Ross Labby

Life Purpose Course Confusion & Unsureness

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As of now I am currently in the "Finding Your Life Purpose" section of the "Life Purpose Course". So far I have just finished the Zone of Genius and Impact Statement exercises, but have just stopped doing the course for the past two weeks due to complete confusion, unsureness, and indecisiveness (I keep second guessing myself). The Zone of Genius that is currently listed is "thinking or writing about stories and deep themes", while my Impact Statement is "to create thought provoking and emotional art that restores balance to one's mind and heart". And although they resonate with me in many ways, I am still unsure and feel as though there is something else instead.

Going a little off topic here but still related to my life purpose is that I do not know what my domain of mastery or medium of choice is. This has actually been my biggest struggle throughout the duration of the course and for the past year. In the last 1 - 2 years, I have been dabbling in the arts (painting and drawing), film, music, photography, and writing. Since I consider myself to be creative and passionate about the all of the above, it has gotten to be very hard for me. While others sometimes feel cursed for having little or no creative talents, I feel as though I am cursed with too many. And I do not want to be a jack of all trades like Leo himself stated in the course. That would only make things more stressful. Here's the thing, out of all of the interests I have just listed above, the one I am most interested in is music. Considering that this is a passion that I have felt the most resistant to makes it more clear that this is the right direction. And while this may sound like well duh...that's it, I still second guess myself and have passion for the others mediums above. Many times I will have the confident and grounded mindset that "yes being a musician is it!", but then my good ol' tricky mind will take it elsewhere to another passion that sounds alluring as well. Oddly enough, lately I have also been experiencing resistance towards athletics, even though I really do not have much interest in it (although I did when I was younger).

Like I said before, music (or as it seems to me) is the thing I am most passionate about. If I were to pursue a career in music, as idealistic as it may sound, I would like to be a singer/songwriter for a band. While I do love this idea, I still feel that part of me wants to write stories of such for movies (actual plots). Not only that, but I still appreciate the visual aspect of art when applying it to my creations of film and paintings.

Does anybody have any advice or clarification for what I should do and pursue? Anyways, that's that in a nutshell, and I hope that I got my message across clearly. If not, just ask me to clarify it, thank you! :) 

Edited by Ross Labby
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Make songs or help produce a musical movie/theatre :) 

(just to widen your pool of ideas)

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Btw. your zone of genius is not very clear to me. You think or write, but the output is ... what? What is it that you're excellent at? Can you put a finger on it? 

As for your medium, maybe it's ok to not decide just yet? Maybe it's ok to try out a few different projects/artforms and decide later which one suits you best? 

Maybe it's ok to take your impact statement and walk around with it in mind for a while, looking for all the different opportunities there are? 

Btw., don't take me too seriously, I'm basically stuck in the same place of the course :)

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@Elisabeth Yeah, I have had the urge lately to write and sing a song. Also, I have been learning a song on the guitar as well. A part of me was telling me to wait until I have formed a band to create music, but I know that is just procrastination. I guess I will just go solo for a bit to get in the groove of things. And yes, I have actually thought of making a musical movie which still could be done. Thanks :)

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@Elisabeth Yeah I know, my zone of genius is kinda clunky. I'm not even sure if that's the right one. I am still trying to figure it out. The thing that is confusing and frustrating about finding my zone of genius is that Leo said in "The Big Leap Process" video that you must look to the future to see your ability fully realized. Also in his "Zone of Genius" video, he said that your zone of genius must scare the shit out of you meaning that it is a common clue to the right direction. On the other hand, in the zone of incompetence, he said the things that you not good at should be dropped, while the things you are great at should be actualized and pursued. I know that all of this connects with the big picture, but I am totally lost. Everything seems to contradict the other. 

Anyways, I think I will do that for a bit. Instead of just waiting for my ideal medium to appear before me, I will just try out different things, like I have already been doing and will probably alleviate some stress at least.

