
I think psychedelics can blunt spiritual progress. thoughts?

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@Serotoninluv a person in nonduality has no reason to avoid the fact that his limbic system is going through a process, the avoiding of it is not synonomus with true nonduality. 

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32 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

To loosen that perspective, I would ask you if it is wrong to thadre to gakila if humlo is predlak? The mind will not like this question because it must surrender control of the narrative.

tfak guggelik gnarz?

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You wanna know what really blunts spiritual awareness?

Your mind, your belief systems and definitions. Humans in general :D

In all honesty humans are self-deluding. The more you talk about all this Spirituality/Enlightenment ect.. the further you are from the absolute true nature of being itself. The key to all of this is to become "Aware" of the Enlightened-Self/State(if you will). Its already always there but we are too caught up in mental, physical and emotional distractions/delusions that we are never truly "present" to realize our true eternal nature that is Infinite Intelligence/Unconditional Love.

Why do you think monks go in caves for long periods and cut off as much physicality/attachments as they can?

The more you know the less you understand - Lao Tzu



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@pluto man ive been stabilized in nonduality for 4 years, life still happens and part of life is to describe the things you observe and sometimes that can be misinterpreted as belief systems by others. Awakening to nonduality is one thing, the process of your limbic system catching up with the awakening (ridding itself of fear based delusions) its another thing. its not a belief system, its something that i observed occuring after my awakening and has been going on for 4 years now.

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alot of people here are stuck in nondual concepts to be honest. this process of complete enlightenment after awakening isnt a belief system, its an observable thing that happens to any person whos been stabilized in nonduality for a while. read up more on zen masters such as shun ryu on what they have to say about this process. 

saying its all a belief system is like saying your room is a belief system... nonduality is synonomus with whats present. you dont have to be attached to acknowledge whats happening in your experience.

Edited by corndjorn

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@Whatever well put. some people just havent been stable in their awakening for a while, at a certain point they will realize what we mean by the process though, if not by themselves then life will knock on their doors by triggering their attachments.

Edited by corndjorn

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10 minutes ago, now is forever said:

@Serotoninluv did you have clown for breakfast? you are so funny today. you know we are what we eat!!!

You betcha. With some silly sprinkles on top. ? 

Over seriousness can lead to a contracted state. Humor and silliness can be a release valve.  

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@now is forever do you really think youre in a complete nondual state just because you awakened to awareness? awakening is synonomus with being truthful and acknowledging whats occuring in your experience (the process of untanglement), because disacknowledgement comes from denial which comes from fear, which is ultimately, delusional.

Edited by corndjorn

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there is a purging process takes place, if its not taking place for you and you have awakened to nonduality, then you are running away from something either concsciously or subconciously or using concepts and spiritual experiences to escape

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@now is forever because you said if it knocked on my door, my whole point of this post was to say look out before it knocks on yours. because you said that all there is to it is mu, but whats the point of saying that? i think everyone here knows nondual pointers, but i thought ur saying that to not acknowledge the process thats occuring after awakening.

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