
Answer this and I will be truly impressed.

17 posts in this topic

At some point we find out that life/existence/everything, just moves, forever, as 1 infinite interconnected thing.  Aside from the absolute/awareness/etc, every thing that can in any way be known is a some kind of thing moving through its causal connection with everything else.  No one has ever decided or done anything, because the infinite causal links go back in time and forward in time forever, and to say you chose something, you would have to create every single component of whatever entity/thing chose it.  How could anyone ever choose or do anything when all aspects/components of the choice making were not in any way chosen to be in place the way they were by you.  If there was a you who chose for the choice making faculties to be the way they were at the time a choice was made, that you who chose for those choice making faculties to be that way also wasn't composed by you.  if we're honest it seems it would be impossible for any "choice" or action to be anything other than just 1 tiny part of a stream that goes on forever.

Now everything is happening, being the only thing that could possibly happen at any time, only seeming to have other possibilities.  You may think you can walk outside right now, but unless you do, it was never possible, because causality is also existing with your mind, and the choice was already determined, the exact makup of everything including your mind at the time will result in you going outside or not.  

Apart from this is consciousness, which is nothing other than knowing or experiencing anything in any way through any means/sense/whatever, or experiencing nothing if there is nothing to experience/available to experience.  So we have this infinite movement of .... stuff, in various degrees of subtlety.  And then we have the knowing or percieving of anything.  Now we will finally get to my question.

As this movement happens, one can see it going in a certain direction.  They come to know that the being they would normally think was important, actually doesn't matter at all.  Now it will be washed away like dirt on the side of a river.  Fight it as they may, it seems they don't actually have a choice, it is natures way.  Trying to convince themselves otherwise for a very long time, life has convinced them, their existence has to move a certain direction, and it will be painful, and this is where they fit in the universal tapestry, like a leaf falling off a tree in the fall.  It has happened to others, and we have found equanimity knowing that it was just the movement of life, but now we sit and watch it from a first person perspective, as a being seems to be moving into not such a glamourous or beautiful bandwith of existence within everything.  Why must the consiousness be here to experience such sadness and turmoil?  Why should a pure being, able to understand how things become ugly, find himself in a place where its impossible not to absorb such massive ugliness from all around.  And then join in on the movement and into death?

I just want to know, if life could be any way, why is it like this?  In our reality, everything gets healed through massive suffering over long periods of time, and beings are blamed, disgraced, made to think poorly of themselves, when they were only ever part of the universal movement.  Is it not known that there are truly beings in here who suffer massively, does it really need to be that way for this to work?  If life is an appearance and could take any form, why take the form of one that has to evolve through suffering.  Why couldn't there just be peace forever, and before you say, you would get bored, why couldn't there in no way be boredom, why couldnt there just be peace that you never get bored of, and never diminishes, and doesn't need anything not even change, and coudl stay with nothing forever?

Also, I dont understand Karma.  There is a movement through life and you never have control over anything.  Wouldn't Karma be punishing/rewarding someone(an experiencer of suffering) for something they had no hand in. 





Edited by Mulky
grammar/spelling forgot something

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@MulkyIn short your question is what's the point purpose of this life creation? Why its not perfect? 

Nothing. No purpose. No meaning Imo. May be after self realization the questions may not appear. Accept what ever comes as it is or choose the lesser suffering. 

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@MulkyForget karma this and that. Nisargadatta maharaj said if karma is real why creation first? Who's karma?

Drop all the philosophical garbages theories. These are sheer distractions. 

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@Mulky good question. What I got so far is, it's a story that already ended in peace no matter which way it went. However, we are in the story as it is being written out. We get to participate in how it's being written out.

I keep saying here from time to time, what are you doing for your life purpose? That could set a positive ripple effect for the world. Do you want to participate in making positive ripple effects? How are you going to do this?

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Absolute Infinity!

