
Is there a difference between pain and suffering?

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Can you experience extreme pain and not suffer? If you are present enough? I feel slightly sick just now but I do not need to suffer because it is not me who is feeling the pain, it is my body (which is not me). Bear with me while I let this stream of consciousness flow. It is helping me to stay present. And I am finding that, indeed, as I type there is pain, yet no suffering. Perhaps this is due to the fact that my mind is occupied, however, even as I concentrate on typing, I am also aware of my inner body and my breathing. So I am not completely removed from the pain that is present. It is there and I can see it, however I do not suffer, as I am completely "here and now". It feels pretty good...there is an alertness and acceptance, and surrender to what is. However, my ego seeks validation from others, it is not completely satisfied on it's own. That's partly why I write this post. This has been an interesting exercise, inspired somewhat by someone's suggestion in my "Depressed" thread. (I am writing down my thoughts in order to gain a clearer perspective on the workings of my mind). It is pretty cathartic, so thanks to whoever that was.

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What is suffering? Is it the pain itself or the perception of pain? Can it be modified? I got a glimpse of pain perceptions when as a kid I discovered I could use mind to raise my pain tolerance. Now imagine what a highly disciplined monk could do! 

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2 hours ago, EvilAngel said:

Can you experience extreme pain and not suffer?

Yes if you're in the experience of "I'm not the body, I'm not even the mind."

If there's a distinction between  what is you and what is your mind, what is you and what is your body then you can't suffer.

Pain is in the body. Suffering is in your mind because of identity with body. If you brake the identity with the body. Whatever is happening in body, mind doesnt react to it. Because as far as mind is concern it isn't even happening to him.

You can burn of fire and experience the pain and still be in blissed out state of experience.

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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@EvilAngel you can say there is just suffering

Shinzen Young forumula: Suffering = Pain x Resistance


if there is no pain, but 0 resistance to it, you get 0 suffering.


take depression for example, removing the story revolving around that state and just investigating the physical / body emotions being felt... they mean nothing.. maybe just a contracted feeling... but if they aren't resisted, there is no suffering... and resistance is usually your story about that situation... as in your other topic you created... "resisting what is" 

do not resist that pain and you get no suffering


but certainty jump out of the way of an oncoming car while crossing the road!

Love Is The Answer

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@EvilAngel pain is the first sensation. the gut sensation, in a sense.

suffering comes when you don't take responsibility for your pain.

when my parents die, i'll feel pain. and i'll feel A LOT of pain. maybe for an entire week or even two weeks. but i won't be like "oh i should have done this and that. i shouldn't have done this and that"... that's useless suffering.

unborn Truth

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you should use it as spiritual practice, go past the pain, what is the awareness currently behind it? is it the one who is suffering and in pain 

pain and suffering in my opinion are one in the same thing 

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My wisdom tooth tends to hurt to some extent these days. I agree;

No self - no suffering.

The less thought about it - the weaker the notion of it.

There is something, a sensation. It could be labeled as pain. But not if there is no one there to label anything.

Presence seems to be curative, indeed.

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i am in pain i am not in pain

i am suffering i am not suffering 

both are in of itself false notions to truth 

but you will ultimately feel the pain and not the suffering by choice

is "which came first is it the chicken or the egg" not the name of the game we are all trying the play here today

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