
Martin ball and his insomnia

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Martin Ball. Seems to be suffering from severe insomnia, and in general dealing with some very sever issues.

He has taken a temporarily leave from his job, stopped doing interview and everything to focus on himself. To get through this event.

If we do not learn from people we will make the same mistakes they have made.

Copious amounts of psychedelics use, and severely altering your state and the way your system works through the use of external substances. Will obviously have a drastic affect on your system.

Anything with such drastic affects done on a regular basis will have dramatic affects on the body, and not all good.

Common sense really.

Martin. Who mind you is the only person that’s touted as enlightened via the use of entheogens is dealing with such a backlash to his system. 

If you remember in the beginning on his awakening he also just had dmt visuals for 3 months instead of sleeping. That might sound Deep and fulfil a fantasy for some reading that story, but if you really put yourself in his place he was on the verge on going insane. 

Dont play around with your psychological health like that.

It’s sad to see what martins going through, but good to learn from. If you have glimpsed even a bit. Take that “message” as Alan Watts said, and work on it.

Adopt a healthy approach.


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Wait so turns out trip balls on DMT on a regular isn't actually good for you, who would ever thought 

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1 hour ago, Enizeo said:

Sounds like confirmation bias

Sounds like confirmation bias

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Feel sorry for Martin boy since he is dying. That's why you should say no to drugs kids. ?




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Is this some kind of latest news? Where is this information you're talking about ? :) I'm interested.

Balance people. No balance + strong awakening = going crazy.

Balance + strong awakening = fantastic. The stronger awakening the better. 

the stronger the awakening when there's no balance, the more you will suffer.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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11 minutes ago, Whatever said:

Sounds like confirmation bias

I hoped no one would notice :D

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attachment to ego is a problem and so is attachment to Truth. this is one of the finest and hardest principles of well-being to embody after a few years of mystical experiences and integration.

unborn Truth

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@Arhattobe How was it determined the condition was soley due to psychedelic use? Or is this an assumption?

I’m not saying it wasn’t a factor, yet insomnia can be a complex condition with many inputs.

High doses have been shown to cause acute insomnia, while micro doses may reduce insomnia. What data are you using to conclude Ball’s chronic insomnia is caused by previous psychedelic use? 

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He felt like dying. Did I say he will die? That’s a typo. Sorry guys.

 @Serotoninluv its not just intense insomnia though. The three month visual craziness, the deepening of the voice, the barking, and other symptoms also prove that a healthy approach is best.

It’s basic common sense. Don’t drastically alter your state of being on a regular basis by force. There will be a backlash. Your system was designed the way it was for a reason. 

Messing with it too much is not the best idea. 

Edited by Arhattobe

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just read all of his updates, sounds horrible. im glad hes feeling slightly better and going to a neurologist.

17 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

How was it determined the condition was soley due to psychedelic use? Or is this an assumption?

I’m not saying it wasn’t a factor, yet insomnia can be a complex condition with many inputs.

he did mention that he always had insomnia tendencies since he was a child. & it was shown that psychedelics can exacerbate previous illnesses, since it can actually change the way your neurons fire and alter pathways. Brain fatigue in a recent study was shown to be a result of neural pathways being less connected or altered. 

i somewhat can relate to what hes going through with insomnia, i really hope a solution comes fast and has full recovery <3, its truly something you wouldnt want anyone to experience 

Im sure this has to be a lesson from emotions/beliefs//and the like. Diet also has a huge role in here, but i see based on the facebook comments that he probably knows that already

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@Arhattobe Yes, there can be side effects from psychedelics, such as hppd. Yet these are rare cases of certain individuals with extreme use. I think it’s an overstatement to use terms like “obvious” and “common sense”. People often assume correlation means causation. As well, moderate use of psychedelics are rated one of the safest substances. I think it’s important to do our best to have a nonbiased, fair perspective. There is an inaccurate stigma that psychedelics are universally harmful, which is challenging to correct at that social level.

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35 minutes ago, Arhattobe said:

@Salvijus his facebook

Omg i just read it. It's a sorry state to be for him.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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It’s common sense that severely altering your state in any way regularly will have a dramatic effect on your psyche. If you disagree I don’t think your being honest with yourself.

@Salvijus and yep. It’s not good

Edited by Arhattobe

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@Arhattobe I’ve read his fb page. He has had insomnia since childhood and attributes this bout of insomnia to thought loops and deep emotion issues he needs to work through. 

He is going through imnense suffering and, personally, and I think ine needs to be careful about making assumptions and using him as an anti-psychedelic example. The psychedelics are likely one factor of many. I’ve met many people that have tripped hundreds of times without mind-body illness. There are tribes in which tripping is part of their lifestyle. It’s not just the psychedelics. There are multiple factors, it’s context dependent and it’s a complex issue. 

Honesty is not making assumptions. Honesty is observing with an open mind with a genuine interest for truth. Then, doing research to learn the truth. Part of the problem with psychedelic research is that they are mis-categorized as schedule I, which severly cripples our ability to study psychedelics and develop them as the safest medicine possible. 

Our current evidence clearly show psychedelics are not inherently harmful. They are harmful for some people under some circumstances.

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There are a whole host of issues and symptoms. Instead of sleeping for 3 months upon awakening he just had dmt visuals all the time. He heard a voice in his heart. His voice deepens when he speaks. The insomnia. 

All im saying regular use of severe min altering substances will lead to imbalances and have repercussions. Don’t really get why that means I have a vendetta.


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@Arhattobe I’m not saying chronic use of psychedelics never contribute to adverse health conditions. I am saying they can be one factor of many. They can be a major facor, mininal factor and even a non-factor. 

As well, people like Ball have had hundreds of trips without significant adverse health effects. Others may have adverse effects after only a few uses. Others, no ill effects. It’s a complex issue and we are just beginning to study psychedelics. This is one reason the schedule I restriction on psychedelic research should be lifted. 

Personally, I would not recommend anyone do long-term heavy use of psychedelics. I think the risks are too high.

In general, too much of anything is not a good thing. 

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