
Integration. Actualization. Freedom.

3 posts in this topic

All is One and One is all. Absolutely.

All is love and love is all, indeed.


Does knowing this put anything to an end? Does one stop infinity from expressing itself eternally? No can do. Obviously. Impossible. Delusional. Imaginary.

If you're on this path with an intention to escape or end anything at all; you're in for a rude awakening. There is no escaping, no avoiding, no denying. That is not your highest priority. Otherwise none of this would be here right now, happening effortlessly.

You could merge with infinite nothingness and/or fall asleep for another eternity, yes. You could even deconstruct this dream and enter another one, as well...

But why, really? 

It does not matter where are you if you are awake. Nor does it matter what form you are expressing and experiencing yourself through. That is the ultimate beauty of existence. Of true, authentic awakening. Of being.

Knowing you could do whatever the heck you want, even completely self-destruct; but still choose to be right here, right now; doing exactly what you are doing.

That is the definition of willpower and the driving force. It is also the definition of absolute freedom. 

That's the force that moves mountains and gives birth to planets and stars. That is the force of creation.


Freedom is right in front of your face. Don't search for it elsewhere.


If baby Jesus was to knock on your door, holding a billion dollar check in his hands; you'd think baby Jesus wants to fuck you over in some malicious way. You'd think he has some kind of a nasty, hidden intention. Why else would he want to give you a billion dollar check? Who does that, ever?! It is impossible. It must be a trap. Baby Jesus only wants to fool you. So that he could throw you in hell later; to burn for all eternity. Right? 

How dare he think you were ever going to fall for that? Does he think you are stupid?

That is exactly what you are doing with yourself. 

You want to give yourself the absolute freedom and unconditional love you deep down know you truly deserve; but you think you will somehow be fooled. Tricked. Fucked over.

By whom ??!!

By you? By infinity? By love?

You cannot fuck yourself over more than you have been doing it so far. It is the definition of fucking yourself over and keeping yourself as a hostage. As a slave. Playing victim forever. Instead of playing creator.

Instead of L I V I N G.  

Being. Creating. Expressing. Exploring. Loving. Sharing. 

Naturally, effortlessly and freely.

It is the reason why you are awake. To experience yourself consciously. To know yourself while you are yourself.

To recognize your infinitude. To play with yourself. To make love to yourself eternally. In infinite ways. Through infinite forms and shapes.




How could you not be free? You are formless. Have no location. No attributes. Cannot be pointed to, ever, by no one. You are pure and infinite potential. You are all there is. You cannot possibly be anything else but absolutely free.

You are love. You are unity. There is nothing outside of you; there is everything within you. And so is absolute freedom.

You can choose to experience it. Give yourself the permission. Use your freedom of choice. Freedom of expression. Freedom to love.


Actualization is a never ending process. Do not look at it as a destination or a goal. Enjoy the ride. Keep expanding; look back only with a smile on your face.


Again; if you're in this to end anything; you're not choosing the right lenses to look at existence.

That is; if you want to experience freedom and life in general.

The process of actualization is incredibly fun. Thrilling. Unique to all individuals. It is one of the most beautiful experiences life offers you. Do not be afraid to bite in that juicy fruit. That is precisely why it exists. You deserve to enjoy the gifts of existence. Stop demonizing your own, true, authentic desires to experience the beauties and the pleasures of life. Nothing wrong with those. Nothing wrong with anything at all, ever in existence. Wrong does not exist. Only pure infinite perfection and love.

Isn't it wonderful to observe a project as it is becoming actualized? As it is reaching it's highest form of expression? Isn't it beautiful to recognize your reflection in your expression; in your project? Isn't that whole process the most fulfilling thing in existence? 

Yes it is. You know you love what you see. Don't be afraid to declare it loudly and proudly, for all to hear. Love is not ashamed of itself. Nor is it afraid of itself.

Do not view actualization as an end. There are no ends. There are perfect expressions. And an infinite amount of them. Once you've finished one project and marveled at it's beauty for a while; guess what? You start a new one. You move on with expressing your infinitude. You keep on doing what you love with burning passion. There are no ends. Only progress. Constant upgrades. Eternal expansion. Infinite expressions and perceptions of those. Consciousness.

There are no destinations. There are stations. There are stages, processes of evolution; of awakening. And they never truly end. They express themselves, for themselves; eternally.

Your life is a project, too. So is your character. Your imaginary ego. Your goals and visions. All a part of project Y O U.

And that is an expression. Each expression can be actualized; crystallized. But nothing really ends, ever. Nothing has never even begun.

Enjoy the process. Drop the need for destinations. Drop the need for safety nets. Just let go. Travel at the speed of light. Dive in deep. Make love, create, expand; forever. Do that for the sake of doing just that. For nothing, for nobody.

Free yourself from all chains.


The last thing that grows out on a fruit tree ... is the fruit itself.


Patience. Steadiness. Dedication. Integration. Will; which is free and there for you to use it.

All of these are important when it comes to actualization. And all of them are within you; waiting to be recognized and used, right here, right now. All you have to do is recognize and align.

You have the power. Don't use it for what you do not desire to experience. Align it with your highest intention. Everything will run smoothly.

All the knowledge you gained, the insights you had, the perspectives through which you were gazing at the Truth, the realizations you had, the miracles you witnessed...

All of those have been preparing you for this one precise moment. Right now. For LIFE. For awakened being. That is why life exists. That is why you exist as an inseparable part of it. 

Integration is a process, as well. A part of the ongoing actualization. It is a necessary piece of the puzzle. Without integration; none of your insights matter. Nor does your knowledge; hidden from all eyes. Nor do the high perspectives you look through at the the world. All of those are meant to be shared with your heart wide open.

Once all of that is integrated and embodied naturally and effortlessly; without a need for a single thought; the expression is actualized. It is crystallized. It is real. Authentic. Actual. Eternal.

And it is also the definition of pure perfection and beauty.


Enjoy the process of growth. Admire the expression that is coming to life right before your eyes. Love your every move.

That is ultimate freedom. That is what living a fulfilling, loving, enlightening life really is.


Give freedom to yourself. No one else will. 


Edited by ivankiss

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