
What are some really good reasons to start meditation ?

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what are ALL the best reasons to start meditation , no matter how small or big ?

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 To be as free as you choose, there is no greater reason than this.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Reduced stress

Be more disciplined

More creative

More productive

Sharper thinker

Less Procrastination

Performance at gym

Better Relationships

Happy in the moment

Better decisions

Less Materialistic

Clear minded

Resist impulses

Free Therapy

Better brain health

Reduce memory loss

Better Sleep


Ego melts away

One with the universe

Drop fears and anger

True Happiness

More grounded

Clearer sounding music

Better tasting food

 Heightened Senses

Life becomes a joy

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To learn the "Art of Sitting". This is something that no typical Westerner can even remotely grasp.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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This is a very subjective question and depends where you are in your journey. Are you meditating to assist in self-inquiry? Are you meditating to find that ultimate truth of Enlightenment? Or are you meditating to enhance your present ego (Ie advance your goals, desires etc)?

Ultimately meditation assists in all of these things in the same way. I would say the most important reason for meditation is the age old adage of "Know Thyself". Knowing thyself is self-inquiry, it ultimately leads to enlightenment, and it can lead to any kind of egoic desire you have. How?

When you start meditation you'll be sitting there doing nothing, and wondering why the heck you're sitting there doing nothing. Everything possible is going to distract you. What purpose does this serve? You then start realizing all the things that distract you on a constant basis from accomplishing your goals. You've learned a bit more about yourself and your addictions and can now start to release them. Moving forward meditation will help you essentially combat the negative influences of these addictions and enjoy a new life whereby you are able to accomplish much more.

After that it becomes more interesting, once you conquer those addictions the answer of why you're sitting there will come to you. You'll realize that without those distractions there is actually a lot going on inside yourself you had absolutely no idea about. This will then further your self inquiry as you'll start to see how you work, and why things work in certain ways. Once you're there you'll automatically have an attraction to "the truth" because you won't be able to help but wonder what you actually are behind all this?

So as you see, why start meditating is pretty much the same as why you go to work everyday in the beginning. To get more out of life and enjoy the things you have, and recognize the things you don't need. :)

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