
Easiest way to wake up on time

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Almost none of us use traditional alarm clock nowadays.

We all use our mobile phone.

The thing is, it's not good for our brain (possibilities of cancer) to have one near us when we sleep (see studies if you don't believe me),
But it's also a distraction which reduce sleep quality (unconsciously and consciously).

There is a way force yourself to wake up and putting at bay those problems.

Just put your mobile with an alarm somewhere you can't reach without getting out of bed and having to walk.
Doesn't work to buy a traditional alarm clock and putting it near you, if you're lazy like me you would just setting it off and sleep again 9_9




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Yeah I tried this in the early days and I slept through the alarm many times ? My advice is to follow a strict schedule of waking up early Shin and actually make sure you get out of bed. And then sooner or later you don't even need an alarm. You just wake up. 

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35 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

 And then sooner or later you don't even need an alarm. You just wake up. 

I second this!

When I have the 5 am streak going strong, I wake up at 4:59 am without any alarm and set off the 5 am alarm. Happened this many times.

The key is to get in bed at a fixed time and take a routine sleep of 6-8 hours. Also the huge upside of waking up by yourself is that you feel lucid and not sleepy at all, in fact it becomes tougher to sleep back again.

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That usually work for me, but there are days where I stay up late for social reasons, so that's still useful.

I almost always wake up before the alarm kicks, but just in case I let it on, especially when I have something to do in the morning :) 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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3 hours ago, Shin said:

The thing is, it's not good for our brain (possibilities of cancer) to have one near us when we sleep (see studies if you don't believe me),

also turn off the wifi router!!

just read in a recent study that 90% of ppl with autoimmune conditions had improvement in symptoms after sleeping in tents that filter out EMF

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My perfect option on waking up on time is not even going to sleep the night before. :D 
Rather just meditating through the night... ;) Best night ever.

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