
Be the 1%

2 posts in this topic

I forget the exact statistics but around 90% of people who try self help get a little to nothing out of it. The 1-9% get a decent amount of growth out of it, and there's the 1% who get a whollllleee lot of life changing information and growth.

The other 90% are too lazy, do not have enough discipline, don't take it seriously enough and end up wasting their money and their lives by not grabbing the little bits of wisdom along the way, implementing them for a sufficient amount of time and taking fucking action.

I am one of those 90% of people. The life purpose course was purchased in December 2016, I have made it through maybe a third of it. - Imagine where I could be 3 years later by listening to this strange personal intuition from the universe.

A common place was created in December 2016 to try and create some direction and growth in my life. Very little entries have been made, the books read and audio books listened to have gone in one ear and out the other.

Meditation and self discovery - This is something that I feel incredibly interested in and once again, have fallen off the bandwagon with laziness, mundane distractions and external entertainment which personally, I don't find all that interesting anyway.

Then there's this nagging, impulsive feeling and thought in the back of my head; you're wasting your precious time, you don't know anything about yourself, you're being a slave to the system and not taking any fucking action, not creating the life you want to live and just coasting away like everyone else.

But have you seen everyone else? They are miserable, stressed out, controlled by irrational thoughts and emotions and constantly looking for external gratification.

I am Doobz and I am the other 90%. But things have to and will change now. I will not continue on like this. I will create some direction in life, I will be meditating frequently and I will create a life that I am proud of.

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