
Do you eat meat?

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And why or why not? Elaborate answers are always appreciated!

Edited by Amun

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Contributing to the suffering on countless sentient beings is not cool. Go vegan.

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1 minute ago, Arhattobe said:

Contributing to the suffering on countless sentient beings is not cool. Go vegan.



Anyone who starts talking about nihilism/meaninglessness Im going to call brown bear 

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I eat meat but in smaller quantities mixed with lots of greens. I'm quite sensitive to filler foods like beans and grains. For me health will always trump "morality".

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@Consilience ❣️

@ivory That’s a “self involved” and “dikish” view with no regard for “suffering”

Edited by Arhattobe

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5 minutes ago, ivory said:

I eat meat but in smaller quantities mixed with lots of greens. I'm quite sensitive to filler foods like beans and grains. For me health will always trump "morality".

Let me slice your puppy and send the dead parts to some food chain in China.

I bet the morality card will start to make a lot of sense xD 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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15 minutes ago, Arhattobe said:


@ivory That’s a “self involved” and “dikish” view with no regard for “suffering”

Just because one eats meat doesn't mean they have no regard for suffering. I have health issues that have taken me years to get a handle on. I found the diet that works for me through lots of research and experimentation. You're not being open minded nor are you speaking from personal experience.

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@Amun Experience a month or two without meat, sugar, bread, etc - the usual suspects. What does it matter what anyone else’s experience is? 



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I eat meat,  usually get sucked into it due to social situations and I grew up eating meat so it can be hard to avoid it. 

These days I eat much, much less of it.  

But I'm going to make a point, if you eat that shit from supermarkets, those caged animals that see no sunlight, don't get any exercise, die from utter exhaustion and mistreatment, fed the cheapest grains or other vile fillers (even corpses), where they use antibiotics to counter the shit hole disease ridden areas,  then yeah don't cry when you get cancer or other illnesses. 

This is something that our ancestor's didn't have, animals were raised more naturally. 

Eating maggots would probably be healthier than meat from mass production meat farms. 

If you catch wild animals that's completely a different quality.

But again meat is harder to digest and integrate so I feel better integrating plants with no conscious memories into my system. 

Also meat farms are bad for the environment and global warming. 

So it's all bad, you should only eat meat if you can't get all your nutrition through a varied healthy plant diet. 

So yes I'm an asshole for eating meat and so is most of humanity right now. 

Right now humanity is like cancer, multiplying rapidly, refusing to die when our life cycle is complete, and devouring the host. (earth) 

We'll either destroy the planet or wisen up to stabilise our damage control and keep things in balance. 

Both are realistic possibilities. 

Right now though humans are to ignorant to care more about the environment, their taste buds are more important which is rather sad in the grand scheme of things. 

Edited by alankrillin

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@Mikael89  who cares what tolle does. 

“Should you be a dick?”

”some enlightened dude was, so I say yes.” Lol

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I eat meat because I believe it to be healthy. It tastes good, and makes me feel good. If you have enough awareness, you will notice for yourself which foods are good or bad for you, because they make you FEEL a certain way. Also, we need B vitamins in our diet, and meat is the main source of B vitamins. 

Humans have always eaten meat. Why do you think we have canines? (teeth) They are for ripping meat. Meat is an essential part of our diet. 

Personally, the vegans I've seen don't look healthy to me.

Edited by EvilAngel

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Jesus and maharaj didn’t live in a society that treated animals the way factory farms do. 

They also didn’t have the information about the level of suffering factoring farming causes millions of people.

They were ignorant on the topic.

Regardless my point stands. 

Dont be a dick just because some dude you think is super woke was a dick.



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Don't be ignorant. 

Raising in a tribe somewhere in the Amazon where you might get eaten or poisened by wild life is fair game, and nature. 

Being raised in a prison cage in solitary confinement where you would rather die than live on is horrible. 

We are the only creature on earth to create a real hell for other beings purely for greed. The truth is we have more than enough farms and lands to survive easily on fruit and veggies.  Its really a taste bud thing.

