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Can "you" Win the Lottery Through Paranormal ability?

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I was just curious if you can manifest winning the lottery using your psychic abilities (let's assume you have them).

Nassim Haramein (a scientist) was talking in an interview that he changed the bump of his nose by meditating for 1 hour and a half . The next morning his nose's bump was gone. Lol. 

Then he was asked something else (by Vishen Lakhiani) and he replied that you CAN'T manifest winning the lottery though or change the weather because the Eskimo guy would freeze and because there is Collective Consciousness involved. Something along these lines.

He thinks of consciosuness like fields of information.


Any thoughts/insights about this topic would be highly appreciated. :)

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If you are meditating to manifest the lottery. Your priorities are out of whack. 

If you choose the spiritual path you must have the right priorities or work to cultivate them.

If money is your main aim then instead of meditating to visualising the lottery take a path that is more likely to succeed. Learning from successful entrepreneurs and contributing something to the world.

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Paranormal abilities do not work like that. They are not so precise that you can use them that way. It would be like asking, "Can I use my intuition to win the lottery?" No, but you can use your intuition to create a billion dollar business.

Stop thinking of paranormal abilities as material abilities.

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I will present here a story how not to win the lottery.

My grandmother told me once that she kept betting one set of numbers all the time. She did it for quite a long time and she decided to let go. But the habit of tracking remained....  Need I to continue ?


Edited by tedens

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there are quite a few "success stories" online about people manifesting lotto in their life


i am a big believer in the truth about the outside matching the inside

and the level of belief in the thought / desire matters

sad part is, you cannot "fake it"

what does that mean?

this: try to imagine and feel right now as if you have actually WON 50 million dollars for example..

not pretend.. but truly believe...

when your faith in your thought/desire is THIS strong... then you can "manifest" it in your material outside world... (outside and inside are one, remember this)


it's like those motivational videos.. talking about achieving a goal.. workout, sports, study, business, any vision.. those who end up having it.. have their vision so immensely strong that their lives flow in such a way that they end up getting it..


of course. you must plant a seed and not just blankly sit there trying to manifest


what is planting of the seed for the lotto?

buying the damn ticket first of course!!! :) 

again, until the level of belief and faith is so damn strong... such that it is equal to the desire to someone who is being held underwater.. and he wants to breath so badly that his life depends on it - BECAUSE IT DOES!


is that how badly you want it?


and that's why you cannot fake it


those succuess stories i talked about.. those people literally lived and breathed the dream to win the lotto.. mantra and beliefs day in and out and not losing hope after losing each week's draw...


one way to show what that emotion would be like... is if you told your family memeber for example that you won lotto.. (even if you didn't) they wont believe you at first... but when you insist and insist heavily.. when they finally believe you, they will be jumping up n down, screaming in joy etc.. because that to them is now TRUE... 


once your faith is that strong, that you need only think it and truly FEEL that you have now got it... only then can you get it.


side note: if you do play lotto. dont think .. oh, i wont ever win.. odds are impossible.. etc etc.. just be slightly hopeful at least that you will win :) 


notice how nothing but your thoughts and emtions change upon realization you have won.

it's like if you were homeless for a year now cuz lost job/house and then discovered somehow that a long lost relative left you a fortune of million dollars... your state of mind and happiness will instantly be born out of the present moment.. just by you knowing that is the case..


it's a tricky bidness, but outside = inside = no separation... 

get it done.

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"collective consciousness" is not something I understand. So far all I've seen is that my consciousness is the only consciousness that exists

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Paranormal abilities do not work like that. They are not so precise that you can use them that way. It would be like asking, "Can I use my intuition to win the lottery?" No, but you can use your intuition to create a billion dollar business.

Stop thinking of paranormal abilities as material abilities.

@Leo Gura what are some examples paranormal abilities then? cause it seems like all of them are kinda "materialistic" in a sense. 

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Covered this topic extensively in my video: Making Sense Of Paranormal Abilities

All of this stuff is well-documented, if you'd just get off your ass and do the reading & research.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@SQAAD IMO the first big mistake ppl make when trying to apply the paranormal to their life in some way is by using the mind. The mind will get it wrong every time and just gets in the way of true paranormal ability.

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@Leo Gura What if someone's paranormal abilities are so precise that they can actually win the lottery?


I heard an anecdotal story from a woman who saw the lottery numbers in her dreams and won the lottery this way.

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