
dont be enlightened when you arent

23 posts in this topic

saying i am god/i dont exist over and over or getting in your feelings from nondual experiences wont get you enlightened, realize that the part of you that likes saying it/feeling it is doing so because you subconciously want to escape, which is ultimately delusional. instead of trying to force yourself to enlightenment which will only backfire, be patient with the process you're in. reflect ,question and let go of every emotion when its due, but dont numb yourself to those emotions, you dont truly let go that way, and the mind can frame numbness as "letting go" as well. the mind can use spiritual feelings/experiences in the most trickiest ways, to keep you more stuck in mind, let go of mysticism, true enlightenment will happen when it happens, it wont need egoic reaffirmation. I feel like many here and outside claim to be enlightened when they really arent, they just have an "enlightened" identity because they awoke to nonduality i say this because i went through the same thing, which is just the start, many fail to see or give up on the process thats releasing attachments/fear from their system. actions speak louder than words, i would like to see what happens if these "enlightened" people were to have a big ass pitbull chasing them, prob wont be saying i dont exist now would ya, lol. runnn bitchh runnnnnnnnnnn, as shorty would say from scary movie 3 lol, im only joking ofc i dont actually would want to see them getting chased but just trying to show my point. im not fully enlightened ofc, but i have been in "nonduality" for a long while and discovered that this is the case, many others did too ofc and leo aswell. you could be in a deep"nondual"state sure, but are you truly fully enlightened? i put quotation marks on nonduality because you arent trully nondual until your consciousness' energetic system harmonizes with the awakening, your ego has to truly die, not just to reaffirm its own spiritual attachments such as non existence or godhood.

Edited by corndjorn

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don’t you have better things to do god then make a little post on this forum.  

Aside from that why did you make yourself hidden to most humans  

is there a plan in place  

are humans going to make themselves extinct any time soon  


Edited by Mu_

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Every Ego wishes to be God.  Strategically that’s in the interest of every Ego.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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What's my phone number backwards

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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15 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

don’t you have better things to do god then make a little post on this forum.  



@corndjorn I think you should read what you wrote and apply it in your own life. 

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@Eric Tarpall YoUr PhOnE NuMbEr DoEsNt ExIsT!!!111 BeCaUsE I Am So EnLiGhTeNeD ThAt I KeEp SaYiNg I DoNt ExIsT, So NoThiNg ExIsTs, EnLiGhTeNmEnT BrEhhhh

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3 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

I think you dont see the sarcasm in my post mate lol

Both the sarcasm and the caps were unnecessary. 

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@Gabriel Antonio That is probably true mate, im flawed and im open to show them and grow from it, but i still wanted to express this to show the immaturity of some people who post a similar way in the enlightenment community generally, that i tried to show sarcastically, felt like it would show the point more clearly

Edited by corndjorn

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4 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

That is probably true mate, im flawed and im open to show them and grow from it, but i still wanted to express this to show the immaturity of some people who post a similar way in the enlightenment community generally, that i tried to show sarcastically, felt like it would show the point more clearly

Fair enough. But your topic will likely get locked. 

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@corndjorn Other than the title, I think it shed light onto how the ego cloaks itself.

Yet, the wacky title makes it easy to dismiss as a rant. 

Edit: nice change of title

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i apologize to anyone who got offended by the sarcastic title, that wasnt my intention, just trying to get my point to hit across, meant in light humoured way and not ill intention

Edited by corndjorn

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Pretty much agree with you. There's nothing wrong with discussing a few topics but the usual circlejerk here won't get anybody anywhere.

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@nistake yeah def nothing wrong with talking about metaphysical stuff, but when you circle jerk around it like u said  then its not really conductive for enlightenment

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