
How to feel masculine when your sexual market value is zero?

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How can you let this not get to you as a guy?


Edited by MM1988

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You are looking in a wrong place women dont want you cuz you are no challenge,have weak energy,dont appear confident,beta...thats what you have to fix otherwise you will get same resaults every time...Biggest thing you have to be a challenge and you are easy...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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You only have the shallow attraction on your side, watch again the video about what women really want.

Hint: It's not money, status, loyalty, financial security or looks despite what they say.

Most women don't know consciously what attract them, so you can't take their words about this.

You can attract a woman on the short term with this if you have the other 5 points to a minimum,

But you'll never keep her very long if you don't excel at at least 2/3 of the points that really push their buttons.

Watch the video again.

And don't fear to learn about the subject, you're just going to stay stuck.

Yes you may not have to feel the pain to look directly at your flaws, but if you don't you'll always suffer like you do now, and worse and worse with time.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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19 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

You are looking in a wrong place women dont want you cuz you are no challenge,have weak energy,dont appear confident,beta...thats what you have to fix otherwise you will get same resaults every time...Biggest thing you have to be a challenge and you are easy...

My question was exactly how to get that confidence and masculinity when you have all that baggage with 10 years of failure and no romantic success attached to you. I cant just forget about it, and I cant tell myself I'm a catch when I've actually got zero evidence to support it.

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7 minutes ago, MM1988 said:

My question was exactly how to get that confidence and masculinity when you have all that baggage with 10 years of failure and no romantic success attached to you. I cant just forget about it, and I cant tell myself I'm a catch when I've actually got zero evidence to support it.

Practice practice practice ...

You will suck at it at first, but that's the only way.

If you couple this with lots of meditation and shadow work, and genuine acceptance, it will go waaaaay more smoothly.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@MM1988 yeah fucked up thing is you will suck even more before you will become confident masculine that you really are...but like shin said practicing things that we talk here will make the process easier but it will still have to do what works fail at it until it becomes second nature...i also have to do this so i know what you are experiencing...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@MM1988 can you even appreciate a flower?

seriously, learn to make eye contact and listen. your material possessions and your looks are unbelievable shallow. your presence is the most valuable thing.

unborn Truth

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Instead of her becoming interested in you, why don't YOU become more interested in her. I mean seriously interested. Not in a psychopathic tendency by asking her about her periods and used underwear but paying extreme attention to what she is saying, learning all about her, asking questions. Most of all this has to be genuine, she will know if you are faking your interest to get into her panties, Most women have a nose for fake-ass dudes and those that don't you don't want to be around anyway. 

Everybody loves to talk about themselves so just shut up and listen. She will love you for it if you give her the attention that nobody ever has. And you can practice this with random women at work, when on public transport even with your friend females so that you get accustomed to 100% eye contact, get more awareness of your body language, tone of voice and the ability to listen with your whole body. 


Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 [clapping hands] its tottally true.

A mistake I often see here in this forum is people trying to give a "magic formula" to pick women, but in fact women are human beings, and every human being wants to feel special in a relationship. My advice for you is don't simply 'throw the hook for any fish', but choose someone who you like and invest on know her, listen to her, make her feel special someway. We women know when a man is just looking for any sexual partner.

Good luck! @MM1988

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A relationship with an unconscious being is not a requirement for Being. Let it go.

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On 1/23/2019 at 3:21 AM, MM1988 said:

I cant tell myself I'm a catch when I've actually got zero evidence to support it.

By that logic you cannot do anything in life, because there is always zero evidence to support something until you do it.

How do you know you can become a millionaire? By doing it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@MM1988 why do you care ? if you're out of the sexual game this is a tremendous boon as you can invest in other areas of life.. Don't you think we are already overcrowded on this planet, do you really want to pursue the same thing as billion other people in this age of polygamy and degeneracy ?

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Give yourself the market value you want, other people will follow

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