
What is Spiritual Purification?

9 posts in this topic

What is it REALLY. 

What are the top three books people have read about this subject

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You are afraid of water. You force yourself to go to a pool and try to learn to swim over and over and over again, that shit is scary as fuck all the time, but you persist. Then at some point you are not afraid of water anymore, at all, because you overcame this fear a thousand of times. That's spiritual purification in a nutshell: freeing yourself from unreasonable egoic reactions.



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@Mrkvn8 it's letting go of all that holds you back.

It's about removing the distractions & the clutter from your life,

It's about cleaning up your information intake and seeing reality for what it is, exactly in this moment

It's about integrating more BEING into your life and less critiquing, judging, blaming, etc. 

It's about moving from your head into your heart, and trusting that the heart is more powerful than the head.


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@Mrkvn8 Do a 10 day solo retreat and you will see.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Remembering and Embodying the essence of who you truly are beyond that which the world has programmed and conditioned you to think you are.


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It's the awareness and acceptance of the pain that arises when one lets go of his attachments. This leads to transmutation of suffering into peace.

A simple diet, exercise, changes of habits can increase the process.

Be intrested in the hidden emotional baggage you carry arround. It also manifests as blockages in your body.

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For me it's a burning of desires that happens as you progress with practice. You lose interest in pursuing money, sex, etc. and stop doing unnecessary harm.

You fall in love with God instead.

Almost every spiritual book has a chapter on it, so read them all.

Edited by Girzo

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Read the Untethered Soul and The Power Of Now.

It's basically shadow work, releasing all the emotional blockages within you.

It's mostly inconscious thinking patterns and beliefs, who have the power to close your heart and mind.

That's why there is high and low in your life emotionally speaking, otherwise you would just be peaceful/happy all the time,

As long as you keep releasing new emotional stuff that comes with new challenges of course.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Leo Gura I have done a 10-Day Solo Retreat, and I had A LOT of spiritual purification. However, I lacked the intellectual knowledge of what Spiritual Purification is, fundamentally, to contemplate Spiritual Purification properly. 

What is the most informative book on this topic, Leo?

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