Thanks again. I appreciate your help! :)

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28 minutes ago, Ross Labby said:

 Also, I have been learning a song on the guitar as well. 


Is that rather new to you? Is it possible that music is the new and shiny form of art you haven't done much yet, and not a long-lasting pursuit already? 

Here's for your amusement something we've created, with my own instrumental song starting at 1:02:53  :)

For me, music is nowhere close to life purpose, but my artistic side gets happy with contributing to this giant project ;) 

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1 hour ago, Elisabeth said:

Is that rather new to you? Is it possible that music is the new and shiny form of art you haven't done much yet, and not a long-lasting pursuit already? 

Yes, it is. I haven't actually played a lot, and am just starting. It was around the end of 2017 Christmas that I got my first guitar and started to learn chords ever since. However, I have begun starting to take it a little more serious now. The other mediums of art that I have been involved with for a while now includes painting/drawing and making films (I have created a significant amount).

1 hour ago, Elisabeth said:

Here's for your amusement something we've created, with my own instrumental song starting at 1:02:53  :)

I listened to a good chunk of it. I really enjoyed the music and ensemble vocals. It actually gave me chills.

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@Ross Labby Sounds like you're on the right track. Don't stop now! You don't necessarily have to settle this question immediately. You might want to give yourself some space to explore your top 2 or 3 possibilities with some small bets (see video about Small Bets) and see which one you like more. You could also potentially find a way to integrate several things together, like becoming a consultant or artistic director, which would allow you to have your hand in multiple cookie jars.

Honestly, though, it sounds like you're overlooking the obvious: music. Your heart is telling you MUSIC! but your mind is scared to actually do it. By definition making a decision means cuts off certain possibilities. By choosing music you are saying No to other things. And that's how it should be. That's what creates a clear sense of purpose. Otherwise you're unfocused.

Re-watch the videos in the course about FEAR. Fear is one of the biggest obstacles here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Hi Leo. Thank you for responding. I just watched that video on small bets, and I feel a lot better knowing that I can always just test the waters to see if a passion is right for me, rather than clutching onto it immediately or dismissing it completely. Yeah, I have thought about combining many areas together. One of them is film director, which allows you to oversee the visual aesthetic, story, actors, music (score or soundtrack), the editing process, and etc. Same with a singer/songwriter and musician, which allows you to sing, write lyrics, and play an instrument of such.

Yes, as much as it is scary, you are right, I think music is it. But like I said before, I will probably need to actually get to the nitty gritty and start experimenting with this medium to see if this passion of mine isn't just a false alarm. ;) 

In addition, another aspect of music that I am very resistant towards is live performance, which I have never done and am scared shitless of. This again is probably another indication that I am on the right track. And while scared, I must obviously take baby steps to acquire the proper growth in my journey.

Now I know it is time to get back on the saddle and ride the course again. Anyways, thank you Leo! and I would just like to say that over the past two years, your wisdom has made a significant difference in my life, making me feel more better than ever, inspiring me to strive in continuing to actualize myself. So, Thank You! :)

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On 1/29/2019 at 6:34 PM, Ross Labby said:

In addition, another aspect of music that I am very resistant towards is live performance, which I have never done and am scared shitless of. This again is probably another indication that I am on the right track. And while scared, I must obviously take baby steps to acquire the proper growth in my journey.

That fear is a good sign and totally expected.

But also, be open to outside-the-box career configurations. In today's world there's no reason why you'd have to do live performance unless you wanted to. For example, you could set things up such that all of your music is digital and no one even has to know your real name or face. You could even wear a mouse costume. Hell, you could even wear a moose costume ;)

Be creative, be clever, be unique, innovate within your field, be the vanguard.

Show us something new.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Sometimes it helps to take a step back. Take a 1 week break from the course and whatever job you have, go spend 5 days somewhere close to nature ideally alone, things may come to you naturally. Make sure to take notes of different thoughts that come up. Than come back and perhaps you'll have the answer by then. 

I've noticed in my life that trying to push harder to get certain answers only makes things worse and taking a step back often helps to reconcile. 

