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Who is the one who "has" the ego?

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Why do people say things like "he has a big ego"...who or what is that entity that the ego belongs to? Why not say "he is a big ego"? The former sentence creates duality, suggesting there is an ego along with an entity that "owns" it's ego. I know what you're going to say, he is really God/awareness/consciousness so the truth is "he"is not an ego at all, right? So what does that mean? That God has an ego?


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Yes it does suggest a duality but it's just written like that for the sake of writing convention

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pure nothingness, pure awareness or pure being is what you are, the rest is just an idea.. 

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2 minutes ago, EvilAngel said:

same ol', same ol'

this made me crack up laughing- thank you 


ego recontextualise means only one thing "sense of self" what ever that sense of "i" is that is the self referring one to the word ego 

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@EvilAngel yes indeed, but conscious experience of being pure nothingness  will answer your question! 

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@EvilAngel Limited to the usage of words, but, you forget your self and situation so you can experience. It’s very very funny to remember. Worth all the work. Worth a lifetime of work. Lol. (Again, words like forget & remember are not even pointers. The “remembering” is like a new experience in addition to & prior to thinking, etc, a one of a kind thing you wouldn’t even know ‘you’ do until it ‘happens’)



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@EvilAngel Maybe we can start saying "Nothingness is totally identified with the false sense of self in that body-mind" instead. Let's see how long it takes before we all get locked up in a padded room. :D

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Stay as the unknowable Witness, That which is aware of the mind which creates all these questions and it's answers, which creates all delusion and illusion. Remain as That which cannot be seen, that which cannot be defined, that which cannot be grasped by the mind. One can only be conscious and aware of it, or rather it becomes aware and conscious of itself. Stay as That.

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