
Why coffe is bad?

53 posts in this topic

22 hours ago, rounder said:


@outlandish where is the balance with health benefits though, what type of consumption is going to definitely help? I agree with you so much on the adversity thing. well said

From what I've read, the balance tips at about 6 cups of coffee per day! I can't imagine drinking that much, but beyond six cups the risks outweigh the benefits. This is talking purely in broad terms like life expectancy and cancer rates, and doesn't account for less measurable things like jitters, anxiety, tooth yellowing, quality of sleep and so on - all of which are also valid points against coffee!

18 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I found out recently that your liver loves coffee!

Of course, if you don't like it, that's fine you don't have to drink it. But do you really want to risk dying? :P

12 hours ago, iamnotahumanbeing said:

So is tea still better even though it has caffeine in it?

From what I've read, black tea with milk is probably even better than coffee, black tea without milk is better yet, and even better yet is green tea (no milk of course). I'm not sure how it compares to mate, but I suspect mate and green tea are on par.

Some of the health benefits mentioned above are specific to coffee however, but on the other hand green tea has even greater and different benefits, so green tea should be regarded as the ultimate healthy stimulant beverage. Plus it doesn't stain your teeth.

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I've had periods in life where I drank a lot of it, and at times, none at all. 

I used to drink it regularly, and I didn't like that. Some of the effects I noticed are:

  • Hyperactivity - lower ability to concentrate. 
  • Nervousness - more monkey mind.
  • Headaches when attempting to stop. 
  • Psychological addiction - can't start the morning without it.
  • Needing to urinate a lot - caffeine stimulates bladder activity.
  • In general, sort of the opposite of even-killed state.

But it's not all bad. At times, I do need that boost! For example, if I have a project that I need to work on, or when I'm driving for over 8 hours straight. 

Right now, I'm trying to use coffee on and off. I don't drink it in the morning, because I don't want to depend on it when I wake up. I drink my coffee around 11-12 when I need that 1-hour boost for work. I'm also doing 2-1 or 3-1 routine, where I will have 2 days with coffee and 1 day off. This way I don't get overly addicted, and I'm able to remain very sensitive to it. I only need a tiny amount of coffee to notice the effects.

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@outlandish Take into account the economic interests for funding some of the researches and hiding the others. Especially when we are talking about the food and beverages industries (billions of dollars) and the social norm that coffee "is ok" and not like alcohol. I read about all the famous benefits of coffee but also about the downsides of it + my own experience. I suggest you make serious research about the other side also and try some higher doses of coffee to see what it does to your body, then decide for yourself.

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@ShaharA which of the studies that I linked to has questionable research? If you check out Dr. Greger's site, pretty much all of the health benefits I've posted about are backed up by what he reports on coffee, and he is a guy who is super diligent and sensitive to industry biased research.

I *have* made serious research about the other side, this is why I continue to post this position on here. In fact, 7 years ago I was a lot like you and began phasing out coffee in my life because I had a puritanical idea about needing to not have the chronic habit. However, when I really dug into it, it became obvious that the anti coffee side didn't really have anything to back it up, and that there are little to no negative long term health consequences associated with moderate coffee drinking. On the contrary there are piles of benefits as shown by legitimate medical research.

On top of that, I realized that I really enjoy drinking coffee, and that the idea that coffee is "bad" really comes down to a puritanical outlook with no basis in reality.

I've gone from long periods of no coffee or tea, up to 5 cups a day, and back down again many times, so I'm well aware of how it affects my system. I've now settled on drinking 2 cups a day all before noon. Sometimes I just have one, sometimes 3 if life gets in the way of sleep and I need to push through.

Of course if a person doesn't like how it feels in their body, or mind, it's their prerogative to decide not to drink it. But it's puritanical to tell people that they shouldn't drink coffee, because counter intuitively it's good for you, it's not hard to quit - much easier than alcohol or tobacco for example - and many people thrive on having that extra push in their system.

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@outlandish Thank you for your sharing. I guess I'll have to find out in the next few months what it does to my body. 

By the way, did you find anything interesting regarding coffee and calcium absorption in your research? I couldn't really find some reliable sources about that- Please share with me about that only if you had serious research about that specifically.

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Seems like there's conflicting research on the calcium thing, so it's probably inconclusive at this point.

A single datapoint doesn't say anything generally, but I've had a bone scan done and I have very good bone density, so I'm not personally concerned about calcium at this point.

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Thanks @pluto .

Can anyone report on how quitting coffee has affected their meditation or other spiritual practices?

I have two strong shots of coffee per day, and would say am relatively easily effected by coffee. 

Thank you for your suggestions on alternate drinks to use to ween off.

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The problem I have with everyday coffee consumption is that you develop tolerance. So drinking the same amount, it will become less useful. I don't know how many days are enough to not develop a tolerance, but at least a day or two in between administration. Since I rarely use caffeine a cup of green tea is enough to make me feel the coffee high.

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On 05/02/2019 at 8:14 PM, ShaharA said:

By the way, did you find anything interesting regarding coffee and calcium absorption in your research? I couldn't really find some reliable sources about that- Please share with me about that only if you had serious research about that specifically.

Coffee blocks absorbtion of Iron most of all. The things with calcium that because it is a positively charged ion, and has a alkaline-dominant PH, body often uses it to balance any acidity. Because coffee is quite acidic, excess may end up pulling a bit of calcium from bones. The research on coffee and osteoporosis is quite inconclusive though so hard to say what is the extend of the damage since we have other mechanisms to balance PH such as breathing and kidney excretion. And the bone loss can still be balanced when we get enough calcium and it just gets stored back. 

Edited by Michael569

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@iamnotahumanbeing S.C.A.T

Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol, Tobacco

These are the worst for consciousness work and meditation because they numb our natural abilities/senses and only stimulate the Monkey-Mind further. If i do these often i become an egomaniac thus why i do not because it goes against my true nature and i end up suffering greatly.

All legal drugs but psychedelics(the opposite effect) remain illegal.

Its always been a war on consciousness not on drugs themselves.



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1 hour ago, pluto said:

@iamnotahumanbeing S.C.A.T

Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol, Tobacco

These are the worst for consciousness work and meditation because they numb our natural abilities/senses and only stimulate the Monkey-Mind further. If i do these often i become an egomaniac thus why i do not because it goes against my true nature and i end up suffering greatly.

All legal drugs but psychedelics(the opposite effect) remain illegal.

Its always been a war on consciousness not on drugs themselves.


youre right


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Studies and Researchers found that people who drink coffee regularly may have an 11% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than non-drinkers and the ingredients in coffee that can affect levels of hormones involved in metabolism. People who drank several cups a day actually had a lower risk of stroke. Heart experts say the benefits may come from coffee’s effect on the blood vessels. And by keeping vessels flexible and healthy, it may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, which can cause heart attacks.

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