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Man, actually i do not have access to LP Course yet, but i struggle with fear a lot. I think that, there will be so much money problems in music sector, especially if you are in high quality music, not some low consciousness pop music. If you have an idea about making good money with music, let me know. 

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1 minute ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:

Man, actually i do not have access to LP Course yet, but i struggle with fear a lot. I think that, there will be so much money problems in music sector, especially if you are in high quality music, not some low consciousness pop music. If you have an idea about making good money with music, let me know. 

  • compose
  • build a beautiful portfolio (musically and visually)
  • talk about it. make a podcast or an youtube channel or both
  • teach!

unborn Truth

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As a student of a music-related subject currently studying the industry (in the UK), there are TONNES of ways to generate money from music. There are thousands of potential new business models, and new ways and schemes of monetizing music are popping up all over the place. Yes, the live industry in the backbone of the industry, but traditional models of making money are constantly changing. Labels are in their death rattles. It's all about finding a unique, creative new business model.

Did you know that in the 2008 crash, the UK music industry actually GREW? That's a small detail that many don't know. I'm sorry I can't find the source right now, but it is true. The whole "there's no money in music" is totally false. It's there, it's just disguised in different business models and income streams. 

The value of music, especially popular music, will always be there. But the monetization structures to turn that intangible value of music into a tangible income are constantly evolving. Think a few years back to when Radiohead released their album for free on a pay what you want basis, and ended up generating the most gross income from an album that they ever had. Think about premium quality merch generating 20-30x the revenue of a traditional CD sale. There are new business models popping up all over the place, all you have to do is be creative and create the next one that nobody saw coming. THink about all the musicians making a living from streaming, or from youtube, or from only doing one or two live shows.

The coolest marketing model I've seen this year is the case of 'Threatin'. One guy faking his entire online existence played to exactly 0 people in London. The promoters got suspicious. Long story short, the mystery of threatin has now resulted in thousands of new fans. Read about it here:

Think about global markets. China, Japan and India are extremely lucrative markets for music right now. The UK big labels are testing out breaking bands into China, due to the sheer population and the number of cities. If you generate a hit in China, think about the streaming revenue due to the sheer population. Think about the scale of the tour. You could tour the whole of China for a year there are so many huge cities and music venues.

Japan has always valued music. A Swedish guitarist called Yngwie Malmsteen in the '80s made millions by serving his Japanese market for a short while. 

I also noticed you loved writing stories. Maybe you could become a specialist in Concept Albums. If you don't know, concept albums are usually long pieces of music that follow a long-movie like a story structure. All of my favorite albums are concept albums. One album is over an hour and a half long and follows one musical story. It's so emotive, it has so many ups and downs, it's like you're being transported into a movie. It makes me feel so many emotions. It's great. You could write extremely creative stories, tailored to being applied to music. You could build up a brand, and artists from a range of genres might consult you, or you could design a purpose-built story or concept. Thousands of artists consult songwriters, but there are fewer people specializing in lyrics. Even less in creating epic, long stories to be applied to a musical context. That's just a quick idea that came to mind. People who buy Vinyls, Cd's, physical old style merch, are usually the same people who like to sit down to an album and consume it in full, which are usually the same people who are fans of Concept Albums. 

Sorry for the long post but I feel with my knowledge in this area I could guide you a bit. In summary: There are endless ways to monetize anything. There are new business models being generated and being successful by the day. Don't get trapped in "oh no how will I make money selling my music". Focus on the art, blend your strengths and passions no matter how niche it might seem. Create the value, and with some creative and innovative thinking, you can be incredibly successful. 


EDIT: I'm also working my way through the course. I'm currently trying to settle on my authentic zone of genius before moving onto the the next series of videos. I might post in the Life Purpose section for help or thoughts. All the best with the course.

Edited by -Rowan
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@ajasatya Teaching music is not being a musician, it is being a teacher. 

