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Confused about a very short dissasociation experience

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The thing is that today something happened. It was just 10 seconds, but I think it was intense enough to take it into consideration, (more even if I imagine it will happen again if I continue to do such practices as Yoga or consciouss breathing from now on at the intensity I´m doing them, since i quit coffee and working on my addiction and taking my manias, phobias, identity serious since im discovering im the one who is creating all this problems I have in my life)



Anyway,  today I went out running, then at the 30minute mark I started thinking about how a run can make you feel good and "be more consciouss about things". Then I thought , well ego is never consciouss so what I am even saying. This "spirtual debate" went on a few minutes, adn then, I just stopped running and I felt a crazy dissasociationg and I felt that I couldn´t associate myself with anything. Including..."Me". Well this looks too much to happen in 10 seconds right but I am just trying to explain what it felt a dissociated state, (or whatever you can call it). 

I felt panic of losing control,  very real. It felt like a drug induced state for a moment. I tried to move, a punch lightly in my chest to swtch "the headspace" started running and then the sensation dissapeared and it was just me. But it really FELT like my consciousness HAD the moment to see that it was not me, but got scared and fast (in about 10 seconds after i did the chest thing) went back to identifing with my self. 


OR it could have been just the mix of exercising + placebo effect of being meditating so much lately?  (since i was pretty tired, maybe I had low blood sugar because I do a low-carb diet)

Can sober spiritual experience happen like this? (like 10 seconds, and its gone lol) Or is more like, "if you really had a spiritual thing, you would know it, you wouldn´t be asking"

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You got a good look at something deeper. You are fortunate for a 10 second look. Glimpses are usually very short and often the mind isn’t aware of them. 

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“Dissociation (being split-off from one’s deepest truth) mimics enlightenment – but it isn’t enlightenment. People who are dissociated live in great peace. But this is only because they have blocked their negative feelings. The enlightened person resolves his negatives feelings, and thus his peace is not false.

People who are dissociated do not suffer. But this is only because they have abandoned their healing process and numbed their pain. Enlightenment grows from the fertilized soil of suffering.

People who are dissociated call themselves enlightened. But this is only because they have they have no conception of what enlightenment is. Enlightenment is the polar opposite of dissociation.

People who are dissociated feel they have mastered forgiveness. But this is only because they completely deny the harm done to them – and the damage remaining. The enlightened forgive spontaneously and without effort because they have fully embraced their damaged parts and grieved every honest ounce of their misery.”

- Daniel Mackler

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2 minutes ago, Gabriel Antonio said:

Enlightenment is the polar opposite of dissociation.


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