly not saying that what you are experiencing and the perspectives are not true or real. In addition to these perspectives, can you realize everything you’re talking about is bullshit? Every last bit? Again, I am asking if you can see both perspectives. A lessor known but highly effective practice is to close your eyes and have someone wind up, and give you a solid slap accross the face. Have you tried this?



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@Nahm man you saying that is like telling a person with schizophrenic disorder that its all bullshit, its condecending as fuck and you aint really reading what hes saying, my friends went through hell and wrecked their lives because of misuse of kriya and kundalini practices, this shit shouldnt be taken lightly. its like telling a dude on psych mania thats its all bullshit. cmon man i think you know better than that. kundalini syndrome is a real physical thing that can happen to people.

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@Just the mage Given that you've had this for many years now, your case seems special. I would recommend you find a yogi who's experienced in kundalini awakening and tell him your story. He should have some good advice for you.

I also recommend you read some good books about kundalini awakening. There are exercises and practices for dealing with blockages and for venting the excess energy. I am no expert on kundalini, but from what I understand you need to get the energy out of your system with physical practices. You're not supposed to bottle it up. It has to work through and out of your system. Exercises that might help you: dancing, speaking in tongues, screaming, shaking your body, Osho's dynamic meditation, physical exercise, jumping, Hatha yoga, hitting a punching bag, etc. I would look for physical ways to vent that energy which feel best for you.

If what you're describing really is kundalini activation, Western doctors are not going to help you, as they're clueless about it. In fact, they will probably give you harmful solutions. So go find a yogi.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If what you're describing really is kundalini activation, Western doctors are not going to help you, as they're clueless about it. In fact, they will probably give you harmful solutions. So go find a yogi.

@Leo Gura Not sure if it's kundalini either but I experience something very similar to what the op discribes here. Western doctors label it ms.

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