
I think I’ve been cursed by a witch

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@now is forever don't get me wrong. I'm not demonizing the person. Just that whole exchange reeked of devilry. The intentions weren't coming from the right place. It wasn't well-thought- out. Let's just assume that the "witch" powers were legit and she could read the future.  Telling OP about it would actually influence the outcome to some degree (in a sense a spell that seals the deal), so the witch created a situation in which the only option was to force money out of someone else, in order to stop thousands of dollars in damage and bodily harm. Whether the cleansing would have worked or not is completely irrelevant and unknowable. 

The proper action for the witch, if her intentions were pure, would be to offer the cleansing for free or to not say anything at all and not get involved in the quantum entanglement. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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@TheAvatarState Interesting idea. The witch essentially plants a virus in someone's mind and demands money to remove the virus. Similar to computer hackers that put a virus onto someone's computer and tries to get them to pay for it's removal.

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@Serotoninluv yeah exactly. No matter which way you slice it, it doesn't actually matter if the removal service is legit or not. The witch artificially created the scenario in which she presented her paid service as the only option. 

If you have an existing, concrete problem and someone offers you a paid service to fix it, that's business. 

If you intervene into someone's life and tell them of a problem they have that they never knew existed and couldn't verify, then you offer a paid service to fix it, it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, that's manipulative and predatory. Assuming the witch's senses are legitimate, that leaves the witch with a lot of responsibility and a great burden. It's obvious the witch doesn't have the maturity to handle this power yet, so that's why you should steer clear. A healer with a pure heart would never intervene like that, never manipulate, and never advertise, for they know the implications. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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@Serotoninluv ikr?

And like all the best black mirror episodes, it's something that will actually happen to some extent. Our entire physiology (and past and future) is hackable like a computer database. Akashic records and such. The hacking tools are just not recognized or widely believed to exist yet... That'll change though, for better and worse O.o

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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11 hours ago, tashawoodfall said:

I was at the grocery store and a lady walks up to me and says I have a strong aura then proceeds to tell me she’s a psychic.  I ask her “what else do you see?” She takes me to an aisle to “read” me because apparently there were energies around and she needed to target my energy.  She tells me she sees negativity around me, tells me she sees a car accident and says I need a cleanse.  At that point she asks me for $20 and asks if I’m interested in a cleanse from her.  I said no thank you and that was that.  Anyway a few days later I get into a car accident and now I’m thinking I’ve been cursed.  I know it sounds crazy...Leo has a video on how to attract a hot witch gf so I’m thinking this could be a real thing

who was at fault with the accident? just curious

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@TheAvatarState hahaha - you clearly have never met a real roma or cinti! they work under cosmic rules since ages - and have their own karmic system. they’ve hacked brains before the word hacking even existed.

Edited by now is forever

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@TheAvatarState i’m just saying, it’s always a deal - it’s not that the gipsy witch, if she was one, was responsible for anything that happened. she just sells what people want to buy - if payed or unpaid it’s because she’s  the real deal, means because she can. it’s not exactly a measurement for her maturity state in witchery.

Edited by now is forever

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My dad nearly accidentally placed a curse on me one time... He said "aaron, some people just get away with things and others just don't. You dont." I instantly recognised that I could either receive it or challenge it as a belief. Of course I challenged it and now I'm a person who gets away with EVERYTHING.

You can place blessings upon yourself though. Create a concentrated beam of consciousness onto a picture of yourself succeeding in a certain area of life that you wish to Excell in. It works for me, I'm going to start teaching piano soon...and I fabricated it from my consciousness.

Every time I lose something, no matter how lost it is... I remember the blessing that I have placed upon myself, that I am a "master finder" haha ?. I find everything when I remember the blessing. 1 time in particular I lost £20 worth of marijuana, I remembered the blessing and remembered that I am a master finder of lost objects... I followed my intuition, drove back to the car park I was in earlier that day, and found the grass sitting on the ground right beside where I parked up. 

Be aware of what you allow into your heart.

"Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life."

Proverbs 4:23 - The Bible

Edited by Aaron p

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10 hours ago, Shin said:

Call those guys,

ASAP !!!




@Serotoninluv  love that idea. ties for best answer :P  I think it's funny though, that the OP never said she admitted to being a witch, only that he thinks she put a curse on him. And everyone on here automatically began calling her a witch and whatnot when in fact she only claimed to be a psychic, and was probably a reiki healer as well. I admit that the tactics were unprofessional. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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16 hours ago, tashawoodfall said:

I was at the grocery store and a lady walks up to me and says I have a strong aura then proceeds to tell me she’s a psychic.  I ask her “what else do you see?” She takes me to an aisle to “read” me because apparently there were energies around and she needed to target my energy.  She tells me she sees negativity around me, tells me she sees a car accident and says I need a cleanse.  At that point she asks me for $20 and asks if I’m interested in a cleanse from her.  I said no thank you and that was that.  Anyway a few days later I get into a car accident and now I’m thinking I’ve been cursed.  I know it sounds crazy...Leo has a video on how to attract a hot witch gf so I’m thinking this could be a real thing

She was probably just reading your energy and saw you might line up with that fate. It is possible that psychic phenomenon is real, and they talk about reading life path potentials and how your vibration/energy attracts and creates particular scenarios. 

So, she may have seen this genuinely. But then she was being greedy and trying to get you to buy a service from her... which is automatically suspect. 

My thought is that if I had the ability to read people's energy and see their life path potentials AND I saw that a person was lined up for a car crash, I would just offer to do it for free. Heck, I'd pay them $5 to let me do it, because that's potentially a life-threatening situation.

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@Serotoninluv mob mentality :P   but that show idea... I've thought about something similar before. It's basically what being manipulative is, and I'm pretty manipulative with certain people so I've had reason to contemplate it....  It's all got to work its way in there, and either make you think it's your idea, or that its something happening to you.  

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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You have been cursed my friend. I can help by killing 4 goats and then you have to drink a gallon of their blood 

My fees is only $50 plus taxes.




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@seeking_brilliance Manipulation can take many forms. Looking back years ago, my manipulation seems blatant. Yet at the time, it was still subconscious and I wasn’t aware of it. I’d have a realization that felt profound then. Yet these days it looks obvious. 

What I’ve found is each level deeper have more subtle forms of manipulation.  Like at work, I think I have a higher consciousness than my coworkers. For example, I can pick up on people’s inner insecurities and how they act it out. I can be supportive, yet I can use it manipulatively. I can say or do certain things to touch their insecurity and move them in a certain direction. It’s under their conscious level so they are only subconsciously aware. Like I can sooth someone’s insecurity and they will open up to me. They feel totally at ease, feeling no judgement. I transmit security. Students regularly come to my office for personal problems. They’ve told me deeply personal issues that they’ve never shared with anyone.

I try to use it for good, yet I’ve caught my ego doing it for it’s own needs, which can harm others. When my ego enters, it can get sloppy and go to surface levels that people pick up as being ingenuine

I’ve got a few others. It’s like once you go deep into the psyche and mysticism, you become aware of really subtle things about how the mind and body work. Once you see it in yourself, it’s so easy to see in others. As well, it’s deeper than their conscious level so you can interact with it, without them consciously knowing. Yet, if it’s not deep enough below their baseline conscious level, they may pick up on it. They feel something weird going on and have an awkward pause. Some are intrigued and curious and come back for more. Others get uncomfortable and pull away. 


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@Serotoninluvyes that’s quite fascinating to be able to notice. Do you feel this directly impacts your personal relationships? Like perhaps someone you are dating or of course family 

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@DrewNows  Yes, it can enter on dates with women at a Green level. If we eneter spirituality zones, I might go a quasi-nondual turquoise state. 

I haven’t had a significant relationship since this dynamic arose. I can’t manage it in relationships yet. I’ve ended each after 2-3 dates because it got too intense. 

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