You will not understand until you understand.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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the movie script is already written

this is just it being acted out, moment by moment

the actor still must play out the part and have the experience of having played those parts though it's already all planned and written.

depends on which POV you choose to look from

from the character in the movie, he's got no idea what's coming up next

the actor

the actor and the character is one

so both statements are true, that what is to come is both known and unknown (shifting the POV to make either statement true)

Love Is The Answer

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What is the purpose of this creation? What is the purpose of me giving any answer? Any answer I give you will be from the mind, any question you ask me comes from the mind. The mind and all it's fantasy content counts for nothing and cannot perceive the Truth. The non-dual is the witness and creator of the mind, so any attempt to grasp it or perceive it with the mind is futile. You can only BE it for it is what you are. The non-dual is not consciousness or even awareness, it simply just IS. Whatever you perceive and see, whatever you become aware or conscious of, it already was, is, and will always be. 

It is so totally empty, so non-localized, it's kinda non-existent and at the same time fully existent, the only existent. Here it is, writing this, reading this, being all of reality and beyond. It can experience anything trough itself (the spiritual planes, the astral planes, several states of consciousness and awareness etc). It's the only Reality, the Only God. And I and You are That.

Edited by Highest

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On 29/01/2019 at 4:16 AM, Jkris said:

@MulkyIn short your question is what's the point purpose of this life creation? Why its not perfect? 

Nothing. No purpose. No meaning Imo. May be after self realization the questions may not appear. Accept what ever comes as it is or choose the lesser suffering. 

@Mulky  it is perfect , you are creating the problem . And all this questioning is about you , you are confuse , only you are suffering .

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@Mulky I triple dog dare you to write that entire post again, but in the exact opposite.   

At no point do we ever find out...”

(double stamped)



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Whoa, lots of assumptions in the original post. Perhaps we can all consider an issue that has no assumptions. 

We all agree that it is essential to address the pressing issue of Third Leg Syndrome (TLS). It’s clear that TLS has a negative impact on our world. The economic impact is obvious and goes without saying. Yet, it’s also important to consider the emotional toll TLS has on communities and it’s impact on biodiversity. Even insects are impacted by TLS. One may think they don’t have TLS, but how can one be sure?

The answer to this widespread terrible problem is both complex and elusive. There is a reason TLS has baffled humans for thousands of years. We now know that TLS is caused by an amorphous supernatural entity. Even scientists agree on this. Obviously, this entity has an intention. Yet, how can we communicate with the entity? What is it trying to tell us? Since we live in a computer simulated reality, how can the program communicate with the programmer?

This problem becomes more baffling the more I think about it . . . 

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On 1/29/2019 at 2:37 AM, Leo Gura said:

Absolute Infinity!

You will not understand until you understand.

Pretty much this. Your fantasy if how you like reality to be does exist but what is being experienced right now is not it because this is simply one small subsection of the infinite. You'll know what it is like to be in every possibility but something has to experience them individually. And who is it that's gonna do that? You of course! 

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One thing important I must add (just so that others don't assume that I'm excluding 'absolute infinity'). We still have to live this life to the fullest. How you apply 'absolute infinity' in this life counts a lot.

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Suffering occurs when there is resistance. We suffer because we are unable to surrender to what is. Surrender to nothingness and emptiness. Detach from circumstances. Detach from that which only appears to be. 

We get lost in the story. 

Suffering also occurs during our desperate attempts to understand that which cannot be understood. Explain the unexplainable. 

All suffering is completely meaningless. Everything is completely meaningless. That is why you can choose to create your own meaning. Tell your own story, yet not get lost in it. Precisely because you know everything is meaningless.

There is no meaning in anything aside from the meaning you create for yourself. And even that is meaningless.

And that is exactly why everything is so perfect, meaningful and beautiful.

Choose a way to express the beauty you feel inside. Do the same when you suffer. Do that consciously, on purpose. So what if it's all for nothing?

Nothing is everything.

That is the meaning of no meaning. That is Infinity. 


Edited by ivankiss

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@Mulky during an awakening, since you're not embodied anymore, and there is no phenomenon anymore, you don't suffer because you don't have to deal with an ego anymore. :) Even during that transformation back to your ego, you don't suffer. Instead, you fall into love (bliss) when you embody back into the ego -- both the body and our world (earth realm). Now apply this to life. How well are you going to apply this to life?

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Thanks for all the replies guys I have just been to busy to respond :)

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