
Resisting what is

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Just be at peace....you can add socks to that peace but if you have no socks then you are still being at peace....with cold feet.

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Surrendering is not what the ego make it out to be.

Surrendering is non psychological reaction to something unpleasant to your body/mind.

It's not about suppressing desire, it's about accepting the situation if you can't do anything about it.


In your exemple, if you're cold and can use something not to be, the logical course of action is to accept that you are cold, then seek for something to not be cold, and if you can't, accept that too.

You would just experience a perception, neither good or bad.

It works the same way for mental suffering, sadness or whatever «negative» emotion is just a perception too.

Surrendering doesn't change anything, there is just no added mental resistance, suffering.


Even, let's say, having your arm chopped off can be surrendered to, and you would not suffer from the pain, you would just experience the physical pain.

That's what happens when people get tortured, the torturer knows that at some point his victim will stop suffering and will never give any info after that.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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4 hours ago, Shin said:



In your exemple, if you're cold and can use something not to be, the logical course of action is to accept that you are cold, then seek for something to not be cold, 


What if I want to practice feeling pain without suffering? Surely then the logical course of action would be to torture myself until I surrender. Because as it happens, I do have warm socks, but hypothetically there might be a situation in the future where they were not available, so why not see if I can be at peace whatever the external conditions?

I mean, someone like Eckhart Tolle says he 'enjoys every moment'...surely then he has learned to be happy even when he is in pain. Why would one seek to remove pain when one is not suffering?

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10 minutes ago, EvilAngel said:

What if I want to practice feeling pain without suffering? Surely then the logical course of action would be to torture myself until I surrender. Because as it happens, I do have warm socks, but hypothetically there might be a situation in the future where they were not available, so why not see if I can be at peace whatever the external conditions?

I mean, someone like Eckhart Tolle says he 'enjoys every moment'...surely then he has learned to be happy even when he is in pain. Why would one seek to remove pain when ...



Sure you can.

No need though, life will throw enough challenges at you,

Don't worry about that ???


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Right. But this, and the other questions were about the life you, awareness, is ‘living’.

16 hours ago, Nahm said:

What “original question” did I ask about resistance or confusion?

Is there choice outside of “the psychological realm”?    

I mean, if someone is capable of supporting themself, but is being supported by someone else, that current situation would be what is, and they are not acting. Would they not consider the person involved who is supporting them? Would this be delusion, or rather failure to act? Or are you saying it is as simple as only when you “need” to act, you act? (Like borderline starvation, or perhaps when the the other person loses their income) but does this not put the need to act, and therefore the act, contingent on time?

How do you arrive at “if I need to support myself”?  Isn’t that a given, at maturity / when one is capable of supporting one’s self, one does?



Do you, awareness, make any decisions, is essentially what I’m wondering. Like getting gainful employment, etc, or do you, awareness, “live” via someone else financially supporting you?

This is a question about Jack, you, The One. Not so much about “psychological becoming”, etc, etc.

Sometimes “what is” is used to avoid one’s own psychology & responsibilities, and not face what is. 



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Allow the resistance. Sit and do nothing. 

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Do you, awareness, make any decisions, is essentially what I’m wondering.

Decisions are for function. To respond to physical conditions. 


2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Like getting gainful employment, etc, or do you, awareness, “live” via someone else financially supporting you?

For me personally I am not a routine type of dude. I live very simply/minimally. I refuse to play the 9-5 game. So as of now and for the past few years give surf lessons. Also have done some lifeguarding in the LA area. But I act by my heart(not emotions). 


2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Sometimes “what is” is used to avoid one’s own psychology & responsibilities, and not face what is. 

That is still psychological becoming(resistance). 

As I wrote originally..Any action taken by choosing between “should I, or should I not change something”, is still based on the response of memory and is still resistance to what is. 

Facing what-is will never feel like you are making a trade, sacrificing one thing for another, living a mere ‘tolerant’  relationship with myself/others. 

Facing what-is is not of choice/decision. It is freedom without that limitation. 

Edited by Jack River

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16 hours ago, Jack River said:
18 hours ago, Nahm said:

Or are you saying it is as simple as only when you “need” to act, you act? (Like borderline starvation, or perhaps when the the other person loses their income) but does this not put the need to act, and therefore the act, contingent on time?


No. That would be using thought where it doesn’t belong(psyche) and not using thought for what it is intended for(planning-anticipating etc). Good question.

This is a great discussion.  Who/what determines where thought does or doesn't belong?  How do you know for what thought is intended?

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2 minutes ago, BadBird said:

Who/what determines where thought does or doesn't belong?  How do you know for what thought is intended?

Good question..

“you” don’t. The you that determines, is that content of determinative conditions. These conditions are are that of experience/knowledge, as is this “you”. 

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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Jack River

You didn’t actually answer in your responses, but I appreciate it and have a much better idea where you’re coming from. Thanks. 


Where am I coming from? 

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19 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Jack River Not wanting to answer those questions apparently, or you’re thinking you did which could imply some fragmentation. I don’t want to assume though. 

Oh the subtleties of fragmentation heh. This exchange is so revealing isn’t it. Look back at these posts and look for some clues of fragmentation. 

Isnt it beautiful how a conversation will make clear the muddle and reveal the  what-is. ?

Edited by Jack River

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@Nahm we haven’t changed much over the last 2-300 hundred thousand plus years heh. :)

Edited by Jack River

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On 2019-01-21 at 7:48 PM, EvilAngel said:

Say your feet are cold. Should you do anything to change this or just accept it? Surely going by the logic of many spiritual teachers, there is no need to change something external like cold feet, as this would be "resisting what is". 

What do you think?

Both things are fine to do. Some times you'll do one and some times you'll do the other. The resistance to what is comes from the mind. Let's say you actually can't do much about your cold feet, then resistance might come up in the mind. Thoughts like "Why didn't I bring warmer shoes" "Why did I go outside in the first place". These are resistance to what is and if you believe them they will cause you to suffer.

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@Jack River Hey, for what it’s worth, the “9 - 5” is really an old perspective / projection.  If you dropped the identification with “not one for the 9 - 5” you might be pleasantly surprised there are lots of ways to financially support yourself otherwise, and lots of people available to help you. 



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35 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Jack River Hey, for what it’s worth, the “9 - 5” is really an old perspective / projection.  If you dropped the identification with “not one for the 9 - 5” you might be pleasantly surprised there are lots of ways to financially support yourself otherwise, and lots of people available to help you. 

I’m aware there are a lot of ways. But I personally like the way I live. A little extra money would never hurt ofcourse. But for now I am purely interested in putting all my energy in awareness/ground of being. I’m still fresh without a head. But if i am ready to put more time in earning some extra cash I will hit you up. That was an invitation, yes? 

Edited by Jack River

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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Jack River I’d offer anything help wise absolutely, but I do believe there are other people on the forum who know better. 

I like this nahm?

thanks dude. When I am looking for another means, or extra means, I will hit you up. Thanks for your generosity my good dude?

Edited by Jack River

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