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Taurus. I don't like how astrology fragments things, even if it has an element of truth.

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@RichardY yes, I would say I believe in it 75% haha but it’s very interesting seeing similar behavior in people from the same zodiac sign 

I’ll tell you what I know about Taurus and you let me know if it’s accurate

Taurus like financial stability so they are naturally ambitious, love food, homemade in special, actually they like everything homemade and handmade, they like to use their hands to do stuff, like gardening, working with wood etc they also value family a lot, sometimes are conservative because it’s an earth and fixed sign, so they are very grounded and sometimes can be close minded because of this groundness, they love their space, being at home etc.. they say Taurus are good husbands

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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42 minutes ago, MsNobody said:

@RichardY yes, I would say I believe in it 75% haha but it’s very interesting seeing similar behavior in people from the same zodiac sign 

I’ll tell you what I know about Taurus and you let me know if it’s accurate

Taurus like financial stability so they are naturally ambitious, love food, homemade in special, actually they like everything homemade and handmade, they like to use their hands to do stuff, like gardening, working with wood etc they also value family a lot, sometimes are conservative because it’s an earth and fixed sign, so they are very grounded and sometimes can be close minded because of this groundness, they love their space, being at home etc.. they say Taurus are good husbands

@MsNobody I would say that is true. My last name also means bay with good soil. High in the openness to intellectual ideas, but otherwise low in openness. I generally like being in the woods coppicing trees and enjoy gardening. I would say I'm generally seen as conservative by others, although not ideologically so, I think it's less grounded and coherent than socialism. Not classical liberal either, closest would be Whiggism, although that's pretty much non-existent.

Pisces, I don't really know anything about astrology, but I remember Pisces being related to individuation, from reading some of C.G Jung.


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So how is capricon like?

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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♓️Pisces sun

♐️Sagittarius moon

Leo is a taurus btw

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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5 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

Spiral dynamics.. personality type tests.. astrology..

When will it end? What's wrong with you people?

What's wrong with YOU? 

Just accept and move on ? 

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1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

Accept what? That all that crap is bullshit? Yes, I have already done that and moved on.

Accept how people are. There's nothing wrong with anybody. You are free to think it is bullshit but that doesn't make it correct for everybody. ?

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Capricorn rising

Moon in Leo

Mars in Scorpio

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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(late) Leo. (21.08)

Passion. Fire. Pride. Will.

Not way too much into astrology; but I do resonate with these words strongly and naturally.

Would not say that I am 100% tipical Leo; but there seems to be a lot of mutuality and simularity. I can recognize myself in a Leo, yup. More than any other sign. However I also resonate with these signs and their characteristics; virgo, sagittarius, aquarius, libra, scorpio.

Could you maybe tell me something interesting about the sign of Leo? (I don't know much)

Cool thread.


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12 hours ago, RichardY said:

I would say that is true. My last name also means bay with good soil. High in the openness to intellectual ideas, but otherwise low in openness. I generally like being in the woods coppicing trees and enjoy gardening. I would say I'm generally seen as conservative by others, although not ideologically so, I think it's less grounded and coherent than socialism. Not classical liberal either, closest would be Whiggism, although that's pretty much non-existent.

Pisces, I don't really know anything about astrology, but I remember Pisces being related to individuation, from reading some of C.G Jung.


@RichardY yes, in the woods coppicing trees and enjoy gardening sounds like a typical Taurus, Leo is a Taurus too, I don't know why I thought he was Aries.. yes I have many Taurus friends and it's not that they are conservative, they just like to dig deeper into the subjects and find out for themselves what is true, so they don't believe what people say easily that's why people consider them conservatives.

I'm not familiar with Jung's opinion but Pisces is the last zodiac sign so they are connected with the after life and for having this one foot in the dream realm Pisces are very artistic and imaginative, but also tend to try to escape this reality.. it's hard to talk about it cause I'm a Pisces myself, but from what I see in my Pisces friends they are very romantic and openminded, I like to say they are the cute ones with duty mind, it's a water sign so very emotional and for being a mutable sign our minds change very fast.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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