And the biggest food industry which is junk food is doing a real good job get masses to get addicted to it at their health expense solely to make profit for the greedy ceos, who don't mind making the population unhealthy as long they get thier money. 


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When I make a meal I ask my body what it wants. It loves milk, and vegetables. When I am more active it will want eggs, and sometimes some fish or steak. If o was vegan I would have chia seeds instead of eggs, but from direct experience, eggs digest so much better and give me more energy. For another person chia seeds would be more in harmony with their unique body. 

I have seen many people online hurt their physical bodies (the tissue, the gut lining, weakening the immune system, too much fiber, eating foods they are allergic to) by adhering to moral philosophies or diet regimes with the best of intentions. And I have done this too, I was a fruitarian for a few months. The body always knows best, and for most people they need meat a few times a week to be at optimal health (to get all the micronutrients, and hormones and to stay in energetic balance). 

Physical activity, and emotional and mental activity; including our environment and the people we interact with change our food requirements daily. The best advice I have listened to is listening to my own body by putting my awareness in my digestive organs while I eat something and feeling how well that food digests, the energy levels, and if I feel “strong” and nourished. Equally best advice I was given is to choose foods that the body is asking for when I’m at the fridge.

I have also found that the blood type diet and food combining to be highly accurate (in order of importance) for me which was recommended by my health consultant if anyone wants a general model for what your body digests the best. 

Everything is the white light expressing itself into reality. Animals and vegetables are forms the white light is expressing as. Everything is God. This helps me see all moral philosophies from a greater perspective, as lacking the understanding of this truth which makes us choose foods that aren’t benefiting us. 

This is the same with exercise. Everyone spiritual wants to do yoga, but why not do surfing or hiking or weight lifting? It’s the same story. It’s best to look at where our beliefs are coming from versus direct experience. Eat some meat and directly experience what happens. You don’t turn into an animal and you don’t explode I’ve found. I’ve never been as spiritual on this flexitarian diet actually or healthy or with compassion for animals. Eating meat and compassion for animals aren’t related. I love animals so much. And nature. I could talk about this forever!

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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5 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Arhattobe So I should be a not-dick just because some dude I think are not so woke is a not-dick? (You.)

This is all within the dream-illusion/game. A appearance. The game of polarity of good and bad etc. So it doesn't matter which you choose. It only matters if you want to play the game or if you mistake it for reality.

Reality is actually a paradox between real and dream. 

Trust me if we tortured you to death you'd quickly come around to conclusion that it's real. 

Maybe there is a reason why Jesus screamed God why have you forsaken me before he died. 

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Also science is catching up

Meat is getting a lot of bad rep from science these days and a lot reports one how little to none we should eat of it. 

Wait until they discover how bad mass produced meat farms quality is for the body. 

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@Amun From the perspective of the ethical standards that I operate from in most situations eating meat is unjustifiable and evil. However, I am a hypocrite and am comfortable being one because meat tastes good. I am discriminatory towards the suffering of animals, just because they are less intelligent and I can shut down the empathy I feel for them. I wonder if future generations of humans will look down upon our generation of meat eaters the same way that this current generation of humans looks down on past civilisations for the evils of human slavery and other things. 

One thing I'm curious about is what is the quality of consciousness of an animal. What would it feel like to be an animal, I wonder. Im not a biologist but I wonder if for instance, a newly born human infant and an animal in a slaughter house maybe have similar levels of intelligence and emotional depth to their experience. And if a a newly born human infant is comparable to an animal, why is killing one acceptable whilst the killing the other is not? 

(PS I am not advocating that you kill babies btw.........)

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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@Mikael89 has nothing to do with wokeness, but compassion, empathy and decency. 

Also drop the it’s a dream so it doesn’t matter bs. When you have a nightmare you want it to stop. Even if you become lucid of the fact that you are dreaming.


Edited by Arhattobe

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No, I'm vegan.

Eating meat is worse for the environment, not sattvic, and it causes suffering when you could survive just fine without doing so.

Transitioning to veganism may possibly be difficult for some, but it's a worthy goal. If you haven't already, try being mindful of the impact your meal is having on others, such as animals, your mind, and the planet.


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