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emptiness is form and form is emptiness

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what if 

emptiness - empty of fullness,                 absolute emptiness - empty of the word emptiness, making it totally empty of anything , as in does not exsist 

nothingness- nothing if something        absolute nothingness- did not exsist in the first place, was not even there, but is there as something. 

void - an area with nothing inside except itself  absolute void - does not exsist inside void 

doesn't exsist - exsistance from non exsistance    absolute non exsistance - does not exsist at all 



none of these words can actual encapsulate what it means to be itself non exsistance because of their counter parts, 

what if what was actual was that: none of it exist,  i don't mean one second was there and next minute does not, i mean the most rawest nihilistic way that you can put non exsistance, without the use of time, space, location, form, colour, isness , wasness, thereness, sexyness, literally without anythingness. see i don't mean draw a concept in your minds eye about what it is because its simple the very thing doesn't exsist. 

lets do practical in actuality

pick up a can of your favourite drink (can even be water) , look at it as if it doesn't exsist in front of your vision right now 

trick: you have to image yourself that you don't exsist aswell 

so the perceiver subject/ object vanishes 

but this is not the point lol... 

everything comes form the thing that does not exsist at all (nothingness) but you can't imagine nothingness its always dualistic

so what is non exsistance - the being in everything 

the emptiness itself! 

that emptiness creates form :D  so i mean lol the very thing you hear. see , smell , everything literally is just the formless 

as the buddist say 

emptiness is form and form is emptiness


btw i'm not actually contemplating, i'm just sharing my results lol! 

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I spent a long time running away from paradox only to be forced to learn to embrace it when it knocked at the door. 

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@Shadowraix  what was your experience of it, so far? if you don't mind saying it that is. people obviously like to remain sincere and nice about it but i'm just curious for joyful reasons. 

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