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Why Pain Hurts

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I mean it's just a sensation from the logical point of viev, so why it hurts, you could just become aware of the fact that it is just a sensation and that's it, but rather than that you are escaping from it

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You are aware of this while you are under the influence of great substances, then you just don't give a f*ck about it 

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I always like to demonstrate this to friends. 

I will pinch them harder until the pain becomes too much. 

I then repeat it and tell them to continuously remind themselves that what they are feeling is not bad it is just a sensation. And to their surprise their pain tolerance skyrockets. 

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@Cortex because you are infinitely intelligent, whether you are conscious of that fact or not.

Your body knows how to survive, it has inherited everything your ancestors had ever learned through their lifetime experience, it's all hard-wired in your DNA.

Long story short: survival and infinite intelligence.

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