
Values Not Working? Change?

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I've come up with a list of values. But, I later find that I contradict the values. Later, I'l value something else. Later, I'l value what I initially values at first. 

Values change. I feel like I don't stick to a value, they just change.


I value being resilient-strong. But I don't want to do __ because its to hard. I value being lazy now. 

Aligning my life with good values isn't possible for me since I keep changing my values. 


How can I make values work for me so I can align my life with values when they keep changing? 


My guess for a solution:

A value goes against what you feel so I have to find a meaningful reason why I value the value so is it that I just have to find a meaningful reason for a value nd focus on that everyday until that value sticks for the long-term?

What do you guys think I gotta do to maintain specific values.

Edited by foninja

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If you took the life purpose course this problem would turn into a non-issue. You have no core values, I value A LOT of things too, but I still have 10-15 core values that lay the foundation for myself.

Aligning yourself with your values can be really hard to do, which is why a lot of people are miserable, they'd rather stay comfortable.

I was customizing my own values in the beginning so I know exactly what you mean, but when I took the life purpose course it got right to the core of my values, he gives a huge list of the top values of people. The course would do wonders for you.


Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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The answer is entirely inside you. Get to know yourself better and how you function, then you'll find what you really value, and then it's just hard work and mindfulness to act that way every time. Easier said than done :) but you can do it. 

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Firstly: goals can change with time, so do values.

Secondly: self-discipline.

On 15.04.2016 at 2:40 AM, foninja said:

I value being lazy now.

That's an anti-value.

Here (1:03 to 1:12)


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I look at your values in terms of spectrum that ranges from lower consciousness to higher consciousness. You want to value higher consciousness values, because aligning with them give you the best performance and highest quality of happiness in life. When you find yourself in the higher consciousness state, you write your higher-values down on the paper in order to remember them again and again every time you get pulled towards your lower-self tendencies. Then these higher-values become like an anchor that pulls you out the state of lower consciousness every time you find yourself in it.

It's the eternal fight between two wolfs. Which wolf wins? The one you feed. (Or both. If you feed them right.)

That's how I look at it. Hope it helps :)

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@Truth I thought about getting the course until I saw the price. He has a book recommendation for life purpose 8 of em. I thought I could just take 8 books on life purpose and I would get similar benefits. Do you think the course is better compared to the books? I'm sure Leo when making that course used ideas from the books from inspiration anyways.

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1 hour ago, foninja said:

@Truth I thought about getting the course until I saw the price. He has a book recommendation for life purpose 8 of em. I thought I could just take 8 books on life purpose and I would get similar benefits. Do you think the course is better compared to the books? I'm sure Leo when making that course used ideas from the books from inspiration anyways.

Yeah you could 100% do that, just know that Leo has already done that, he's already created an amazing structure for everything you need to know and how to stay on this journey including 12 book reviews. Also just know that the investment in yourself isn't the hard part at all, the hard part is you putting in the work to get the results you want, if you have no problems creating structures and putting in lots of reading time then by all means go for it. But if you want to cut that time in half, save up some money and invest in yourself, honestly you should be using both resources. for me in the grand scheme of things, 249$ isn't a lot of money compared to the information he has given. It's honestly nothing compared to having everything you need to know about life purpose in one place. Some can't see the value, in fact most don't even know how to translate that value in the real world, which Leo also shows you how to do.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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