Composing, talking about it, etc. are things that almost every musician do. There is not a guaranteed way to make good money at music sector. Even if you are very qualified musician.

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6 minutes ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:

@ajasatya Teaching music is not being a musician, it is being a teacher. 

Composing, talking about it, etc. are things that almost every musician do. There is not a guaranteed way to make good money at music sector. Even if you are very qualified musician.

be a teacher, a great composer, a motivational speaker, a source of inspiration in many forms. if you don't open your mind to your full potential, you'll feel life as a terrifying thing.

unborn Truth

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On 1/30/2019 at 11:49 PM, Leo Gura said:

But also, be open to outside-the-box career configurations. In today's world there's no reason why you'd have to do live performance unless you wanted to. For example, you could set things up such that all of your music is digital and no one even has to know your real name or face. You could even wear a mouse costume. Hell, you could even wear a moose costume ;)

@Leo Gura That's actually true. I should start to think more creatively on my approach to music, whether its recording or live performance and find my own unique "purple cow". A "moose costume"...xD. Funny enough, that's actually always been an serious interest of mine during my youth...dressing up in to some extent that could be appropriate :D.

One more thing I wanted to say is that (as I previously mentioned in my first post) lately I have been experiencing resistance towards athletics. The odd thing about it though is that I do not really have any interest within this field as of now. I mean from time to time I will play for fun, and do enjoy it, but do not feel as though this should be a serious pursuit of mine. However, when I was young I loved watching and playing sports, and even considered some as possible dream pursuits. Also, when I was young I feel that some of my interest in sports was genuine, but that some of it was also imprinted on me because of my upbringing (mostly my dad). In addition, one of the biggest reasons or if not the reason for quitting sports was because of my dad's constant criticism and anger towards my performance, abilities, and skills; therefore, that had made me very fearful and I quit. Oh and by the way, I am currently 19 years old, so when I was referring to my youth about sports, I was relatively speaking from about 5 - 13 years old.

So what do you think this means? Is it somehow intertwined with my life purpose? Does it just mean I should get more physically active? Or is it something that I should just do on the side if I am not that passionate or serious about it? Because as I have stated previously, music is the thing I am most passionate about. Anyways, I was wondering if I could possibly get some clarification and advice on this issue. Thank You! :)

Edited by Ross Labby
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9 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Sometimes it helps to take a step back. Take a 1 week break from the course and whatever job you have, go spend 5 days somewhere close to nature ideally alone, things may come to you naturally. Make sure to take notes of different thoughts that come up. Than come back and perhaps you'll have the answer by then. 

I've noticed in my life that trying to push harder to get certain answers only makes things worse and taking a step back often helps to reconcile. 

@Michael569 I couldn't agree more with you. Nothing better than long periods of silence to allow truth to sneak its way under the rug. Unfortunately, since I am still in school, only 19 years old, and live with my parents I don't think I would be allowed to go spend 5 days alone in nature. However, when I move out and am out of school, that would be something that I would definitely look forward to doing. In addition, I do spend a good chunk of time alone each day for myself meditating, reading, contemplating, and would probably be wise to journal more often in silence, so thank you for that. Yeah, that's actually why I had stopped the course for two weeks, because I was pushing so hard for answers which was just making things more stressful. But now, I think I am ready to go back to finish the course and give it my best effort even if the results aren't perfect.

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6 hours ago, ajasatya said:
  • compose
  • build a beautiful portfolio (musically and visually)
  • talk about it. make a podcast or an youtube channel or both
  • teach!

@ajasatya True, true, true. Although teaching is a profession that I am not a fan of to pursue, you never know where the long and winding road will take you. ;)


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On 1/29/2019 at 11:44 AM, Ross Labby said:

As of now I am currently in the "Finding Your Life Purpose" section of the "Life Purpose Course". So far I have just finished the Zone of Genius and Impact Statement exercises, but have just stopped doing the course for the past two weeks due to complete confusion, unsureness, and indecisiveness

literally same but 6 weeks. 

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