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Tony 845

3rd eye opening getting more & more intense

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As soon as I think the levels of this chakra opening reaches it limits it goes to new heights, to be honest it's getting annoying at this point (But then I'll do self inquiry & say who's annoyed? Lol) 

any views or thoughts on this topic, my Kundalini activated about 6 months ago & some things see to be getting more & more intense as this goes on.

yes I've read enlightenment through the path of kundalini, it answered some of my questions but not all.

also does kundalini awakening guarantee enlightenment? (Over time)  No one ever seems to answer this question @Leo Gura

Edited by Tony 845

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@Tony 845 if I'm right, then this sensation on your third eye will be on your face sometimes. Is it happening?

When I did self-enquiry i had this sensation on my forehead I thought it was cool but it became annoying and it also was happening on my face. That's when it really got annoying. and it was happening all day. Especially when you lie down to sleep and that stupid sensation on your face bothers you :D

Anyways. If this is what is happening to you or will be happening in the future i know how to take it away. Afterall we are doing the same self-enquiry from Mooji's way so I can ralate to what is happening to you.

You cannot love what you need.

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