
What does a stage yellow business look like?

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The only thing I can really think of is the business takes all the needs of the customer into account. Or a business that has many different perspectives to its outlook and impact on society...

Any input?....

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Maybe spacex or tesla are yellow'ish with their long term systemic approach to problems. Tesla seems to sacrifice some of its profits for advancing humanity forward 

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It would definitely be offering systemic solutions.

Read some of the systems thinking books from my book list. That should give you lots of ideas.

Most businesses are not offering systemic solutions to root problems, they are opportunistically seeking max profit.

For example, McDonald's doesn't care about solving systemic problems in human nutrition.

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There're tons! Basically, a business that takes into account all shareholders: investors, customers, employees, etc - and all dimensions of them: interior, exterior, social, cultural. As Leo says, McDonalds it's not since they are not taking into account their customer's health, only their money. Some examples might be Udemy, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's.

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