
Share Here The Best Biohacking Techniques

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Share here the best biohacking techniques that you know 

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This is pure stage yellow thinking

Edited by Cortex

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lol, thanks for clarifying that this was Stage Yellow thinking... I was about to post some Orange or Green stuff in here. There's a couple of things I do which might be consider biohacking:

- Cold Showers

- No wheat, sugar, sodas, etc.

- Maca Powder

- Reduction of meat intake

Not sure what you are trying to accomplish or what you feel you can improve though.

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Really, everything and anything has an impact on your biology, so it depends on your goals and how YOUR body/mind (re)acts to everything.

- Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Training

- Sleeping in a pitch black room + no blue light exposure 2 hours prior

- Dual N-Back Training for increased working memory

- Meditation

- Nootropics

- Deep Squats 3 min a day, Hanging for 7 min a day

- Using toilets in a squatted position

- Using all kinds of technology and gadgets (sensory deprevation tank, vibration boards, EEG, ozone therapy, ...)

- Things Leo talks about

- Everything you eat combined with timing combined with lifestyle

- Implanting a magnet under your skin, to attract more cash and improve your financial situation :P


Not only do these impact your biology, but they impact each other.
Don't do cold showers (cold exposure) 4 hours after exercising if you don't want to lose some gains.

If you want a specific result implement as many things potentially leading to it as possible and then if you obtained the result, systematically remove some, to see which actually give you the desired result.

Edited by peqkno

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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Drinking alcohol or codeine before taking a cold shower is one of the best hacks because you will enjoy all the benefits of cold shower without feeling any coldness and this is one of the best hacks that i've invented and it works great 

Edited by Cortex
Such A Great Solution

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On 1/30/2019 at 2:50 AM, Cortex said:

Drinking alcohol or codeine before taking a cold shower is one of the best hacks 


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3 hours ago, Hansu said:

Drinking alcohol or codeine is one of the best hacks


agreed! 1+

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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On 1/30/2019 at 1:50 AM, Cortex said:

Drinking alcohol or codeine before taking a cold shower is one of the best hacks because you will enjoy all the benefits of cold shower without feeling any coldness and this is one of the best hacks that i've invented and it works great 

wat 0.o


using blue blocking glasses after 6pm. ive tried apps on the laptop that block it from emitting blue light and it only gave me a headache. Also switching led/white lights to yellow.

eating like your ancestors



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Go into the forest for a week straight. Observe.


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The Bioneer -

Just noticed the Stage Yellow comment up at the top. This guy isn't really yellow, my bad. Great channel anyhow.

Edited by SoothedByRain

We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

“Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.” 

“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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Best Biohack i discovered in practice recently:

Cholesterol, Saturated fats, Dairy, raw eggs, raw meat.


... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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On 31/01/2019 at 10:35 PM, Rilles said:


agreed! 1+

try LSD before each shower, the shower is showing itself

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Great idea, it's always great to check out how you can function in the realm of doing those kind of stuff while under the influence 

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The main principle in health is to mimic the activities, nutrition etc. of a hunter-gatherer 200.000 years ago. Use your body how it was meant to be used. 

You could also try deconstructing health/ vitality practices into a few main components:
(ranked by importance + in brackets the one thing which lead to the highest benefits for me)

1. Sleep & Relaxation (Knowing what your chronological sleeping type is (night owl, early bird) and sticking to it)
2. Nutrition (Eat lot's of vegetables, preferably barely cooked)
3. Cultivating Positive Emotions (Opening your chakras)
4. Movement & Strength Training (Do intermittent breaks from sitting -> flexibility exercises/ some hatha yoga asanas are great)
5. Cold/Heat Exposure (Daily cold showers)
6. Fasting (Habit of intermittent fasting)
7. Posture (Knowing how good posture feels in your body)

+NoFap for men

Edited by Norn
Missed something

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Daily 3x green tea works like a charm for me to regain focus

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On 2/26/2019 at 8:48 AM, Norn said:

The main principle in health is to mimic the activities, nutrition etc. of a hunter-gatherer 200.000 years ago. Use your body how it was meant to be used. 

You could also try deconstructing health/ vitality practices into a few main components:
(ranked by importance + in brackets the one thing which lead to the highest benefits for me)

1. Sleep & Relaxation (Knowing what your chronological sleeping type is (night owl, early bird) and sticking to it)
2. Nutrition (Eat lot's of vegetables, preferably barely cooked)
3. Cultivating Positive Emotions (Opening your chakras)
4. Movement & Strength Training (Do intermittent breaks from sitting -> flexibility exercises/ some hatha yoga asanas are great)
5. Cold/Heat Exposure (Daily cold showers)
6. Fasting (Habit of intermittent fasting)
7. Posture (Knowing how good posture feels in your body)

+NoFap for men




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Magnesium + B-Vitamins (B1,B2,B3,B5,B6  + B9,B12) 

All support the running of Kreb's Cycle, the core of fat and carb metabolism into energy (ATP) in cell mitochondria, your body's powerhouse. Any of these gets low, your energy levels will suffer. Getting sufficient magnesium and B vitamins in can fix many cases of chronic fatigue...that it those that are not caused by adrenal fatigue, hypothyroid etc...

Ofcourse, intake from food is preferable to supplements !

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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