
Will Meat Be Illegal in 50-100 Years?

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When stage Green has had its biggest impact? Is it possible that killing animals will actually be a crime just like killing humans?

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including bees, insects, worms, snakes, rodents, rabbits ?

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1 minute ago, Johnny said:

including bees, insects, worms, snakes, rodents, rabbits ?

I dont know? Maybe? 

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that sounds like stage green, meaning no more agriculture 

and a world without ruminants equal no healthy topsoil

maybe stage yellow should choose the solution - just saying


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12 minutes ago, Johnny said:

that sounds like stage green, meaning no more agriculture 

and a world without ruminants equal no healthy topsoil

maybe stage yellow should choose the solution - just saying


Yeah hopefully there will be Yellow leaders to regulate it, otherwise we might see a “War on Meat” where they kick your door down for selling burgers in the basement.xD

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Most Probably. Could even be less depending on how fast we evolve as a collective. By the rate its been going lately i believe by 25 - 50 years time 70 - 90% of the population will be mostly plant-based. Some of the older generations will be too hard-wired to make the full shift but the newer generations will transition quite effortlessly.

I would love to see the day killing animals is seen the same as killing humans because that is how i see it, especially how they do in slaughterhouses and mass food productions but i think we would be intelligent enough to understand some tribes and people disconnected from the world and still hard-wired old fashioned way may still hunt and kill to survive because they don't know any better but punishing them will not be the answer.

i can't even kill can insect without feeling something because i understand that all life is one so no matter the size as i am killing a part of myself thus limiting my own existence but shutting down a single point of awareness within existence.




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14 hours ago, Rilles said:

When stage Green has had its biggest impact? Is it possible that killing animals will actually be a crime just like killing humans?

It will probably be illegal once lab-grown meat becomes more prevalent and is cheaper to produce than the raising and slaughtering of animals.

But I don't see more than a fifteen percent of people decide to abstain from meat-eating because most people are too attached to it. But in the meantime, Vegans and Vegetarians are creating the demand for the abolition of animal agriculture.

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@MsNobody That's how I see it with mammals .

@pluto Are you speaking for the global or western population? I don't expect third world countries that starve to death living only plant based, unless the society has evolved a lot, but I can't image that in such a sort time span.


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Of course not. For those who think this is possible, how do you imagine this would happen?

Even if this were a good idea, there's no way you could generate the political will for it within that timeframe. Think about how long it took just to get warning labels on cigarettes. We're well more than 50 years down the road since tobacco was first identified as being a strong carcinogen, and cigarettes are no where close to being illegal. With meat, we're talking about something far more popular than tobacco ever was, with legitimate nutrition benefits, much thinner heath risks, and a huuuuge industry lobby.

A meat tax is more plausible, but I'd be surprised if that even happened in the next 50 years.

Maybe lab meat will make animal mean unaffordable and it will fall out of favour. Hard to imagine that lab meat could ever compete with animals like pigs that scale so easily and are much lower tech to raise, but maybe.

If we're talking about the USA, you can barely mention gun control - can you imagine how a meat ban would go over?

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Global. As we become more intelligent as a species we will realize plant nutrition is far superior to the human body than animal nutrition.

We have evolved consciously on a collective level in the last 5 - 10 years more than we have in the last 50 - 100+. This is what Nikola Tesla was saying way back then and i see it with my own eyes but then again this is the reality i am tuned into. If so much has happened and its only multiplying and evolving faster and faster it will be hard to predict what will happen in 5 let alone 50 years.

Based on my observation and the reality i see unfold, lower conscious/animalistic behaviors (like eating meat and slaughtering animals) will fade out very quickly as they already are. Meat and Animal products will be one of the first things to go as they are almost inevitable to detach from when rising to higher states of consciousness especially if you want to be more "Human".

This is the evolutionary process from density to light. Sure you can hold yourself back in specific realities still tuned into the more primitive way of thinking/living but you will suffer if you require transcendence to higher states of consciousness if you cannot let go of lower conscious behaviors/attachments.

This is how i see and understanding things, it will all depend on where you are on the evolutionary scale, what you have seen and what you choose to tune into. People suffer on plants because they continue to live an animalistic-adapted lifestyle.

If you seek spiritual transcendence and evolution, how you live and things you do on a day to day basis will also have to change that are more in-tune with a plant-based lifestyle. We need to transcend from survival mode to thrive.

Examples of the two types of behaviors.

Low conscious/Animalistic - High conscious/Humanistic

Me                                          - We                            

Competitive                          - Cooperative

Separation                            - Unity

Blame                                    - Understanding

Materialism                          - Spiritualism

Service of self                       - Service of others

Recognition                           - Authenticity

Lust                                         - Love

Prize/Reward                         - Journey/Experience

Past/Future Oriented           - Present

Separation                             - Oneness

You get the idea...






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Probably not. Many places on the planet are already green-dominated and nowhere are we even close to policies as radical as making meat illegal. (At least as far as I'm aware.) 
And moving up the spiral becomes easier and easier - especially because of the Internet. Given the high amount of yellow people that already exist, it seems unlikely that we'll ever live in a society that is almost entirely green - or yellow, or turquoise etc. - like we did in the past with blue or orange. So, I just don't see any period of time in which green actually is dominant enough to enforce a law like that because too much orange, yellow or turquoise will live alongside green. And certainly orange or yellow would oppose such policies.

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But I do strongly believe that the consumption of meat will decline and animal rights will improve

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Im not for or against it, I just wanted to know you guys opinion. Interesting topic I must say. :P

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On 2019-01-24 at 1:26 PM, Johnny said:

including bees, insects, worms, snakes, rodents, rabbits ?

We are already making an artificial line aout whats ok and not ok to kill. You don't kill dogs or cats for exmple. Eating dogs is illegal in a couple of states. That line will probably be extended to most mammals.

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The lower stages will always be there in higher numbers than 2nd tier and I don't see them giving up steaks, "buffalo wings" hamburgers etc.,,,anytime soon. So I view technology as the best chance of providing an artificial meat to get away from all the violence and waste of natural resources that's going on now. Fattening animals on corn and such is what really makes for tasty and fat, sweet, juicy, beef but is such a huge waste and the clock is ticking on this practice, no doubt. It can't be sustained forever. It's really stupid to think it will last with the world population explosion. The whole idea of organic grass fed beef is a complete joke also. It's just a public relations manipulation and appeasing of unrealistic green do-gooderism. Green/liberals have a disconnect in realizing compassion and then throwing most common sense out the window. 

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Dont think so. Instead I do believe that in 100 years we will have developed technology that negates the meat production environmental impact, and the meat is cultivated so finally hippies, vegans and Peta can direct their anger somewhere else

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