Dima logach

growing through psychedelics

11 posts in this topic

hey guys , i was interested to hear what practices are you doing during your trip (to grow spiritually)

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Do all the things you do sober to grow spiritually while on psychedelics and the effectiveness is essentially amplified.

Everything you need is in front of you. You don't need to do anything special on psychedelics to get benefits from them.

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@Shadowraix physcadelics are not harmful? 

Are they addictive? 

Will it cause schizophrenia? Depression? Or other delusional disorders? 

What realization/transformation  it will bring except to slow down the thoughts in a dizzy state? 

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2 minutes ago, Jkris said:

@Shadowraix physcadelics are not harmful? 

Are they addictive? 

Will it cause schizophrenia? Depression? Or other delusional disorders? 

What realization/transformation  it will bring except to slow down the thoughts in a dizzy state? 

These are tricky things to answer.

Psychedelics can be harmful or can be beneficial. It very much depends on you and if it is right for you.

Psychedelics are considered anti-addictive as in they don't feel like they need it like how meth or heroin would cause but I've seen people develop habits out of it as escapeism. Personally every time I trip its very draining and I never feel like I could do it again until at least a week.

Psychedelics could accelerate the development of conditions you are predispositioned to have. But I wouldn't say it would be the direct cause of say schizophrenia but it would make it develop faster. Psychedelics I've heard bring people into depression but I more commonly hear it bringing people out of it due to them finding themselves and developing more acceptance to reality. If you can't handle the psychedelic experience it could result in a psychotic break or anxiety but again that largely depends on you. I am someone who struggles less with accepting the experience than other people I know so I have never had any adverse reactions. If anything any anxiety or discontentment with reality has improved.

Psychedelics are good for introspection which is a key component to spiritual work. You can see your actions, your life from a new angle and figure out where you need to go in life. It can dissolve the illusion of separation, experience no beginning and no end, infinity, pure love, acceptance etc or just offer you a whole new way of experiencing reality. My first glimpse into the illusion of separation was through a psychedelic induced ego death. Just clicked with no prior thought that all is one.

Of course any realization on a psychedelic is fleeting and you can easily go back to your usual self post experience unless you continue your work. So don't think you can become enlightened just through psychedelics. But they do help here and there. :) 

Psychedelics can be really good or bad for you or perhaps not for you at one time but for you at another. You'll have to weigh that decision for yourself. There is always a risk.

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2 hours ago, Dima logach said:

hey guys , i was interested to hear what practices are you doing during your trip (to grow spiritually)

I meditate for about 30 minutes prior and focus on being hyper-present. I always have headphones with music on.

Once in the trip, I dive down inside and search myself for aversions and attachments. One by one, I process accepting aversions and untangling the attachments.

I also set my intention prior to the trip depending on the area of growth I would like to contemplate, such as love, acceptance, etc.

To say that psychedelics have been a benefit to my spiritual growth is a massive understatement.

Edited by Matt8800

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5 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

Once in the trip, I dive down inside and search myself for aversions and attachments. One by one, I process accepting aversions and untangling the attachments.

I also set my intention prior to the trip depending on the area of growth I would like to contemplate, such as love, acceptance, etc.

That is some nice engagement during trips. Are those on low/moderate doses? And would you say meditation helped to be aware within that mind space? Psychedelics can be an unwieldy tool and it sounds like you have learned to use the tool well.

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For me:

I've usually just taken it in the morning and chilled home. I will meditate around the end or in the middle if there is a desire to do so. Also maybe some stretching as well to open up the body. This is assuming if I feel like it, cause I may just lay in my bed and go within or try to express to myself how I am feeling.

But, I get insights no matter what I am doing because I feel so conscious about everything I'm doing.

You can shower or take a walk just around the block and get profound insights and visions. I usually switch between self to no self perspectives even both at the same time, and contemplate extensively.

Psychedelics literally showed me how to be. There's not really anything you need to do besides take it in my experience.


Edited by SgtPepper

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In terms of inner psychological work, 80% of the trip is in the preparation. You need to be doing all the work beforehand, understand the mechanisms, see it in your sober state, discover what your issues are. Read aboyt them. Then when you trip everything will be 100x more powerful, but still built off the sober state.

Of course, sometimes psychedelics take you somewhere you never would have gone when sober. But that's won't happen every single time ina major way necessarily.

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17 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

I meditate for about 30 minutes prior and focus on being hyper-present. I always have headphones with music on.

lets say on acid it takes 30 minutes to kick in ,so you will meditate prior to taking it and then wait till it kicks in or after you took the substance and just meditate into the trip?

and also what kind of music do you like to hear:D

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2 hours ago, Bluebird said:

In terms of inner psychological work, 80% of the trip is in the preparation. You need to be doing all the work beforehand, understand the mechanisms, see it in your sober state, discover what your issues are. Read aboyt them. Then when you trip everything will be 100x more powerful, but still built off the sober state.

could you give an example? do you mean as in like i do self inquiry before the trip to get into the momentum and then during the trip to continue contemplating?

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