Average Investor

Just ended my two year relationship

11 posts in this topic

It's been a week since I left now. The days are moving slow, but working on getting over this. Mostly worried about falling into bad habits to fill the time this was taking up, but still moving in an overall positive direction. She was bringing me down in many aspects of life, but I did love her. My mind is constantly looking for something new or doing something new. I have a few businesses just a few steps away from being in full motion, but still lacking some strength on getting onto them fully. Some of it took years, but mostly due to lack of funding, but on a good track now. 

I've been removing a lot of people from my life. So not many left that are really there often. But trying to find higher quality friends is not quite the easy task, when the community is typically orange/Blue. Lots of addicts and not a lot of hope for many it seems like where I am. Any mentor I have seem to have found usually has a very troublesome life.  

I've been thinking of taking a solo trip to travel, and just found a local mediation retreat facility. But not sure what would benefit me the most at this point. Feel uneasy not making a lot of progress in the last 6 months, but I can manage it.  Not sure if I can relocate with some of the opportunities I have here. Even leaving for 10 days might be a stretch, but I want to give it a go. I am just fearful of bad habits consuming me more and more again (Facebook, gaming, etc). I've managed to keep a excellent diet and exercise routine through it though. 

Posting to get some opinions on what you have done to help get out of a viscous cycle. 


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@Average Investor Break ups are tough and trust me I have hit rock bottom when a relationship ended and I felt like it was the end of my life. But I have to praise you on the progress you are already making. You are cutting people out of your life that no longer serve a purpose, your thinking of travel and new skill sets to learn. These are all excellent things to be focusing on at this point in your life. 

You will attract what you focus on, so if you focus on the positive and being the best version of yourself, you will find that you attract more and more of these amazing things. Where as, if you focus on the break up and the hurt and pain, that is what you are calling into your space and you don't want that to consume you or take another minute of your life. 

Your life is so precious and it is short, so make the most of the time you have, go explore the world, get into being in your best health, start a new sport or go to the gym, focus on things you can learn, see, and do, go out with a few more girls till you find 'the one' and have fun, enjoy the process and explore the person you are becoming. Make a decision to be awesome and to accept nothing but the very best for yourself and your life. 

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@MIA.RIVEL Thanks for your reply. Things have already dramatically improved. She never spoke to me positively and would make me hurt daily. I focused so much on her growth I stunted my own in that time. She's a good person, but just not the one for me. 

I actually ended up finding a car to fix up. And I haven't really been excited to work on a car in over a year. I have the same car already, but the car is pretty  run down mechanically. Ironically a lot of it was from taking her to work and back for the first segment of our relationship, then just being old and being driven. I had actually gave her an identical car that was a great deal. $500 for a $1500-$2000 car. And they're incredibly hard to find around here. She had pressured me into giving it to her for what I paid at the time, then just used my daily car and wore it down and pretty much down right refused to let me used it because the $500 car wasn't nice enough. I wanted it to restore my car from the one I had bought. They're 30+ years old, so if I buy anything aftermarket it's expensive, or just isn't made anymore. You can spend $500 on just a couple fenders.  


Anyway the new one was $500 and is literally like a perfect match for what I need. Motor almost completely rebuilt, new clutch, and was set up for a conversion kit I have for it. The guy ran out of money on the project and just towed it to me. I already own everything I need to make it run right again and almost have it on the road. I absolutely love these little cars and enjoy learning about it.  I've been trying to get even just a decent one for two years. I've seen probably under 5 of these in person driving around in the last 2 years, so to get another one with all of this done is not an easy task especially at the price. I'll be able to sell the extras he gave me with the car and get all of my money back. Then profit on anything left after I take both cars and make one great one with a ton of extras running parts, so won't really have to spend anything on repairs for a long time. 


Life works in weird ways. I kept trying to get something to drive and flip for some quick money and better mpg. And everything I looked at (that looked like a good deal) ended up just being junk. Who knows though, I'm sure this one needs some extra attention since it is old, but I know how to do most of the work on this type of car. 


Edit: Oh and this is what would be needed for me to travel. My other vehicle would cost a fortune to travel in. 

Edited by Average Investor

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@Average Investor smart move, two years is a long, boring time to be in a relationship. Now find some hot chicks and bang them weekend. You are a free bird now. Make good use of your ?

Edited by Good-boy




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@Average Investor @Good-boy ahaha I like this mans thinking but I have to agree with your own gut on the decision, take some time off and focus on you and only you.

 I just came out of a serious 2 year relationship also. You seem like you are handling it well and although big changes such as cutting people who no longer serve you adds to the pain, sometimes its gotta be done. Do it from a place of love  and don't look back bro. As for the travelling for a bit, fucking do it. Best thing I ever did. Put my life in a backpack, flew halfway round the world and got the fuck outa my small hometown and away from a toxic environment, people and culture. Have not regretted it one bit since. Go explore dude and come out the other side a stronger, more rounded, bad ass human.  I went through a lot of pain after the break up but daaam I am looking forward to what is coming now.


Good luck on the next chapter dude!

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@Spence94 I've been diving into a lot of business focus lately. Reading about 2 hours a day, 1 hour meditate, 2 hours walk/jogging, and trying to find more productive uses for the rest of the time. Wrote out a full business plan and have been taking action. However, still working on some travel and time to think. Thinking about a 5 hour road trip to see my grandma for her birthday. 

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Update for anyone who cares: She messaged me to "come get my shit, or it is going in the trash" today, so I stopped by and grabbed it. Thankfully got a few things that will net me a fair amount on ebay and I just gave her a bunch of the stuff  I had for moving in. She reeked of weed and cigarettes, and was hanging out with her old friend. Her old friend where here boyfriend was going to beat up my ex over just wanting to move out and made a massive spectacle about it. Sad to see her going into a bad pit, but not really my problem anymore. Oh and she shorted me the $60 that was for the phone bill, so I just left a heavy ass desk their and look at it as a clean up cost. Going to just block her number and move on. 

Edited by Average Investor

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@Average Investor Sounds sick man. Yeah that is a good plan on the travel side of things. I try to make travel an opportunity for me to get back in touch with myself and the beauty of life, take a break from work, get inspired & energised then hit the life hustle again hard with new focus when i am back. ?

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