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Did I fuck my head with psychedelics, or is it a slow ongoing awakening?

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Hey friends, I thinks this forum is an appropriate place for me to seek guidance from people that are going through similar things.

I have been experiencing with several psychedelics, meditation, yoga and breathing techniques the last couple years.

A couple months from now I started experiencing some really weird states in my daily life, making it quite hard to cope with work. I am a front-end developer - it's a very cerebral work and I find myself struggling to "be a person" sometimes.

I feel like I am high / on a meditative state, then I feel a strong pressure in the back / top of my head. It's kinda hard to work when I am in this state.

Does anyone have a clue of wtf is going on? Should I quit psychedelics experiments? I am also a moderate consumer of weed ( 1 - 3 times a week, very low doses, since I am VERY sensitive to THC - I get ultra high with just a couple of puffs)

Thank you!

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In order for you to make such a post you obviously feel a degree of instability, and although that is inevitable in life and on the path. We shouldn’t make it worse for ourselves, if we have the ability. 

It can definitely become too much and severely interfere with our life.

So. Quit smoking weed. Doesn’t matter if it’s one or three times. You are in a sensitive state and shouldn’t mess with your state too much. You should balance yourself and practice a healthier approach.

Eat healthy. You’re body has an immense impact on your experience and stability. Make it more stable through. Physical yoga. Sattvic lifestyle and so on.

Whether you are awakening or not it seems you are undergoing some energetic process that you’ll be better equipped to learn from and ingest with a healthy lifestyle, state and so on.

As healthy as you can make it. A healthy amount of instability, suffering and so on just comes with awakening. The path, and life itself.


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beat me to it ^

You can say they are forced openings and therefor you need to be serious with integrating them in order not come out of balance in functioning and applied honesty

and yes it comes back if it wants, that's the whole point of integrating the substances, but then through solely your own body, becoming a sober master :) 


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Weed may cause paranoia, especially to THC sensitive types. I know cause I'm also that way. One puff and I can go for a 2 hour worst nightmare paranoia vision. Try to go clean for a couple of months, expect demons to rise, deal with them in silence and grow. 

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Sounds to me like ego trying to resist a higher state of consciousness. Do not resist. Surrender only.

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Sensitivity is essential. 

When I (experience) played with, depended upon experiences to seek a ‘higher state of consciousness’ (pleasure), this only paved the way for a less sensitive system. 

Sensitivity is a must. The up and down up experience seeking will get ya. Cause-effect like outcome limited to the field of time. 

Edited by Jack River

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1 hour ago, Arhattobe said:

In order for you to make such a post you obviously feel a degree of instability, and although that is inevitable in life and on the path. We shouldn’t make it worse for ourselves, if we have the ability. 

It can definitely become too much and severely interfere with our life.

So. Quit smoking weed. Doesn’t matter if it’s one or three times. You are in a sensitive state and shouldn’t mess with your state too much. You should balance yourself and practice a healthier approach.

Eat healthy. You’re body has an immense impact on your experience and stability. Make it more stable through. Physical yoga. Sattvic lifestyle and so on.

Whether you are awakening or not it seems you are undergoing some energetic process that you’ll be better equipped to learn from and ingest with a healthy lifestyle, state and so on.

As healthy as you can make it. A healthy amount of instability, suffering and so on just comes with awakening. The path, and life itself.


@ArhattobeGreat sober response, thank you!

I am proud to say I have a very clean mostly plant based diet. I do physical yoga (Hatha) and have an overall healthy lifestyle.

I don't do and ever did hard drugs, I don't even drink anymore.

I was expecting for people to share similar experiences, and how they dealt with it, since there are many psychonauts around.

I agree about the quitting weed idea. I've been thinking about it for some time. I have an obvious attachment to mj, and I am sure a lot of people here can relate to the fact that it is a hell of a spiritual tool. The trick is, probably, that like any spiritual tool, we have to let go to be reborn and let the flow of life go on.


Thanks for the other responses too! 

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50 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

Weed may cause paranoia, especially to THC sensitive types. I know cause I'm also that way. One puff and I can go for a 2 hour worst nightmare paranoia vision. Try to go clean for a couple of months, expect demons to rise, deal with them in silence and grow. 

It is very true indeed, but when you cross the paranoia bridge, there you find pure bliss. And that is why it is so hard for some people (like me) to detach from chemically induced bliss. It is there available everyday, and it doesn't do as much harm as smoking cigarettes, drinking, or other kinds of escapism. 

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The more desire seeks/pursues pleasure in experience (to add it’s the selfs continuity), the more of this up and down fluctuation of chemical composition in the body.

Then there is more and more psychological reactions to those various feelings/emotions(sensations) that arise in that up and down cause and effect phenomena. 

As a result psychological reactions seem to breed yet more chemical fluctuations in the body, which again the psyche tries to word off by controlling, suppressing, indulgence, etc...then again more chemical fluctuation. 

Its an endless cycle of pleasure-pain(conflict/suffering). This manifest as a disconnect in awareness/presence in daily life and ultimately prevents communion with WHAT IS. 

I had the weed addiction as well. I ended that habit almost 5 months ago on the spot. Self knowledge was all it took. I explored the nature of fear/pleasure/desire(thought). Holistic insight was action that ended that habit. Along with various other habits. 

Good luck dude. Although luck is irrelevant?


Edited by Jack River

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16 hours ago, Cudin said:

Hey friends, I thinks this forum is an appropriate place for me to seek guidance from people that are going through similar things.

I have been experiencing with several psychedelics, meditation, yoga and breathing techniques the last couple years.

A couple months from now I started experiencing some really weird states in my daily life, making it quite hard to cope with work. I am a front-end developer - it's a very cerebral work and I find myself struggling to "be a person" sometimes.

I feel like I am high / on a meditative state, then I feel a strong pressure in the back / top of my head. It's kinda hard to work when I am in this state.

Does anyone have a clue of wtf is going on? Should I quit psychedelics experiments? I am also a moderate consumer of weed ( 1 - 3 times a week, very low doses, since I am VERY sensitive to THC - I get ultra high with just a couple of puffs)

Thank you!

Well, I can tell it is hard to stay in the job you are doing :)  Try to concentrate on breath few times per day and try to be aware of everything around you, good luck.

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Weed has a tendency to resurrect past psychedelic trips. I don't the neurophysiology but usually once you start taking psychedelics, weed isn't the same. 


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