
Got with a girl last night.

14 posts in this topic

Right, so.

Some of you might be familiar with my other threads on here. I apologise for anything inflammatory I might have said.

I just feel a bit torn.

Last night I was out with a few friends having drinks. And a friend, of a friend, came along. By the end of the night, we shacked up, just kissing a lot. She was going to come back to my place, but it never transpired for one reason or another (we got lost!). 

She's texting me this morning. She's a really nice girl, and she's stunning. WAAAAY out of my league haha. But she seems keen.

I'm not expecting anything, or even trying to put a front on. I told her several times that perhaps she thinks I am something that I'm not.

Just with everything that is going on at the moment (see other threads), I'm still struggling to get the idea out of my head that relationships, even casual ones, are sort of pointless. You might call this girl unconscious, which I struggle to sort of see as anything other than like a 'zombie', for one of a better term.

I feel so conflicted... as she seems nice, genuine and down to earth...

What do I do? Is it worth pursuing?

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If you want to live among sheep, you must learn how to become one.

She's just being herself with complete honesty, and either one of you will drag the other towards their end.

Your choice.

By this point, you should expect that 99.99% of people you'll ever meet are totally in the dark about consciousness. And you must learn how to cope with that.

That being said, if you're not ready for a commited relationship with a regular 'zombie', then stop wasting your time and others'.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? A question for you to contemplate.

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@Truth Addict There are no sheep. Consciousness permeates everybody. But I understand what you mean.

Relationships are a great possibility to grow. A possibility to challenge each others ego's. Go for it.

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It's only pointless if you want it to be. You are here to experience. You could call anything pointless. 

If this is an experience you want to have then go for it. You learn and grow. 

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Don't overthink it. Just ride that shit to Asgard and back and see how you feel after that. 

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I'm still trying to get my head around the suggestion we are not individuals. Are we?

I would only see it as pointless if she isn't an individual human being.

Otherwise, what could be pointless about loving someone and making their experience as positive as possible? Isn't this a valid reason?

She seems great.


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@Paul92 What do you expect? To have sex with Einstein? Lol

Close that deal.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Don’t tell her that, have fun, abstinence is not the way. 

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On 1/26/2019 at 4:47 AM, Paul92 said:

Right, so.

Some of you might be familiar with my other threads on here. I apologise for anything inflammatory I might have said.

I just feel a bit torn.

Last night I was out with a few friends having drinks. And a friend, of a friend, came along. By the end of the night, we shacked up, just kissing a lot. She was going to come back to my place, but it never transpired for one reason or another (we got lost!). 

She's texting me this morning. She's a really nice girl, and she's stunning. WAAAAY out of my league haha. But she seems keen.

I'm not expecting anything, or even trying to put a front on. I told her several times that perhaps she thinks I am something that I'm not.

Just with everything that is going on at the moment (see other threads), I'm still struggling to get the idea out of my head that relationships, even casual ones, are sort of pointless. You might call this girl unconscious, which I struggle to sort of see as anything other than like a 'zombie', for one of a better term.

I feel so conflicted... as she seems nice, genuine and down to earth...

What do I do? Is it worth pursuing?

Just remove all limiting beliefs and approach this potential relationship with a beginner's mind.

Relationships are just a part of life, and you need not resist them. Resistance itself creates unconsciousness.

Let everything go, and just enjoy your life and the experiences. Don't suppress anything, as you know nothing.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Paul92 You're way too much in your head. 

Firstly, you are saying no for her already. You don't know if it's gonna work out, but out of fear of rejection, you are assuming the worst and thus preventing any type of positive outcome. 

Secondly, by not having sex with her you are preventing a great experience for both of you, a good memory and not doing what you were put in this earth to do - that is, to penetrate the world with masculine energy and to give your gifts. 

Life force always wants to move, morph, penetrate and engulf. By keeping it static, you are slowly rotting away and doing the universe a diservice. 

Go close that deal. If not, she is gonna find an asshole to fill in that role. If the girl wants to be filled up, why should an asshole do it instead of you? 

Wake up! 

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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On 1/26/2019 at 4:47 AM, Paul92 said:

Right, so.

Some of you might be familiar with my other threads on here. I apologise for anything inflammatory I might have said.

I just feel a bit torn.

Last night I was out with a few friends having drinks. And a friend, of a friend, came along. By the end of the night, we shacked up, just kissing a lot. She was going to come back to my place, but it never transpired for one reason or another (we got lost!). 

She's texting me this morning. She's a really nice girl, and she's stunning. WAAAAY out of my league haha. But she seems keen.

I'm not expecting anything, or even trying to put a front on. I told her several times that perhaps she thinks I am something that I'm not.

Just with everything that is going on at the moment (see other threads), I'm still struggling to get the idea out of my head that relationships, even casual ones, are sort of pointless. You might call this girl unconscious, which I struggle to sort of see as anything other than like a 'zombie', for one of a better term.

I feel so conflicted... as she seems nice, genuine and down to earth...

What do I do? Is it worth pursuing?

The point is your experience of now, and that’s it.  The point of the entire cosmos existing is literally Paul’s experience. So let the “what’s the point” story go man. Of course “Close the deal”!

“Make Paul great again”!


Universe: here’s the point buddy! (Super hot girl manifests)

Paul: meh.



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Just bang the shit out of her and if the sex is great then continue the relationship, otherwise say goodbye.

Its 2019 ffs.





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