
Joseph Campbell worth reading as a teen?

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Hello everyone. Today I went to the library to just look around and I recognized many different authors. Osho, Sadhguru, Freud and Nisargadatta Maharaj just to name a few. Of course I know most of what these people are about. Besides Freud, I still don't clearly know what that guy was about. Among all those authors and more, I discovered Joseph Campbell. I looked up the guy in this forum and apparently he is (technically was) stage Yellow. When I looked him up on the internet, I saw that the guy has a lot of experience with mythology. That is why I am posting this post. Would it be good for me to know at a young age what Joseph Campbell was talking about? Can I learn some practical stuff from him?

Take care.

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Hero With A Thousand Faces was one of the best books I read as a teen. It had a big impact on me and I still have fond memories of reading it.

But don't expect it to be super practical like a how-to book. It is abstract, high-level wisdom which takes real thought to implement.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Hero With A Thousand Faces was one of the best books I read as a teen. It had a big impact on me and I still have fond memories of reading it.

But don't expect it to be super practical.

Extremely relevant video:

One of my favorite videos from Leo. I've watched it several times.

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I say yess, especially if you’ve had some struggles because I think myth makes it easier to see yourself in a story. Do you enjoy fables or short stories? 

I LOVE Joseph Campbell and I love the episode Leo did on the Hero’s journey because it rings truly for me, more so than life purpose.

I got a lot from watching the Joseph Campbell interview series from PBS... It’s really old ha ha. He is super chill in the interviews lol! 

I think it was like a series of 4 interviews, near the end of his life... it used to be on YOuTube actually but I can’t find it anymore. 

YOu can definitely get it at the library— I think it’s a lot like the book. He answers some specific questions in relation to movies that clearly are developed with the Hero’s journey in the story line. I think if you can watch those two episodes you may plant some seeds that will give you some great ideas/insights about your own hero’s journey.

I wish I had discovered him sooner so I am of course recommending it because of my own resonance with his work.


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