
What is sin

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what is sin, God and people perspectives on sin, judgment, degree of sin. 

Edited by Belay kelemework

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Good topic! I think What Is The Devil? episode is pretty similar to this though. But ofcourse theres alot to talk about regarding sin, guilt, shame, ego, emotional body. 1+

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Leo said that, devil is us. ? Does that mean spiritual devil doesn't exists? When I am referring to sin all about controversial sins. Ex homosexuality, suicides, advance scientific such as creating humans in laboratory. Etc

Edited by Belay kelemework

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I think this is answered in "Rant Against Morality" combined with "Spiral Blue" . Watch the two and you'll get the idea that sin is just unacceptance of the reality by dogmatic mind trying to manipulate the environment to favour its agenda. 

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