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If your stuck in depression, or have serious mental or emotional problems try this ..

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If you have serious mental or emotional problems, expl. Depression, Anxiety, various emotional problems, PTSD...try this...

From my own experience, i know it is impossible to force yourselve to do something productive, or healthy, or even to concentrate on something, when you are in the gripts of these states. Thats why most kinds of meditations wont work for you, because you dont have the power or concentration requered to do them. Sadly positive thinking or any kind of theories wont work either, they will make things only worse and you will get lost in all the theory, with no exit or solution in sight. Antidepressanrs or any other kind of Medications wont do it either (atleast they didnt work for me), you will feel a little bit better and a little bit calmer, but you wont know why your depressed, and the second you stop taking them you will feel worse than ever. 

Lets get to the solution... Try doing do nothing meditation. This form of meditation is great because it doesnt requer any effort at all, you dont need to do any kind of mental of fizical activity, you just need to let your awarness wander wherever it wants and when you notice you are doing something  just to stop doing it. expl. Stop focusing on something or stop thinking mindlessly of something. It might sound crazy that something like this works, but it does trust me. As you continue doing nothing (lol), you will start to remember repressed memories, and emotions will start to surface up, but you might still feel depressed or anxious, atleast for the first month. At the end of the first and second month you will start to see some changes in your mood and your behaviour, things will start to get easier and your mood will start to raise, and you will be able to do things again. You will get insights on why you are depressed, and you will be able to controll your thoughts a bit better. When you start doing the meditation i recommend you dont change anything other than that. Be depressed, be anxious, watch tv or youtube or anything else you are doing, just commit to doing this thing every single day, dont commit to anything else, but commit to this. Whatever happens, whatever you might think of or even if you feel worse than ever, force yourselve to do it. You dont need to do it in any specific time of the day, do it when you have the strenght for it, but do it every single day! At the beginning you will feel realy bad, and you wont want to do it, even after a whole month you might see only little results, but if you stick with it, and do it every single day, in a couple of months you will be depression free. If you prefere start with 10 min and build yourselve up to atleast 20 min a day. Only after a month and half or two, when you feel ready, stop watching mindless tv or youtube, completely stop. Do anything else, lay the whole day in bed if you want and just sleep, just stop watching it. That alone will make you so mutch calmer and motivated for live, you wont believe it, but only a month or two after doing the meditation. Dont do any big changes on the beginning, or you wont be able to handle it, and you will quit all together, only when you feel ready cut tv and youtube once and for all. Commit to doing meditation for one year, even if it doesnt work, commit to doing it for one whole year and see where it brings you, you dont have anything to lose, only to gain.

Dont ever do Psyhodelics when your depressed or are experiencing being completely lost or helpless, and expect some miracle cure or crazy insight that will transform your life, it wont happen! You will experience the worst nightmare trip of your life, and be even more discuraged. Try psyhodelics only when you feel good, after atleast 4,5 months of ongoing meditation.

And one more thing, after you feel a bit better, a good thing is to find some kind of goal you want to obtain, that will keep you moving forward, but only when you feel better and only when your thoughts get clearer and more positive. In my case it is the elimination of my suffering once and for all, no going back anymore.

Props to Leo whome i have to thank for all the knowledge i gathered! I will attach some videos from him that i thing might be helpfull on your journey, i recommend you watch them, and gl. :)



Edited by Wekz

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