Conserve your energy and time for important things

By CreamCat in Personal Development -- [Main],
Do these, and your energy level will spike up to a god level. Energy Output Conserve your energy for important things (This makes a big difference in your daily energy level) Be very choosy about what to do, think, and talk. Don't sweat your energy on meaningless chatter which is going to drain your energy quickly. TV, YouTube, and Netflix can drain your time and energy effectively. Listening to exciting music can also drain your energy. Don't listen to music too long or too often. NoFap // Quit porn entirely, or at least control the interval between which you masturbate. Workout It increases your energy and improves your health. Work out every 2~3 days. Energy Input Eat protein and complex carbohydrates(e.g. grains and starch) to fuel your mind and body for hours.
Simple carbohydrates(e.g. sugar) run out pretty quickly. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
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