
I met an interesting individual

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Hello everyone.

Today when I went to the barber to, you know, get my hair done, this guy greeted me and told me that he was going to help me. At first he seemed fine, just a young dude. I am even younger of course, so I didn't expect much from him. He tried to start a conversation and before I knew it this guy was giving me life lessons.

He went from explaining why he didn't finish school to explaining me the Golden Ratio. He also explained me how to convert someone who thinks that nothing has a purpose (I forgot what the name is for that type of person) to someone that does. You simple have to ask that person if they can name 1 thing in the room that doesn't have a maker and/or purpose. ''They will look all around and realizing it doesn't exist'' his words.

Now this is not where it ends, or else I wouldn't post about him here. He actually knows about Sadhguru and had critique on him. Not in the sense that he thought that Sadhguru is all mumbo-jumbo, he was talking about the way reality works. He said: "I disagree with Sadhguru because he thinks that whenever you close your eyes, reality stops. I don't think that is true.'' I forgot his counter-argument, gosh I wish I knew it.

He ended the conversation with: ''I don't tell these kinds of things to people older than 20, because they simply won't understand. They are too closed for different opinions. All day on their phone (acts like the typical Westerner on their phone while talking, looks funny actually)'' I pay him and another guy who was there and left.

I don't know, what do you guys think about him?

Take care.

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He ended the conversation with: ''I don't tell these kinds of things to people older than 20, because they simply won't understand. They are too closed for different opinions. All day on their phone (acts like the typical Westerner on their phone while talking, looks funny actually)''

This is ignorance.

But other than that, yeah.

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I wonder if the day will come where the whole world will know about sadhguru. It seems it's happening already :)


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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  On 1/31/2019 at 8:16 PM, Ampresus said:

He tried to start a conversation and before I knew it this guy was giving me life lessons.


That's why I don't go like to go to barbers :Ddd

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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  On 1/31/2019 at 8:51 PM, thesmileyone said:

This is ignorance.

But other than that, yeah.

No I think he does this from experience and takes into account how open people might be. 


He sounds like my kinda barber. seems quite open and able to think for himself 

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Gem from Sam Rami's Spiderman movie xD


"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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So the question did he gave u a nice hair cut?

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Sounds like he likes to share his opinions and talk about spirituality/metaphysics.  I wouldn't believe whatever he says simply because he's cool or something.  I'd look myself and see if it's actually true.  

As for the purpose and meaning thing, to me, I don't think anything has any inherent meaning or purpose outside of that which people create.  I did a retreat at Peter Ralston's (Cheng Hsin) and in it the facilitator took out a gun (not loaded) and put it on the chalk board.  Then we did an exercise where we systematically identified all the labels and meanings we could about the gun: black, kill, round, thing, gun, handle, trigger, hole, metal, shinny, hard, etc.  After a couple of minutes, to me, the gun literally was simply a blob.  I literally didn't know what it did, what it was called, or which end was up or down.  It didn't mean anything whatsoever to me.  All I saw was a thing.

This tells me that whatever meaning or purpose things have is constructed by our minds and is significantly subject to change and interpretation.  


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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I totally think he read you and THEN shared with you ha ha. 

Love that he was your barber— better than some old gossip or boring chats about the super bowl ha ha.

I always gain some insights from people like that... and it’s so rare that I have randoms actually want to talk about philosophy or real life stuff.


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