
Returning to life; as a nondual being

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@Jack Walter Leon Nothing necesseraliy wrong with what's Leo saying here. I watched this video twice, if I'm not mistaken.

Here's the thing;

From the absolute point of view there is nothing that could be done or chosen that does not already exist - is predetermened.

Especially if there is no point of view at all. - Pure absolute infinity.

It is all there is. Thus nothing can be added to it. Nor can anything outside of it be chosen.

But the absolute is also infinite and we are, as individuals, experiencing it. An experiencer thus has the freedom to explore the infinite possibilities that are ever-present and available. Right now.

For some individuals it might be benefitial to live for a while under the notion of no free will, because it is relevant for them at that precise time. It may temporarily unburden an individual that is overwhelmed by the amount of "responsibility" free will requiers.


If there is no one there to have free will; there is no free will. Simple as that. Everything runs on it's own, so to speak. But if there is an experiencer, a point of view, an individual...Free will is all there is. Definitely.

There is nothing outside of infinity. But it is goddamn infinite xD

Edited by ivankiss

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When one has the experience of no free will and is unable to break through; it is solely because one is unaware of the choice they made. And that is to have an experience of no free will. The choice was there and made by the experiencer, at some point. They may have made the decision consciously or uncosnciously. But they did. There could be no notion of no free will otherwise.

Here's a funny thing;

This whole free will/determinism thing is based on an experiencer who both questions and desires to experience free will. One cannot experience two worlds at the same time. Hence the choice.

All one really wants is to be free. And one is absolutely free to choose to experience that.

It will be an illusion ultimately, yes. But so is literally everything else in existence. Even the experience of no free will. Why, you might ask? Because there is an experiencer; who is illusory in the first place.

Free will is something one has to become aware of. Recognize the freedom of choice fully and use it right here and now; consciously, on purpose. The choice can be nowhere else than right here; right now.

I sensed a strong urge to add this xD

Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss Do you have free will? Or does the will have you?

Where do your wills come from? 

If you have free will, can you change your will? And where does the will to change your will come from? 

Can you stop wanting anything? And where does the will to stop wanting come from? 

Is the will really something that you have

I think the most important question is: are you free from the will? 

Edited by Barna

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@Barna Yes. Freedom on that level requires one to drop the notion of free will, as well as the need for it.

There is no need for one to have free will. But one is free to choose to experience freedom. And that can be expressed in many, beautiful ways. Will is often tightly tied to spontaneous action. A nudge. No questions. Just flow.

Ultimately; there is no will and it is not free. Precisely because there is no one there who would need any will or the freedom of it.

But again; that is the absolute. No self = no self to experience free will - obviously xD

I said this before but I don't mind repeating certain things; 

Illusion is not bad. It is one's nature. It is exactly how existance is possible at all. There is no movement without illusion. Embrace the illusion. Love it. But be aware of it. Know it's qualities. Carve it. Don't stay trapped in it. You can choose this. You are free to choose. You can be on that side of the spectrum. And there there is free will.

Edited by ivankiss

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I'm not talking from the absolute or no self  perspective. I'm asking these questions from the human perspective. Right here, right now, hearing your thoughts, feeling your emotions: if you feel that you want something, is that want yours? Can you trace it back to its origins? Does that will come from freedom? Or is it the result of your past experiences? Be sincere to yourself about this. 

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@Barna I addressed the individualized (human) perspective/experience as well.

Whatever I experience is me and my own. There is nothing outside of me; from this point of view.

This does not change. It is like that forever. Only the point if view changes. To me it is all me and mine, to you it is all you and yours.

But at the and of the day... nothing is anybody's, really.

The issue arises when one tries to describe in retrospect something that is directly in front of their face. Right now. Right here. Exclusively. Only.

I used my free will to edit this post. Right now. Just because I can. xD

Edited by ivankiss

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I'm not very good at expressing my perspective on something, so I link a video instead. This talk is the most brilliant teaching I've ever heard on the topic of will:


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@Anton Rogachevski I am very humbled, kind sir. Much love and respect to you.

@Jack Walter Leon Would love to watch that movie myself xD It would be spectacular, for sure. Who knows; maybe we are having a debate at this precise moment in some other, alternate version of the universe ;) 

...and we are sure using our free will to create that experience xD

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