
Met a girl..

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To make a long story short. I met this really cool girl through an online game we both play and we have been talking to eachother everyday for over 6 months, we call and video chat sometimes too. There is a mutal attraction to say the least ha. Idk if it will turn into anything serious because she lives in estonia (europe) and im in the states. But we really want to see eachother and im pretty set on visiting her for a couple weeks. I need advice on non attachment, its hard not getting attached. I know situations like this almost never work out in the long run but the way im trying to view the situation is like an invitation from the universe, lets just go and see what happens, worst case scenario i still get to travel out of country for the first time. Something i would have never considered a year or 2 ago.  Let me know your thoughts. There may be a part 2 to this if i feel up to talk about it.


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Impossible to not get attached if you are attached to the body mind...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Go do it without expecting a thing! 

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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„Invitation from the Universe“ xD Dick thinking is the best for creating funny excuses/stories... I mean, go for it, I just bursted out laughing when reading it :D 

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@Worldclassbullshit Do not bend over backwards for her. Only do this if she is equally invested in it. Otherwise she's likely to flake.

You should be talking dirty with her by this point and she should be really into it. If she's being cold about it, big red flag.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura bending over backwards how? Being the one to travel there first?

oh we have been talking dirty and sharing pics and all that fun stuff for awhile now, she is really into it :p.




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On 1/23/2019 at 5:40 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Worldclassbullshit Do not bend over backwards for her. Only do this if she is equally invested in it. Otherwise she's likely to flake.

You should be talking dirty with her by this point and she should be really into it. If she's being cold about it, big red flag.

Yo man are you serious? Does every attraction follow with talking dirty? Made me laugh a bit.

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36 minutes ago, vpandey said:

Does every attraction follow with talking dirty?


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@Worldclassbullshit Why do you desire an intimate relationship with an unconscious illusion? It will only lead to suffering. Transcend this desire and realise that true bliss comes with just Being. And to Be, you require nothing. Anything else is an illusion.

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@OneWithAll You keep giving the same answer. It may be true, but it really doesn't help in this context.

This forum section is for those who want to master relationships, not transcending them.


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@Worldclassbullshit Traveling from the states to Esotonia is a big ordeal and investment. I wouldn’t put any expectations. I’d go with the intention of just meeting a cool person and exploring esotonia and perhaps nearby countries. Get a feel for how into it she is about it. I visited a gal in Prague and we didn’t connect too much f2f. I spent about half the time exploring solo and had an amazing trip.

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@F A B Many when I was unconscious. Now, I have zero desire for a relationship. It is an illusion.

This goes for any relationship, even with what you would call 'family' - which is another concept and illusion. I detached from those unconscious illusions a long time ago and I bask in the bliss of Being.

Being can only be achieved in pure solitude.

Edited by OneWithAll

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18 minutes ago, F A B said:

@OneWithAll how many experiences have you with relationships?

I ask this question because many people bullshit relationships without even having tried one! 

I'm happy to hear it is not your case :)

Personally, I don't see relationships as suffering and as an illusion. For me, there is more than that.

I find beautiful to create deep connections with others. When I was a child and my mom used to take care of me, it wasn't an illusion, it was love.


22 minutes ago, OneWithAll said:

Being can only be achieved in pure solitude.

Anyway, I'm not ranting against solitude.  


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@F A B The issue is that you are seeing other beings as 'other', when they are not. So essentially, it is an illusion. If that being is unconscious, they are an illusion. When they are conscious, they have no desire for a mutual relationship. Does that make sense?

I remember a time when I loved this one girl. More than anything. More than life itself. More than the infinite universe. I felt it. But I knew that it wasn't real. I forced myself away from her. I went quiet and avoided her. I knew that 'she' wasn't interested in me like anyway, and coupled with her being an illusion within my egoic mind, I couldn't bear the suffering. I have never felt pain like it. And I hope I never do again. I think of her sometimes. Sometimes I cannot help it, she just enters my mind. It is pain that I would not wish on anything. It's almost as if the materialists are correct to an extent, that I have a hard wired desire to share my time within this dream with that girl. But I know this is false, and I have to bring myself back into the present.

Enough about that. Just be careful.

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@OneWithAll Bro breakups are difficult for everybody. Don't quit just because one experiment has gone wrong.


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@F A B We didn't break up. I never pursued it. I had to end the friendship as it was based on an illusion within my egoic mind. Sorry to hijack the thread.

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@F A B  Sounds to me as though you're only interested in not being single and sex, that is very basic, you can go further for sure.

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